
Voice (music) lessons in Hong Kong

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6 voice (music) teachers in Hong Kong

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6 voice (music) teachers in Hong Kong

Trusted teacher: Discover your unique sound and your true potential, for your profession, for fun, or for expression. Through my exercises, specialized advice, and personified coaching, you will learn how to sing properly, without stress. * no more pain after rehearsals * no more limitations * no more fear and insecurity Learn how to sing higher, lower, and stronger. Learn everything about techniques, singing styles, and correct breathing. Increase your stamina and your range, and enrich your singing sound! Moreover, learn tips and techniques for professional recordings, and for enhancing your stage presence. Correct pronunciation with orthophony, and get small fixes that make a huge difference. Singing is easy to get started with, but difficult to master. With the right guidance and feedback, you can build the strong foundations you need to start your musical endeavors. _ Improve your health and build a voice that sounds like no one else's! Every voice is as unique as a thumbprint! During lessons, we will discover together your strengths and weaknesses, work on your personalized goals, and sing your favorite songs. We will analyze your favorite artists and learn from their techniques. We will do pitch or tempo training if necessary, and we will forge your unique performing style. All contemporary singing styles and all musical styles are welcome. As your teacher, I will always make sure to be able to demonstrate anything you might have to do, be that in an exercise or in a song. Send me a message with any of your questions, and let's talk about why you love to sing!
Singing · Voice (music) · Music theory lessons
Trusted teacher: "SVILUPPA IL TUO POTENZIALE CANORO E AFFINA LA TUA PERSONALITA' ARTISTICA" Nel corso degli anni, Roberto ha imparato moderne tecniche come Slp (Speech Level Singing), VoiceCraft e CvT (Complete Vocal Technique). Roberto afferma: "Credo fortemente che un bravo insegnante sia colui che può tirare fuori e sviluppare il potenziale e la personalità dello studente senza rinchiuderlo in libri, nozioni e inutili gabbie mentali, trappole in cui è molto facile cadere". È un cantautore, un compositore, un chitarrista, crooner ed un ex cantante d'opera. Classe 1984, combina la vita da cantautore con quella di jazz crooner esibendosi con diverse big band e artisti jazz tra Italia e Olanda. Inoltre, ha una lista impressionante di collaborazioni artistiche che includono nomi come Mario Rosini, la West Coast big band, Ed Partyka, Berend van der Berg, David Marez Oyens, Arno Van Nieuwenhuize, Niek van Wiggen, Owen Hart Jr, Eric Doelman, Udo van Boven, Dena de Rose, Susanne Abbuehl, Francesca Tandoi, Claudio de Rosa Jr e molti altri. Ha lavorato come solista e corista in molte produzioni con direttori di fama internazionale dopo essersi diplomato in musica classica come basso-baritono. Nel 2018 ha pubblicato l'album "Senza Troppo Rumore," dimostrando la sua versatilità e creatività come musicista. Nel 2021 ha anche pubblicato un nuovo album intitolato "Welcome" sotto l'etichetta Digressione Musica. Roberto è stato riconosciuto per la sua eccellenza musicale vincendo diversi premi, tra cui il Premio Bellaballa radio Festival (2010), Musica Controcorrente (2011), Musica è (2010), Premio F.I.O.F.A. (2010), e il Music Gallery (2022). "DEVELOP YOUR VOCAL POTENTIAL AND HONE YOUR ARTISTIC PERSONALITY" Over the years, Roberto has acquired modern techniques such as Slp (Speech Level Singing), VoiceCraft, and CvT (Complete Vocal Technique). Roberto firmly believes that a great teacher is someone who can help a student unleash and cultivate their potential and artistic personality without confining them within books, preconceived notions, and unnecessary mental constraints, which are all too easy to fall into. He is a singer-songwriter, composer, guitarist, crooner, and former opera singer. Born in 1984, he seamlessly combines a life as a singer-songwriter with that of a jazz crooner, performing with various big bands and jazz artists in Italy and the Netherlands. Moreover, he boasts an impressive list of artistic collaborations, including names like Mario Rosini, the West Coast big band, Ed Partyka, Berend van der Berg, David Marez Oyens, Arno Van Nieuwenhuize, Niek van Wiggen, Owen Hart Jr, Eric Doelman, Udo van Boven, Dena de Rose, Susanne Abbuehl, Francesca Tandoi, Claudio de Rosa Jr, and many others. After graduating in classical music as a bass-baritone, he worked as a soloist and chorister in numerous productions under the direction of internationally renowned conductors. In 2018, he released the album "Senza Troppo Rumore," showcasing his versatility and creativity as a musician. In 2021, he also released a new album titled "Welcome" under the Digressione Musica label. Roberto has received recognition for his musical excellence, having won several awards, including the Bellaballa Radio Festival Award (2010), Musica Controcorrente (2011), Musica è (2010), Premio F.I.O.F.A. (2010), and the Music Gallery Award (2022).
Jazz music · Music theory lessons · Voice (music)
Trusted teacher: With my expertise of teaching over 300 students, having Bachelors and Masters Degree in jazz singing from the Royal Conservatory of The Hague, success in several contests, attended lessons, masterclasses and workshops from professionals - I believe I can be a great contribution to your daily life with engaging singing or piano lessons. 👇 BACKGROUND: Dominyka is a professional singer, singing, and piano teacher that is currently based in The Hague. She plays piano, violin and writes her own music. Over the past decade, she graduated from the Royal Conservatory in The Netherlands with Bachelor's and Master's degrees in jazz singing and in pedagogical minor studies. She had a chance to participate in various music festivals as a singer, have concerts of her own, be behind the scenes in various TV shows, and win several vocal competitions, and she truly developed her ears and her knowledge that she is now also able to help others to find their own unique singing voice. She has developed her knowledge of vocal technique, CVT method, stage presence, body language, storytelling, composition, writing, improvisation and so on. with various great teachers from all over the world. As well as, she had the honour to participate in workshops of Snarky Puppy, Dianne Reeves, Dena DeRose, Bob Stoloff, Norma Winstone, Magda Mayas, Fay Classon, etc. In addition, she took a course with Stevie Mackey, and Cheryl Porter and had lessons with Natalie Weiss. Dominyka has a passion for music production and currently she is learning more about mixing. 👇 MOTIVATION: "I feel like voice is a unique thing and music is such a good therapy. I believe everyone can sing, and I believe that everyone could sing greatly if they are patient and put work in it." - Dominyka 👇 LESSONS: I whole-heartedly promise that with our singing lessons, you will learn more about your own voice and that you will develop your own sound as a singer. My students prove time and time again that they enjoy the lessons very much and they notice clear improvements themselves. We work on warm-ups/warm-downs, breath support and its control, sound projection, how the larynx, jaw, and tongue work and can function freely, vowel placement, vocal effects, vocal color, dynamics, articulation, stage presence, high notes - power singing (belting), jazz improvisation, vocal improvisation, interpretations, rhythmic variations, and so much more. My goal for you is to have the best time and spend lesson time wisely while we achieve the best results in singing. If there is a wish, I can also help you to broaden your knowledge about the repertoire that is suiting to your voice color, recording sessions, live performance situations, "a workout plan for singing", songwriting/composing, music theory, ear-training, solfeggio, and such. I recognise that every voice is unique, and that's why my singing lessons are customised to suit each individual student. The focus is on building a strong foundation in vocal technique, honing performance skills, and curating a versatile repertoire that aligns with your musical aspirations. Whether you're a beginner or a more experienced singer, I am here to help you reach your goals. I aim to instil confidence and encourage individuality as I am very adaptable with my teaching methods because everybody processes information differently. And what’s more... It is enjoyable and fulfilling. So therefore, I can help all who are interested in finding their own authentic voice! 👇 P.S. All styles are welcome! (pop/jazz/RnB/musicals/and so on) If you wish to learn how to play piano, read the notes, learn basic or advanced music theory, practice solfeggio, or learn more about jazz harmony - reach out to me because I teach that as well. See you soon :)
Singing · Voice (music) · Piano
Trusted teacher: My name is Eman, I'm a certified Voice & Speech Therapist at Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. Working at Demrdash Hospital & Ain Shams Specialized Hospital as a Voice & Speech Therapist. I trained as a voice therapist and also completed advanced training in the Alexander technique, the Smith accent method in voice therapy. In addition to, I've completed my Bachelor and Master's studies at "Child Education" specialized in Speech and Language Disorders at Faculty of Early Childhood Education, Cairo University, Egypt. Recently, studying PhD in Speech & voice disorders at Faculty of Early Childhood Education, Cairo University, Egypt. I offer online via zoom and webcam sessions (have flexibility to change schedules if it's necessary) for: Voice therapy sessions for (Adults & Children) patients who have voice disorders due to: 1- Organic causes: physiological voice disorders that result from alterations in respiratory, laryngeal, or vocal tract mechanisms. A) Structural: organic voice disorders that result from physical changes in the vocal mechanism, such as: - Polyps. - Vocal Nodules. - Edema - Cysts on the vocal cords, growths that aren't cancer. B) Neurogenic causes: organic voice disorders that result from problems with the central or peripheral nervous system innervation to the larynx that affect functioning of the vocal mechanism, such as: - Vocal tremor. - Spasmodic dysphonia. - Vocal fold paralysis. - Vocal cord paralysis or weakness. 2- Functional causes: voice disorders that result from inefficient use of the vocal mechanism when the physical structure is normal, such as: - Vocal fatigue. - Muscle tension Dysphonia or Aphonia. - Diplophonia.
Voice (music)
(11 reviews)
Yanick - Lyon, France£36
Trusted teacher: Share a vocal technique based on the organic functioning of the body and its possibilities of producing a free and healthy sound. Each session is adapted to the specific needs of the student, to respond to technical problems of emission or interpretation and always keeping our relationship between body and voice. The objective is to acquire effective vocal flexibility in order to achieve the envisaged sung voice quality. Through a multidisciplinary methodology, we will be able to discover and stimulate the possibilities of your voice applied to the style of your desire (Pop, lyric / classical, Broadway or musical, variety, jazz, current song, etc.). These courses are aimed at all levels (From beginners to confirmed) and from 10 years old. The session is divided into 3 parts: -Warming up and work of the breath: We will work starting from exercises of bodily technique to reach a physical availability and a concentration centered on oneself and the present moment. The goal is also to release our daily tensions and resume an active posture by linking the pleasure of freedom and muscle relaxation to the work of singing. To this work we will add different breathing and breathing exercises, to start activating and mastering the way in which we accompany the release of our raw material when singing: air. The work of abdominal breathing is encouraged throughout the session. -Vocalize and affirmation of a healthy vocal technique: Through different vocal exercises, the student will work consciously to learn to recognize his bodily sensations, for the acquisition of a vocal technique based on pronunciation, breath as well as '' a work of resonance to allow a natural amplification. Listening to the teacher is important to guide a healthy program in order to avoid taking bad habits and to develop a solid technique that leads to student autonomy. - Musical piece and practice: Taking into account the musical and artistic desires of the student, we will work on songs and songs (in accordance with his level) to put into practice all the work undertaken during the session. The purpose of this work is to constitute a repertoire which is specific to the student and which guarantees him a free and comfortable vocal practice between the different musical works. Thus, we will work on the interpretation of the pieces, with the different nuances of styles, accompanied by a work of the lyrics in the phonetics of different languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian, German) while keeping a voice that is clean to the student. The most important thing is that the student acquires the technical tools and means to achieve his musical ideals, while retaining his bodily freedom and the joy of singing. Voice Coach and Spoken Voice. Work of the spoken vocal technique for the professionals of the voice: Teachers, actors / actors, business leaders, presenters on radio or TV, elected officials, speakers and all other professionals who use their voice at work, as well as those who s 'are interested in deepening the relationship and understanding their voice and its potential. Accredited by the Center for Studies on the Use of Voice (CEUVOZ), I will offer you the Linklater Method - “Freeing the Natural Voice” as a means of technical work for the study of the spoken voice. This method aims to make participants aware of their own postural, muscular and respiratory habits, in order to discover other physical, vocal and expressive possibilities. The work, based on the body, aims for emotional freedom, finesse of impulses and clarity of thought, fundamental elements of effective communication. Through a series of exercises, the participants will go through the following stages: awareness of the body, breath, vibrations in the body and relaxation of the tensions of the phonatory channel to then restore free access to the resonators, develop respiratory capacity, widen the vocal extension until reaching the articulation of the voice in speech. The objective is to free your own Natural Voice from restrictive tensions and communicative habits, in order to find your voice with all its content (emotions, thoughts, sensations).
Singing · Voice (music)
Trusted teacher: I am a first class Music graduate from Paul McCartney's Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts where I gained skills in vocal technique, songwriting and performance. I now use these skills as a professional vocalist and solo jazz artist. I have 10+ years of experience teaching which includes leading a children's choir, teaching music to ages 6 months to 10 years at nursery and after school clubs, and extensive one-to-one vocal coaching. My teaching method is different for everyone. Whatever your focus is, be it gaining confidence performing, or wanting to sing that big Beyoncé song, I've been through the same learning process and aim to use my own experiences and lessons I've learnt along the way to help you reach your full potential and achieve your goals. I can help with: • gaining confidence performing and developing various techniques to help with performance anxiety • improving and developing various vocal techniques that will equip you with the skills to sing the songs you want to • helping build a repertoire that suits your voice • expanding your vocal range, and learning techniques to manage your break and weaker areas • improving pitching & ear training • learning how to improvise • developing your own style, helping to make covers your own • learning how to do backing vocals and harmonies • songwriting • preparing you for auditions, performances, recordings and entry exams • basics of piano playing and accompaniment I am fun, friendly, patient and look forward to working with you :)
Singing · Song writing · Voice (music)
Trusted teacher: Are you looking for a passionate singing teacher? Search no further! With more than 13 years of singing experience and a completed bachelor's and almost completed master's degree in classical singing, I could be your ideal choice! I have already gained experience in professional concerts and opera productions in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands! In addition to classical music, I am also no stranger to light/pop music, so you can certainly always enjoy that! My lessons are aimed at a positive and supportive learning environment. Together we explore the basic principles and solve challenges in a relaxed and attentive atmosphere. Whether you are a beginner or want to refine your singing talents, I am happy to help you achieve your vocal goals. Don't hesitate to contact me! I hope to see you soon! - Are you looking for a passionate singing teacher? Look no further! With over 13 years of singing experience and a completed bachelor's and nearly completed master's degree in classical singing, I could be your ideal choice! I have already gained experience in professional concerts and opera productions in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands! Besides classical music, I'm no stranger to light/pop music either, so you're certainly always welcome to bring that to a lesson as well! My lessons focus on a positive and supportive learning environment. Together we'll explore the basics and solve challenges in a relaxed and attentive atmosphere. Whether you are a beginner or want to refine your singing talent, I am happy to help you reach your vocal goals. Definitely don't hesitate to contact me! Hope to see you soon!
Singing · Voice (music)
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Our students from Hong Kong evaluate their Voice (Music) teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Voice (Music) teachers, we ask our students from Hong Kong to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 76 reviews.

Private singing lessons - Discover your singing voice - Learn to sing with Kat (Malmo)
I've been having singing classes with Kat for almost 6 months. I'm enjoying so much going to class with her once a week ! My goal is to get to know my voice, have fun, understand how it all works ; and Kat is amazing for adapting her exercices to your level ! She is supporting me in my comfort zone and also challenging me enough to evolve a bit more each time we meet. She is gifted with patience and humour, I can tell. You'll always get the meaning of the exercice she's asking you to do, which helps having an overview of what's happening in class. Thanks again Kat for all those breathing breaks in my week ! :)
Review by PAULINE
Singing lessons with a certified Vocal Coach for all ages, levels, and styles: Pop/Jazz/R'n'B/Rock || PIANO Lessons TOO (Visit Profile) (The Hague)
I am very happy with Dominyka as my voice teacher. With her guidance, I have been able to improve my tone and widen my range much quicker than expected. Leessons are a joy: Dominyka can immediately hear and see what needs focus and explain what I must do to improve. This process is dynamic and fun, and I feel motivated to practice every day because I am inspired by these advancements. She can demonstrate many techniques with her beautiful voice. Most importantly, Dominyka is a trained and experienced teacher, so I know that my progress is healthy and sustainable. Highly recommended!
Review by TOMASO
SINGING (POP, JAZZ, OPERA) - sls method - cvt method /. (Conversano)
He was an amazing teacher and so helpful at explaining not only what you can do to improve your singing but also explaining how to work on it and give you exercises you can do to grow your voice right from the get go. I would highly recommend Roberto to everyone looking to really improve their voice and music knowledge!
Review by JUAN PABLO