
Life coaching lessons in Beirut

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1 life coaching teacher in Beirut

Trusted teacher: Are you at a time in your life full of uncertainty about the future? Do you feel like you are not moving forward and would like to find a clear path to where you want to go? So imagine what your life would be like if you could improve different important areas of your life. You will have the opportunity to transform your mind, your emotions, your relationships, your social behavior, your career or business, your lifestyle, your spirituality, your health and well-being, and even your finances. Using mindfulness techniques and acceptance and commitment therapy strategies, I will guide you in a process of self-discovery and personal growth. You will learn to cultivate greater mindfulness in your daily life, developing skills that will allow you to more effectively manage your thoughts, emotions, and challenging situations. As a specialist psychologist, I have helped many people overcome the obstacles that prevent them from achieving their goals and living a full and satisfying life. My main goal is to provide you with the support and tools necessary to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Remember, uncertainty about the future, the feeling of not moving forward and doubts about your goals can be overcome. Together, we can open the doors to a brighter future and achieve the success you desire. Life is too short to stay stuck in dissatisfaction and uncertainty. Now is the time to take action and start building the life you really want. Don't waste any more time! Contact me now and together we will begin this exciting journey towards your personal transformation.
Life coaching · Cognitive psychology · Psychology
There are times in our lives when we feel stuck, out of place, sad. Moments where we perceive that we need and want a change within our existence, because the present that we are living does not satisfy us and makes us feel uncomfortable. So we have ideas, desires, dreams that would allow us to get away from this reality that we don't like, we can't stand it and it makes us feel unhappy, but we lack the courage to make a decision and the fear of leaving our comfort zone doesn't allow us to go beyond, where happiness awaits us. So we end up in contexts and situations that create suffering for us, just because they became our little world, our bubble, where we feel protected and defended, but from where we want to flee the furthest away. possible. Situations like these that make us sad can be several: staying in toxic relationships (partners, family, friends, work); not knowing how to say no; not being able to set limits; difficulty living in the present; fear of leaving the comfort zone; inability to follow our dreams and goals; a shyness that prevents us from being ourselves. All this and much more prevents us from achieving happiness, being the best version of ourselves and making our dreams come true. How can we achieve all this? Let me introduce myself, my name is Nicola, I am a certified Psychologist, Mental Coach and Emotional Coach. I strongly believe that Coaching is a very powerful tool, with which a person can be accompanied to achieve their desires and turn their objectives and goals into reality. We all have the right to be happy; we all have the right to fulfill our dreams; We all deserve to find again the capacities and abilities that live within us, and that have remained silent since we were children, but that want to burn like a flame that wants to reach the sky. So, we begin to transform and I have... In I want; we erase the false beliefs that do not allow us to flourish; let's put ourselves first in our lives; We do not listen to criticism or the opinions of others, but our own intuition; And last, but not least, let's love each other very, very much, because we are the most important person in our lives. I would love to be able to accompany you on this journey of growth, and to be able to offer you a safe and protected space, where you could freely express your emotions and feelings, without feeling judged and hurt. A space where you could perceive empathy and active listening and achieve your goals and objectives, leaving aside the part of you that is not allowing it to do so and thus acquire new learning and above all get in touch with the part of your personality that from time, ask to emerge. Because starting is already being halfway there and it is beyond fear that we can find happiness.
Life coaching · Psychology · Personal training
Life coaching · Career development · Relationships
Trusted teacher: How often do we feel like our lives are stopping? External processes and circumstances change, family structures break down and/or are reshaped, work and school stress us out and deplete our resilience. Who hasn't been there? We all have. As a long-time, experienced and certified coach, former school teacher (in France and Germany), I would like to help you come out of your cocoon and start transforming your silk into something DIFFERENT. Together we will work on... - your change of perspective which will allow you to approach blockages and pitfalls from a new point of view. - focus on finding reliable solutions rather than solving problems. - develop awareness of your own resources, abilities, wishes and goals and guide yourself towards a sustainable empowerment. - advance opportunities for your individual development. - the differentiated elaboration of obstacles and resistances which, sometimes, prevent you from growing [and brilliant]. Let's start the change... _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What do you have to do with the Gefühl? Prozesse und äußere Umstände verändern sich, familiäre Structures brechen zusammen und/oder verändern sich, Job und Schule belasten uns rauben uns ein Stückweit unsere Resilienz. Wer von uns war nicht einmal an diesem Punkt? Wir alle waren es, irgendwann einmal. During this time, you will be able to operate and test your Coach after you have received the instructions, but if you do this, you will be free and the Seide was the same as the new ones. Gemeinsam arbeiten with a... - Ihrem Perspektivwechsel, der es Ihnen ermöglicht, Blockaden und Stolpersteine aus einem neuen Blickwinkel zu to betray. - Dem Fokussieren auf verlässliche Lösungen, anstatt von Problemanalysen. - dem Bewusst-Werden eigener Resources, Fähigkeiten, Wünsche und Ziel. - dem Vorantreiben von Chancen für Ihre individua Entwicklung (Empowerment). - the differences in the processing of Hindernissen and Widerständen, which are the same as the previous ones Wachstum genen. "Kritiker haben wir genug. Was unsere Zeit braucht, sind Menschen, die ermutigen." (K. Adenauer) Los geht's...
Mental health counseling · Self-improvement · Life coaching
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