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1 social studies teacher in Mecca

Have you ever wondered why societies work the way they do? Are you interested in better understanding how people interact in groups and how that affects our lives? If so, you've come to the right place! Our online course "Sociology for Beginners" is a perfect introduction to the fascinating world of sociology. In this course, you will explore the fundamental concepts of sociology and learn to analyze society from a critical perspective. No prior knowledge of sociology is required; This course is designed for beginners and anyone interested in better understanding the world around us. What you will learn: Introduction to Sociology: You will learn what sociology is, its history and its relevance in today's world. Sociological Theories: You will explore the main sociological theories, such as functionalism, conflict and symbolic interactionism, and how they are applied in social analysis. Research Methods: You will discover the tools that sociologists use to study society, including surveys, interviews, participant observation, and data analysis. Relevant Social Issues: You will investigate current issues such as social inequality, culture, social structure, globalization and contemporary problems. Practical Applications: You will see how to apply sociological concepts in everyday life and in your understanding of society. Our online course uses an interactive platform that will allow you to learn at your own pace. You will have access to video lessons, readings, practical exercises and online discussions. Additionally, you will be supported by expert instructors who will be available to answer your questions and guide your learning. Who is it addressed to: This course is ideal for anyone interested in sociology and better understanding the dynamics of society. No prior knowledge of the subject is required, making it perfect for beginners. Requirements: An Internet connection and access to a device (computer, tablet or smartphone). Desire to learn and explore the social world around you. Course duration: The "Sociology for Beginners" course is made up of 5 modules and can be completed in 5 weeks, depending on your own study pace.
Sociology · Social studies
Hello, my name is Diego and I am a high school and university teacher who teaches various subjects, including Philosophy, History, Geography, Spanish Language, English and French. I really like teaching and I have experience in how to transmit the contents of the subjects referred to in a simple way so that both young people and beginners can master them easily. In addition to being a professor, I am a Philosophy researcher at the University. I have an extensive university education that includes undergraduate and graduate degrees in Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science. As a researcher in Philosophy and Social Sciences, I have taken several postgraduate courses (including a two-year Master's degree and the Diploma of Advanced Studies) and I have taught undergraduate classes at the university level (Fundamental Ontology and Philosophical Anthropology) as a collaborator in the UCM, and as a contracted professor at the UNIR (Political Sociology), whose syllabus I was commissioned to write. My concerns range from classical philosophy to political theory, from where it is possible to clarify many of today's social and political events and trends. I have publications in scientific journals and translations and introductions in contemporary philosophy books. In any case, I try to combine my passion for philosophy and political theory with the specific needs or concerns of each student. I have experience in acting as a tutor with students in different circumstances, either with students who study for pleasure (with extensive cultural background but without training in philosophy) or with students who face specific tests at the university level or access tests (Selectivity ). Regarding the subject of philosophy, I consider it essential to have an adequate historical perspective that specifies the periods and problems in which the thought of each author is framed, so that it is possible to glimpse the originality and singularity of their approaches. In this way, the transition from one author to another, or from one philosophical current to another, allows not only to advance in the development of ideas to the present day, but also to delve deeper into the meaning of the changes and implications that each of them introduces. in the interpretation of the theories of his predecessors. Thus, from a broad and sufficiently critical approach, the corresponding landing on each author or philosophical current is open to debate and discussion in class, as long as the student is encouraged. This will facilitate not only the exercise of understanding each unit that we address, but also allows the student to find their own perspective that allows them to retain and organize the different stages that characterize each period in the history of thought according to a flexible criterion, which does not every philosopher eludes the underlying reasons. In the case of political theory, the introduction begins by locating in the Greek polis the first experiences and reflections on the problems that will define the history of political thought. Recovering the lost meaning of such experiences and explanations from which the way of organizing life in common has been thought allows us to appreciate the influence of authors and works in decisive historical moments, ranging from Ancient Greece, through Rome and the Middle Ages. , until the beginning of the Modern era and the anxiety that has resulted from the loss of some of these ideas in current political life. Finally, my explanations, notes and practical exercises make your work easier when it comes to assimilating and selecting relevant information, and organizing it in an organized way. In summary; It is about facilitating a framework of general understanding, as well as exercising reading comprehension (with clarifications specific to each era) and the ability to synthesize (establish opinions and judgments from which to unravel the difficulties posed by the texts). Given the circumstances, I have intense experience teaching remotely over the last few years. From then to this time, both I and the students have maintained a pace similar to that of face-to-face private classes. I know how to monitor sessions remotely. My work tools are mainly Zoom (with the help of the virtual whiteboard) and email to send materials so that students can work on their own. I have been working for some time with students of various ages following this method, and it is sufficiently effective, so that we achieve constant work that has nothing to envy of a face-to-face class. I have specific materials (exercises, diagrams and explanations by topics and authors) that I usually share with my students to reinforce this work remotely. And, of course, I try to make class enjoyable! My online classes are very dynamic and clarifying, since I always share the documents, I rely on the virtual whiteboard to clarify doubts and questions and I constantly question the student. I consider that in most of the subjects I teach there is not a big difference between my online and in-person classes.
Philosophy · Social studies · Political science
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