
Personal training lessons in Şişli

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1 personal training teacher in Şişli

(9 reviews)
Nidhi - Rohtak, India£13
Trusted teacher: 🌍🏋️ International Weight-loss/Gain/Home Cardio/Stretching/Nutrition Tips/Exercises Personal Trainer 🌟 I help people to be more flexible, healthy and in shape through my exercising techniques. Are you ready to embark on a transformative fitness journey? Look no further! As an experienced international weight-loss/gain personal trainer with 7 years of expertise, I am here to guide and support you every step of the way. Specializing in various areas, including fat loss, home cardio, stretching, nutrition, and a wide range of exercises, I offer comprehensive fitness solutions tailored to your unique goals and needs. Let's make your fitness dreams a reality! 💪🔥 Here's what sets my training services apart: 1️⃣ Personalized Fat Loss Programs: I understand that shedding excess fat is a common goal, and I am here to help you achieve it. With my personalized fat-loss programs, we'll create a targeted strategy that includes effective exercises, dietary recommendations, and lifestyle adjustments to maximize your fat-burning potential. 2️⃣ Home Cardio Workouts: Don't have access to a gym? No problem! I specialize in home cardio workouts that will get your heart pumping and help you burn calories in the comfort of your own space. From high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to dance-based cardio routines, we'll find the perfect workout for you. 3️⃣ Stretching Techniques for Flexibility: Flexibility is an essential component of overall fitness. I will guide you through various stretching techniques and exercises that improve flexibility, enhance your range of motion, and prevent injuries. Get ready to feel more limber and agile! 4️⃣ Tailored Nutrition Guidance: Fueling your body with the proper nutrition is vital for achieving your fitness goals. I will provide personalized nutrition guidance, including meal planning, portion control, and tips for maintaining a healthy, balanced diet. Let's optimize your nutrition for optimal results! 5️⃣ Varied Exercise Programs: Boredom is the enemy of progress. To keep your workouts exciting and effective, I design diverse exercise programs that target different muscle groups and challenge your body in various ways. We'll keep you engaged and motivated from strength training to functional exercises. 6️⃣ Ongoing Support and Accountability: Staying motivated throughout your fitness journey is crucial. I will be your source of support, accountability, and motivation. I'll track your progress, provide regular feedback, and offer guidance and encouragement to ensure you stay committed and achieve lasting results. Embark on a fitness journey that transcends borders with my international weight-loss/gain personal training expertise. Together, we'll sculpt your body, boost your confidence, and improve your overall well-being. Let's unleash your full potential and achieve greatness! 🌟🌍🏋️‍♀️ Contact me today to schedule your first session and take the first step towards a healthier, fitter you! Let's make your fitness goals a reality! 💪🔥
Weight loss · Personal training · Dance
Personal training · Self-improvement · Life coaching
Trusted teacher: Do you feel like you need a change but don't know where to start? As a Life/Mental Coach and/or Personal Trainer, I have experience helping to organize and clarify what matters to us in life so that your true passions have more weight and needs are met. Together, we can organize your priorities, managing your obligations and analyzing external factors that are beyond our control so that, instead of hindering progress, they serve as a current that pushes and motivates us to continue moving forward. I offer you a personalized approach in which we can get to know each other so that you know yourself more deeply and we can improve your general well-being, guiding you to make decisions that align with your goals and values. Allow me to be your partner on this journey towards a more balanced and fulfilling life. Contact me today and start your transformation! Do you feel like you need a change but don't know where to start? As a Life/Mental Coach and/or Personal Trainer, I have experience in helping people organize and clarify what matters most in life so that your true passions carry more weight and your needs are met. Together, we can sort out your priorities, manage your obligations, and analyze external factors beyond our control. Instead of hindering progress, these factors can become a current that pushes and motivates you to keep moving forward. I offer a personalized approach where we get to know each other, allowing you to understand yourself better and improve your overall well-being. I will guide you in making decisions that align with your goals and values. Let me be your partner on this journey towards a more balanced and fulfilling life. Contact me today and start your transformation!
Life coaching · Personal training
Trusted teacher: Why do some students succeed in school and others not? This success is not the result of chance... Students who succeed in school have developed learning strategies that lead them to success. They use the right mental operations to succeed. Learning is like a sport, there are techniques that guarantee success! This is what I suggest you discover! As a teacher and school coach, I accompany all students to become autonomous in their learning. Be careful, you have to do it as early as possible in the year, because you will discover effective learning techniques that will allow you to succeed, but which require substantive work. These techniques are not complicated, but you have to apply them and stick to them. I know the problem of students who work and fail to succeed despite their best efforts! A teacher for 20 years in a vocational high school in particular, I trained in coaching and learning strategies to manage to unlock these students. For students to succeed, they must use the appropriate mental operations and learning strategies to complete the required task. For these students to succeed, they must discover these strategies of understanding, memorization, reflection, but also how to be attentive and concentrated in class, how to organize themselves and manage their school work. Learning is like a sport, there are techniques that guarantee success! This is what I suggest you discover! If you learn without having clear methods and strategies, you can spend a lot of time on your homework, without your efforts being rewarded! Demotivation and loss of confidence can quickly win you over and bad grades multiply! If the gaps accumulate, you will have a bad image of yourself! The vicious circle sets in and often, in this case, many students lose the desire to learn and the motivation. Help with homework or tutoring with a student who is not trained in learning strategies will not allow you to change the situation in depth. You will not be more autonomous in your learning and you will still not know how to learn in the long term! That's why I offer you an accompaniment where you will learn how to do in your head to learn a lesson whether it is French, mathematics, history, geography, written expression. This support will allow you to become independent in your work and gain self-confidence. My support works because I apply it to myself currently, in particular for the preparation of my psychology degree or as part of my training in school coaching and learning strategies. Thanks to learning strategies, the child regains confidence in his abilities because he knows how to go about working. It takes work, method and organization, but it works! If you remain alone with your difficulties, they will continue to increase. You will continue to chain bad grades and many hours of work without it being productive! You will lose all motivation and self-confidence. If you are in difficulty, you certainly need a good coach to help you regain your self-confidence and to know where the difficulties come from and how to remedy them. Learning is like a sport, there are techniques that guarantee success! Students who have not discovered strategies for themselves that allow them to understand, remember and reflect on a lesson need help to discover them. For these students to succeed, they must discover these strategies of understanding, memorization, reflection, but also how to be attentive and concentrated in class, how to organize themselves and manage their school work. By acquiring these methods and knowing where your difficulties come from, you will know what to do and you will have effective techniques to remedy them in the long term. Your grades will go up, you will regain your self-confidence, you will become independent in managing your homework and preparing for your exams! Imagine, by acquiring these strategies, your grades will go up, you will regain your self-confidence, you will become independent in managing your homework and preparing for your exams! In the evening, when you do your homework, you'll know how to do it! You will be able to work quickly and efficiently! Obviously, this is not the price of a student, but that of an experienced teacher trained in learning strategies and coaching. The work you will do with me will allow you to save time later by being more efficient in your homework. Don't waste time, don't wait for your grades to be bad or for you to be lost in one or more subjects to come and be accompanied! Acquiring solid exam skills and learning strategies takes hard work! But this work will allow you to have solid strategies for your entire schooling! I accompany you in video or face-to-face at my home or at your home according to your needs and your objectives. See you soon !
Learning & study skills · Personal training
Trusted teacher: There are times in our lives when we feel stuck, out of place, sad. Moments where we perceive that we need and want a change within our existence, because the present that we are living does not satisfy us and makes us feel uncomfortable. So we have ideas, desires, dreams that would allow us to get away from this reality that we don't like, we can't stand it and it makes us feel unhappy, but we lack the courage to make a decision and the fear of leaving our comfort zone doesn't allow us to go beyond, where happiness awaits us. So we end up in contexts and situations that create suffering for us, just because they became our little world, our bubble, where we feel protected and defended, but from where we want to flee the furthest away. possible. Situations like these that make us sad can be several: staying in toxic relationships (partners, family, friends, work); not knowing how to say no; not being able to set limits; difficulty living in the present; fear of leaving the comfort zone; inability to follow our dreams and goals; a shyness that prevents us from being ourselves. All this and much more prevents us from achieving happiness, being the best version of ourselves and making our dreams come true. How can we achieve all this? Let me introduce myself, my name is Nicola, I am a certified Psychologist, Mental Coach and Emotional Coach. I strongly believe that Coaching is a very powerful tool, with which a person can be accompanied to achieve their desires and turn their objectives and goals into reality. We all have the right to be happy; we all have the right to fulfill our dreams; We all deserve to find again the capacities and abilities that live within us, and that have remained silent since we were children, but that want to burn like a flame that wants to reach the sky. So, we begin to transform and I have... In I want; we erase the false beliefs that do not allow us to flourish; let's put ourselves first in our lives; We do not listen to criticism or the opinions of others, but our own intuition; And last, but not least, let's love each other very, very much, because we are the most important person in our lives. I would love to be able to accompany you on this journey of growth, and to be able to offer you a safe and protected space, where you could freely express your emotions and feelings, without feeling judged and hurt. A space where you could perceive empathy and active listening and achieve your goals and objectives, leaving aside the part of you that is not allowing it to do so and thus acquire new learning and above all get in touch with the part of your personality that from time, ask to emerge. Because starting is already being halfway there and it is beyond fear that we can find happiness.
Life coaching · Psychology · Personal training
Trusted teacher: What was Mikhail Barishnikov, Rudolf Nureyev, Natalia Osipova, and all the other Russian dancers’ secret to success? The one thing they all have in common is their training in the Russian ballet method of Vaganova. This professional method has been developed over the decades to become the most effective method in the world. The grandeur of the legendary Russian Bolshoi and Marinskii theatres speak for themselves. For this reason, I have gone to Russia to study for my bachelors in this method at the University of Moscow, and together with my collective experience in teaching ballet, am waiting to train you to become the next ballet legend. WHAT DO CLASSES LOOK LIKE? Each lesson is 1 hour 30 minutes, the sweet spot between length of attention span, physical endurance span, and building stamina. Ballet classes are structured according to the Russian ballet method of Vaganova, and body conditioning classes include professionally developed exercises specifically for dancers. I customize lessons to work on what my students most need, and therefore weak spots are attended to until they are wiped out. Lessons are conducted online in the convenience of your own home, saving both time and transport costs. WILL YOU BENEFIT FROM THESE LESSONS? My lessons are for you if you any one of the following scenarios describes your situation: 1) YOU DO NOT ATTEND ANY OTHER BALLET CLASSES - classes include a full syllabus, examinations are optional, and you can therefore attend my online lessons as your only source of ballet. 2) YOU ALREADY ATTEND OTHER BALLET LESSONS - I also offer the option for you to take these classes as a supplementary addition to classes at your studio in order to boost your scores in exams and competitions, and improve your technique, strength, allegro, and stability in pirouettes, balance, and pointe. This gives you the chance of becoming the new class hero, and enjoy the freedom of dancing without worrying about stamina, faulty technique, low leg height, weak allegro, and gruesome posture. 3) YOU ARE A DANCER, BUT YOU DO NOT DO BALLET - my body conditioning classes are beneficial for dancers of all genres. It teaches complete control over the body, promoting stability, strength, leg height, good balance and stamina. WHAT LEVELS DO I TEACH? I currently teach beginner, intermediate and semi-advanced levels (RAD levels would translate as all levels up to Advanced 1), for children from age 10+ and adults. Although I am qualified to teach higher levels, I currently do not have time to choreograph full classes at such high intensity and complication. ABOUT DANÉ - I am an experienced ballet teacher who loves ballet, people and teaching. To make it more interesting, here is my experience starting now and going backward: Currently I am studying at the university of Moscow where I have been voted the best student of the institute by my lecturers, and have attained cum laude so far in all my subjects. I began studying for my bachelors in Moscow September 2020. I have 14 subjects including the Russian ballet method of Vaganova and several other dance styles, body conditioning for dancers, choreography, music and acting. Due to current events I study online from South Africa for now. In my free time I teach ballet and write scripts for productions, sometimes staging my choreography when time allows. Prior to this, I studied Russian for a year in Kazan, Russia (this is a requirement if you study choreography in Moscow). Before going to Russia I founded and directed my own ballet school in Johannesburg from 2017-2019, and staged 3 productions. During this time I trained with the Russian School of Ballet in South Africa, attained a distinction for my exam and took part in their production at the Roodepoort State Theatre. Before this I trained with the RAD with many distinctions up to Advanced 1, but changed to the Russian method just before taking my Advanced 2 exam (if you take classes with me you will understand why;)). Furthermore, I won countless gold, A+ and special awards in festivals, eisteddfods and competitions, several of them including my own choreography. I was part of a theatre group from 2016-2017, where I performed the lead role in the Roodepoort State Theatre. I have done ballet since 2003, and was schooled in an American syllabus from grade 1 to graduation.
Personal training · Dance · Ballet
Trusted teacher: My process as a Teacher and Acting Coach (Acting Coach-Drama Coach), I named it "ORGANIC ACTING", and it is based on "The Method" (also known as "The American Method"), in which I was trained and with the one I have been working on for more than 20 years of my life as an Actress, Director and Trainer of new talents. I baptized my Course or Teaching System with the name "ORGANIC ACTING", to encompass what this acting current means to me, which in one sentence we can summarize as "The Truth on Stage", whose root comes from the great legacy of the Maestro Constantine Stanislavski, and which has then been developed and modernized by other great Masters of acting, over the years, such as: Lee Strasberg (one of the most prominent, thanks to his work at the famous Actors' Studio) , Stella Adler, Elia Kazan, Stanford Meisner, Uta Hagen, among many others. My training, above all, included specialization in the processes developed by Strasberg and Adler. THE REAL ACTOR IS THE ONE WHO DOES NOT ACT! For some time now, I have also been giving my classes online and in a totally personalized way, and it has turned out to be a great experience, since it has become a much more intimate training process, despite the distance, which is essential the first time. stage called: "the actor's work in himself", and for the following: the "actor's work in his scene" and in the creation of characters. We will work on a process of acting awareness, with learning the main tools you need for an organic acting performance, impregnated with stage truth. My work system is done online (anywhere in the world) and face-to-face (only in Madrid), each class is as if it were an intense acting coaching session. Organic Acting allows you to live the scene, the character, get into the situation, feel and live the emotions of the character and get excited! Always aware, of course, that everything you feel and bring to reality comes from a fiction, which is something that is not happening to you, but is happening to the character, and this allows you to live it one hundred percent. Each acting exercise that you are going to do in this course is designed so that you learn how to create a great truth on stage, so that you discover how to use your own resources and so that you achieve acting awareness. Each of these exercises have objectives to meet, and each objective is what will give you organic mastery, so that you can develop acting work based on organicity. AS A TEACHER: In Madrid, I have also dedicated myself to providing acting coaching for Actors and Actresses in their scenes for films and series such as "Servir y Proteger", "Madres", "Deudas", "Hit", "Disappeared", "Caronte", among others. AS AN ACTING COACH: Currently, I am also dedicating myself to the training of actors and actresses who want to learn, experience and live Organic Acting, both in person and online.
Acting · Personal training
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Our students from Şişli evaluate their Personal Training teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Personal Training teachers, we ask our students from Şişli to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 5.0 out of 5 based on 52 reviews.

Improve your speeches in public and in meetings / Brussels (Brussels)
Charlotte is a superb instructor. I took classes with her at her home for several months to improve my public speaking skills. During each session, Charlotte helped me work on my tone and delivery through various public speaking exercises. Charlotte asked me to prepare short written assignments before our meetings, so that I could practice delivering my script using various speaking techniques during the class. For these assignments, Charlotte was very engaged and made sure that the assignments would assist me in my specific professional goals. She did this by tailoring the subject matter to my professional work - mostly legal and political matters - and she pushed me to consider what I wanted to achieve from my audience with each speaking opportunity. Charlotte, however, is not only a skilled professional. She is also a tremendously kind, energetic and dynamic person to work with. She made me feel comfortable sharing my vulnerabilities, which made the process of receiving constructive feedback a fun and welcomed experience. She encouraged me to practice my public speaking in French - which is not my first language - and made me feel at ease. She is kind, understanding and an incredibly nice person. If you are looking for a professional who is dedicated to helping you improve, welcomes your goals and ideas, and who is a pleasure to meet with each week - then look no further than Charlotte.
Review by ARIEL
School / extracurricular training for children, languages for adults EN-AR-RO (Description EN-FR) (Tangier)
My regular classes, in person, proved to be very helpful because of Ibrahim's professionalism, emotional intelligence, and knowledge. Ibrahim tailored his first class to assessing my own personal needs and gaging my ability in Arabic (Fusha) before detailing a comprehensive plan for the remaining schedule of 20 hours of intensive Arabic over one week. We decided to tackle media Arabic texts since my focus is diplomacy and he was very open to bringing texts that matched my needs. Ibrahim's professionalism, kindness, and friendly nature makes learning Fusha a lot less difficult. I would recommend him to future students in Arabic and other languages. As somebody who is dyslexic, breaking down the content, and having someone who is knowledgeable yet highly personable and humane helped me a lot. Thank you, Angus
Review by ANGUS
YOGA, MEDITATION, BREATHWORK, Holistic Health International Coach For Beginners, Weight Loss, Flexibility, Stress Relief, Sleep, Mind Relax (Wardha)
Nidhi helped my daughter (8 years) in the mornings so she could have a fitness routine. She was very patient as it was really difficult to wake my daughter up in the mornings. She was always encouraging her and with a smile in her face. She also talked to her like friends and my daughter felt really confortable connecting with her. Unfortunately, with all the activities with her and my other kids (school extra curricular programs, sickness, etc) and the great time difference between hour countries, we couldn’t find a good time to keep connecting. Mornings were just hard since she is still little and needs to have plenty of sleep and putting her on bed early was not an option with the other kids activities at evenings. We enjoyed the time they connected. My daughter said, Nidhi is really nice.
Review by ARLENE