from53.27GBP/ h
Graduate Thesis, Term Projects, and Home assignments (Social Sciences & Humanities subjects). From proposal writing to defence.
To facilitate digitised learning in online tutoring, I supplement Wacom Intuos tablet, the Microsoft Whiteboard and screen sharing options, so that student(s) get the similar feel of a live classroom.
While tutoring, I am used to demonstrate relevance of research methods and paradigms using examples of researched/ resealable topics in a way so that beginner's in research can differentiate among obsolete, contemporary and forthcoming designs. Such a critical assessment is needed so that intellectual worth of the proposed research, may early be evaluated. In order to do that effectively, I have to reply heavily on key databases of academic literature such as the Jstor, Science Direct, Springer Link, Sage etc. so that any research notion may strongly be grounded into literature. As research supervisor I have to make sure that the research notion is indigenous, and that the proposed work is not been affected by bounded rationality (too few knowledge). While furnishing the design of research, I have to see carefully that choice of methodological tools, justify the needs of the data we have. As a researcher and as research supervisor, I can feel that doing research is perhaps most lively and satisfying thing among all of academics.
If you wish more details about my career and profile, see my list of publications as part of my resume.
My academic background, career, personality and interests rotate around my complementary roles as researcher, thesis supervisor, author as well as referee. It gives you lots of self esteem to initiate research with rather naive notions, and then striving to furnish and structure such naive notions into a well documented indigenous study. As academician and researcher I can feel that creativity is amongst most satisfying things in nature.
So far, I have supervised over 141 honor's, master's and M.Phil theses, in rather diverse domains of Social Sciences and Humanities. Some of my Journal articles are registered in the Norwegian NSD’s register of scientific publications, while some of my research papers are also published in International Conference proceedings. During my career I handled 2 contractual research projects, as a consultant. (See below the list of my publications in Journals and in International Conference proceedings). I was also invited as international guest at the Peradeniya Economics Research Symposium.
As part of my lecturing and in counseling in doing research, I am used to illustrate how a topic and the proposed title of thesis may be furnished using top to down approach, how research objectives and hypothesis are phrased, how to ensure quality literature review and how to make methodological choices regarding research design. As I have handled application of econometric modelling (advanced regression), application of game theory and in application of optimization tools (linear/ goal/ integer programming) as part of my teaching and also in my research experience, so conveniently can supervise such technical underpinnings.
• History of the Childhood Oppression, Inter-temporal resentment and Compliance with Codes of Harassment at the workplace: An Offender’s Perspective'. Business Ethics and Leadership, Volume 3, Issue 4. ISSN (online) 2520-6311. With H. Butt
• Modeling Spillover effects of Leapfrog development and Urban sprawl upon Institutional delinquencies. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 216. With M. H. Noon.
• Educational status, the Social Demonstration effect and inclination to Save: Findings of a Cross sectional model. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, vol. 9, issue 3, pp 248-271. Electronic ISSN: 1752-0460. With M. Q. Asad.
• Outreach of Financial institutions, access to Information and Energy substitutability: A Case for photovoltaic energy preferences in Agriculture sector, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 7, No. 8. With R. R. Ullah.
• Inter-Jurisdictional governance coordination, community support and compliance with the ILO 169 convention on indigenous rights: Findings of a Cross-sectional study of indigenous people of Kalash. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 4-14. Electronic ISSN. 2397-6942: Publisher: FLE Learning Ltd. With M. Ghalib.
• An Assessment into the Risk Factors in Inter-Temporal Sustainability of Cropping Sector. 18th International Academic Conference, London, United Kingdom, pp 358-371. Electronic ISBN: 978-80-87927-11-3. With B. Khan.
• Impact assessment of International policy coordination with the WTO Technical barriers to trade agreement and Foreign financial assistance upon the intent to comply with the agreement: Findings of a Cross-sectional study of Mango exporters. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 9(3), pp 197-225. Electronic ISSN: 1752-0460. With M. U. Bajwa.
• Self condemnation, Indebtedness and Financial Stress: Findings of a Cross-sectional Study. European Scientific Journal, Vol.SE1, pp 71-88. Electronic ISSN: 1857-7431. Publisher: European Scientific Institute. With H. N. Zaman.
• Foreign Investment, Technological Diffusion and Competiveness of Exports: A Case for Textile Industry. International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering. Vol: 9, No: 10, Electronic ISSN: 2226.-7344. With M. Awais.
• Impact Assessment of the Social Demonstration Effect and Religiosity upon Charitable Spending: Findings of a Cross Sectional Study. 19th International Academic Conference, Florence. pp 3-23. Publisher: International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences ISBN 978-80-87927-15-1. With B. Maqbool
• Reciprocity and Interdependence in bilateral ties between Pakistan & India: A Game theoretic explanation. Proceeding, Law Conference 2015 (Cambridge) Series. With A. Ahmed
• An Assessment into the Drift in Direction of International Migration of Labor: Changing Aspirations for Religiosity and Cultural Assimilation. ICIMHS 2015: International Conference on International Migration and Human Security, Zurich, Switzerland. With R. Zulfiqar
• Openness of economy, Foreign investment inflows and Rent seeking behavior. Eurasian Journal of Economics and Finance, 2015, vol. 3, issue 3, pp.45-64, Electronic ISSN: 2148- 0192. With F. Manzoor.
• Geopolitics of International relations, US political regimes and the incidence of US bilateral Aid. GSTF Journal of Law and Social Sciences (JLSS) , Volume 4, Issue 1. With H. Imran.
• Political Economy of Regime switching and preferences for Inter-temporal Consumption. Review of Integrative Business & Economics Research. Vol 3(2). With F Tanvir.
• Modeling Socioeconomic and Political dynamics of Terrorism, ICCTHS 2014: International Conference on Counter Terrorism and Human Security, Zurich, Switzerland. Published in International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 7. With O. Younus.
• Impact assessment of Central bank autonomy & Exchange rate regimes upon Exchange rate volatility. Global Interdisciplinary Business-Economics Advancement Conference GIBA. Conference Proceeding, pp 242-250. Electronic ISSN: 2333-4207. With S. Raza.
• Impact Assessment of State of Technology & the WTO Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) Agreement upon the Export Intensity of Textile Sector Exporters. Global Interdisciplinary Business-Economics Advancement Conference GIBA. Conference Proceedings, pp 816-826. Electronic ISSN: 2333-4207. With A. Mehboob.
• Modeling Spillover effects of bilateral Trade upon sustainability of economic growth. ICBEF 2014: International Conference on Business, Economics and Finance. With T. H. Alvi
• Political deprivations, Political risk and the extent of Skilled Labor Migration: Finding of a Time-Series analysis. ICIMHS: International Conference on International Migration and Human Security, Zurich, Switzerland. Published in International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Vol. 8, No. 7. With H. Hamid.
Contractual Researches:
• Worked as Consultant on a project titled ’Governance, Legislative structure, Organizational Structure & HR, Infrastructure and Facility Arrangement at PSIC’. (2017).
• Worked as Consultant on a project titled ’Impact Assessment of Removal of Natural Gas Subsidy for Fertilizer Industry and the Cost –Benefit Analysis of allocation of Natural Gas for Cement, Power or the Fertilizer Sector’. (2001-02).
While tutoring, I am used to demonstrate relevance of research methods and paradigms using examples of researched/ resealable topics in a way so that beginner's in research can differentiate among obsolete, contemporary and forthcoming designs. Such a critical assessment is needed so that intellectual worth of the proposed research, may early be evaluated. In order to do that effectively, I have to reply heavily on key databases of academic literature such as the Jstor, Science Direct, Springer Link, Sage etc. so that any research notion may strongly be grounded into literature. As research supervisor I have to make sure that the research notion is indigenous, and that the proposed work is not been affected by bounded rationality (too few knowledge). While furnishing the design of research, I have to see carefully that choice of methodological tools, justify the needs of the data we have. As a researcher and as research supervisor, I can feel that doing research is perhaps most lively and satisfying thing among all of academics.
If you wish more details about my career and profile, see my list of publications as part of my resume.
My academic background, career, personality and interests rotate around my complementary roles as researcher, thesis supervisor, author as well as referee. It gives you lots of self esteem to initiate research with rather naive notions, and then striving to furnish and structure such naive notions into a well documented indigenous study. As academician and researcher I can feel that creativity is amongst most satisfying things in nature.
So far, I have supervised over 141 honor's, master's and M.Phil theses, in rather diverse domains of Social Sciences and Humanities. Some of my Journal articles are registered in the Norwegian NSD’s register of scientific publications, while some of my research papers are also published in International Conference proceedings. During my career I handled 2 contractual research projects, as a consultant. (See below the list of my publications in Journals and in International Conference proceedings). I was also invited as international guest at the Peradeniya Economics Research Symposium.
As part of my lecturing and in counseling in doing research, I am used to illustrate how a topic and the proposed title of thesis may be furnished using top to down approach, how research objectives and hypothesis are phrased, how to ensure quality literature review and how to make methodological choices regarding research design. As I have handled application of econometric modelling (advanced regression), application of game theory and in application of optimization tools (linear/ goal/ integer programming) as part of my teaching and also in my research experience, so conveniently can supervise such technical underpinnings.
Extra information
Selected Journal Publications and International Conference Proceedings:• History of the Childhood Oppression, Inter-temporal resentment and Compliance with Codes of Harassment at the workplace: An Offender’s Perspective'. Business Ethics and Leadership, Volume 3, Issue 4. ISSN (online) 2520-6311. With H. Butt
• Modeling Spillover effects of Leapfrog development and Urban sprawl upon Institutional delinquencies. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 216. With M. H. Noon.
• Educational status, the Social Demonstration effect and inclination to Save: Findings of a Cross sectional model. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, vol. 9, issue 3, pp 248-271. Electronic ISSN: 1752-0460. With M. Q. Asad.
• Outreach of Financial institutions, access to Information and Energy substitutability: A Case for photovoltaic energy preferences in Agriculture sector, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 7, No. 8. With R. R. Ullah.
• Inter-Jurisdictional governance coordination, community support and compliance with the ILO 169 convention on indigenous rights: Findings of a Cross-sectional study of indigenous people of Kalash. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 4-14. Electronic ISSN. 2397-6942: Publisher: FLE Learning Ltd. With M. Ghalib.
• An Assessment into the Risk Factors in Inter-Temporal Sustainability of Cropping Sector. 18th International Academic Conference, London, United Kingdom, pp 358-371. Electronic ISBN: 978-80-87927-11-3. With B. Khan.
• Impact assessment of International policy coordination with the WTO Technical barriers to trade agreement and Foreign financial assistance upon the intent to comply with the agreement: Findings of a Cross-sectional study of Mango exporters. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 9(3), pp 197-225. Electronic ISSN: 1752-0460. With M. U. Bajwa.
• Self condemnation, Indebtedness and Financial Stress: Findings of a Cross-sectional Study. European Scientific Journal, Vol.SE1, pp 71-88. Electronic ISSN: 1857-7431. Publisher: European Scientific Institute. With H. N. Zaman.
• Foreign Investment, Technological Diffusion and Competiveness of Exports: A Case for Textile Industry. International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering. Vol: 9, No: 10, Electronic ISSN: 2226.-7344. With M. Awais.
• Impact Assessment of the Social Demonstration Effect and Religiosity upon Charitable Spending: Findings of a Cross Sectional Study. 19th International Academic Conference, Florence. pp 3-23. Publisher: International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences ISBN 978-80-87927-15-1. With B. Maqbool
• Reciprocity and Interdependence in bilateral ties between Pakistan & India: A Game theoretic explanation. Proceeding, Law Conference 2015 (Cambridge) Series. With A. Ahmed
• An Assessment into the Drift in Direction of International Migration of Labor: Changing Aspirations for Religiosity and Cultural Assimilation. ICIMHS 2015: International Conference on International Migration and Human Security, Zurich, Switzerland. With R. Zulfiqar
• Openness of economy, Foreign investment inflows and Rent seeking behavior. Eurasian Journal of Economics and Finance, 2015, vol. 3, issue 3, pp.45-64, Electronic ISSN: 2148- 0192. With F. Manzoor.
• Geopolitics of International relations, US political regimes and the incidence of US bilateral Aid. GSTF Journal of Law and Social Sciences (JLSS) , Volume 4, Issue 1. With H. Imran.
• Political Economy of Regime switching and preferences for Inter-temporal Consumption. Review of Integrative Business & Economics Research. Vol 3(2). With F Tanvir.
• Modeling Socioeconomic and Political dynamics of Terrorism, ICCTHS 2014: International Conference on Counter Terrorism and Human Security, Zurich, Switzerland. Published in International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 7. With O. Younus.
• Impact assessment of Central bank autonomy & Exchange rate regimes upon Exchange rate volatility. Global Interdisciplinary Business-Economics Advancement Conference GIBA. Conference Proceeding, pp 242-250. Electronic ISSN: 2333-4207. With S. Raza.
• Impact Assessment of State of Technology & the WTO Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) Agreement upon the Export Intensity of Textile Sector Exporters. Global Interdisciplinary Business-Economics Advancement Conference GIBA. Conference Proceedings, pp 816-826. Electronic ISSN: 2333-4207. With A. Mehboob.
• Modeling Spillover effects of bilateral Trade upon sustainability of economic growth. ICBEF 2014: International Conference on Business, Economics and Finance. With T. H. Alvi
• Political deprivations, Political risk and the extent of Skilled Labor Migration: Finding of a Time-Series analysis. ICIMHS: International Conference on International Migration and Human Security, Zurich, Switzerland. Published in International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Vol. 8, No. 7. With H. Hamid.
Contractual Researches:
• Worked as Consultant on a project titled ’Governance, Legislative structure, Organizational Structure & HR, Infrastructure and Facility Arrangement at PSIC’. (2017).
• Worked as Consultant on a project titled ’Impact Assessment of Removal of Natural Gas Subsidy for Fertilizer Industry and the Cost –Benefit Analysis of allocation of Natural Gas for Cement, Power or the Fertilizer Sector’. (2001-02).
At student's location: Around Oslo, Norway
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General info
Age: | Teenagers (13-17 years old) Adults (18-64 years old) Seniors (65+ years old) |
Student level: | Intermediate Advanced |
Duration: | 60 minutes 120 minutes |
The class is taught in: | English |
About Me
Academician, Researcher and Thesis Supervisor, with Teaching interests:in Quantitative Methods: Social Statistics, Research Methodology, Econometrics and Mathematical Economics.Some of my Journal articles are registered either in the Norwegian NSD’s register of scientific publications, while some of my papers are published in International Conferences proceedings. I have supervised several thesis in domain of Economics, Business Administration, and interdisciplinary extension of Economics such as in International Political Economy; Economics of Social Issues; Economics of Reforms and Policy Appraisal; Environmental Economics; Economics of Crime and Terrorism; and Institutional Economics. at M.Phil, Master's and Bachelor's level.
I can use Stata, Minitab, Statgraphics, SPSS, Maple & WinQSB; and Nvivo packages, where needed, in my teaching as well as in my researches.
Master's in Economics, Majoring in Econometrics and Advanced Mathematical Economics. Have taken several courses in Pedagogy/ Education from Oslo Metropolitan University.Experience / Qualifications
Over 20 years of Teaching, Research and Thesis Supervision experience. I have Published Journal papers and participated in International Conferences. Also worked as Consultant.To facilitate digitised learning in online tutoring, I supplement Wacom Intuos tablet, the Microsoft Whiteboard and screen sharing options, so that student(s) get the similar feel of a live classroom.
While tutoring, I am used to demonstrate relevance of topics in Mathematics, using specific examples from and within the area of application, use data and visual tools such as graphs and then through algebraic manipulation, so that students can feel leaning Mathematics, a lively experience instead of devolving the feel of something mechanical, in nature. Students are advised to practice, visualize similar examples and give feedback if they face any difficulty in understanding the subject.
Seminars and computer lab sessions are supplemented by use of digitized learning tools such as databases and packages namely Maple, Win QSB and Matlab.
To facilitate digitised learning in online tutoring, I supplement Wacom Intuos tablet, the Microsoft Whiteboard and screen sharing options, so that student(s) get the similar feel of a live classroom.
While lecturing Statistics I am used to demonstrate relevance of topics using subject specific examples, use data in form of tables, use visual tools such as graphs and then through algebraic manipulation, so that students can feel leaning Statistics, a lively experience instead of devolving the feel of something mechanical, in nature. Students are advised to practice, visualize similar examples and give feedback if they face any difficulty in understanding the subject.
Seminars and computer lab sessions are supplemented by use of digitized learning tools such as databases and packages namely Stata, Minitab, SPSS, Maple, Win QSB and Nvivo.
I have long standing interest and expertise in teaching Statistics courses at the levels of VGS, Bachelor's and Master's level.
In spite of my pedagogical experience at university level, I have formally taken a couple of courses in education/ pedagogy: 'Introduction to International Education and Development'; 'The Role of Education in Social Development in the Global South'; 'Education, Culture and Sustainable Development'; and 'Epistemology, research methods and statistics'.
I have published 15 Journal articles, while 13 of my papers are also published in International Conferences proceedings. During my career I handled 2 contractual research projects, as consultant. I have extensive experience of supervising researches in domain of Social Sciences and in Humanities. So far, I have supervised over 141 student papers etc.
In recognition of my serveries in academics and in research, I was recently been invited as international guest at the Peradeniya Research Symposium.
To facilitate digitised learning in online tutoring, I supplement Wacom Intuos tablet, the Microsoft Whiteboard and screen sharing options, so that student(s) get the similar feel of a live classroom.
I am used to hold lectures, seminars and discussion sessions on theoretical underpinnings, supplementing digitized resources: databases and packages. Along with emphasis on theory, I am used to supplement real time data to demonstrate practical and empirical foundation as I tend to believe that along with good theoretical foundation, students need a good exposure of diversity in application/ empirical applicability.
I am teaching different domains in Economics at bachelor's as well as to master's level students, for over 2 decades.
In spite of my specialization in Economics and my pedagogical experience at university level, I have formally taken a couple of courses in education/ pedagogy: 'Introduction to International Education and Development'; 'The Role of Education in Social Development in the Global South'; 'Education, Culture and Sustainable Development'; and 'Epistemology and research methods'.
I have published 15 Journal articles, while 13 of my papers are also published in International Conferences proceedings. During my career I handled 2 contractual research projects, as consultant. I have extensive experience of supervising researches in domain of Social Sciences and in Humanities. So far, I have supervised over 141 student papers etc.
In recognition of my serveries in academics and in research, I was recently been invited as international guest at the Peradeniya Research Symposium.
To facilitate digitised learning in online tutoring, I supplement Wacom Intuos tablet, the Microsoft Whiteboard and screen sharing options, so that student(s) get the similar feel of a live classroom.
While tutoring, I am used to emphasize on relevance of topics in quantitative analysis, using specific examples from within the area of applicability, data mining and visual tools and then through methodological manipulation, so that students can feel learning quantitative skills, a lively experience instead of developing the feel of something mechanical, in nature. Students are advised to practice, visualize similar examples and give feedback if they face any difficulty in understanding the subject.
Topical lessons are supplemented by use of digitized learning tools such as databases and packages namely Stata, Minitab, and SPSS. There has been a growing tendency of the use of quantitative tools in social science and in humanities subjects, though in pure sciences there is a long history of quantitative orientation.
Regardless of your preferences for qualitative research, doing quantitative research and the ability to evaluate quantitative works should not be a limitation/ inability, for persons who have their full career ahead. In last one decade or so, lots of literature has been published on data mining as well as on abuse of data mining, so I believe that choice of the valid tools for doing a meaningful work and their careful application, is the need of the hour for students and researchers. I initiated application of digitized tools in my lecturing and research, early, so can conveniently handle issues pertaining to choice of methodological tools as well as experimenting these relevant tools, using analysis analysis packages.
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--- Location: online / at the student's home / library (Antwerp) ---
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I'll write assignments, assessment brief, medical and health related blogs and research articlesHello everyone! I'm Dr Muqadas, a highly qualified and experienced Medical content writer. I completed my bachelor's in the field of Radiology from Shalamar Medical & Dental College in 1st division.
I'm here to help you with assignments, assessment brief, medical related health articles, blogs and posts. Moreover I can also assist you in Medical research writing, research proposals and slides making etc, as I have remarkable skills in research.
I will provide professional and informative medical content along with proofreading and plagiarism checking.
My expertise includes:
Assessment brief
Medical articles
Health blogs
Fitness blogs
Medical research writing
Research proposals
In-text references
Diseases and treatments
So if you're looking for a committed and qualified medical writer, look no further. Let's get started on your path to success.
English language and literature guidance and support for IB studentsThis class guides and supports students through the English studies. My aim is to inspire students to approach the subject in a way that sparks creativity and critical thinking skills. It’s not about helping them with the task at hand, but rather training them in supporting themselves in the subject further down the line.
I have received excellent academic achievement awards for my work in IB (International Baccalaureate) English A higher lever course and know my way through the IB language system. I can aid the student in finding the best study techniques, aiming at receiving the best possible final results.
I focus on literature and analysis, deep diving into works by authors such as Charlotte Brönte, Frank Kafka and Albert Camus. I can also teach essay-writing, which is essential in achieving good results in any language subject.
Dr Tom
Academic writing and research support in social sciences/humanities for undergraduates, postgraduates and early career academicsI am a former University Senior Lecturer with over 20 years experience in teaching and research. I am passionate about inspiring individuals to aim high. I have assisted multiple students and early career academics to achieve their goals. I worked in research and teaching roles within UK universities between 2004 and 2024 and am an Advance HE Fellow. I am the author of four books, have published in a range of international peer reviewed journals and have chapters in various other books. I also have significant experience in peer-reviewing for academic journals.
After a twenty-year career in UK higher education I decided to embark on my own freelance private tutoring and academic consultancy business. I have delivered bespoke 1:1 tutorials to university students since April 2023. I was a part-time private tutor from April 2023 to June 2024 and have been full-time since then working with various tutoring agencies. I teach social sciences, qualitative research methods, study skills and academic writing and I have assisted students from undergraduate to PhD level. I have also assisted early career researchers or those new to teaching at the higher education level.
I believe that students learn best when they construct knowledge for themselves rather than passively take it in, so all my classes are student-centred and aim to help you become an independent learner by improving your skills so that you can perform better in your assessments. I offer online lessons. A typical online lesson is 1-2 hours. I can also read, review and provide detailed feedback on your work if required.
Find YOUR Creative Voice – with 2 x published author, poet, and educator, Seki Are you passionate about poetry, drama and literature? Want to develop your writing skills with a creative and inspiring mentor? Join me in my engaging and dynamic classes, where I combine my experience as a published author, performance poet and playwright with a deep love for teaching.
I've had the privilege of performing poetry alongside jazz musicians, blending the rhythm of words with the energy of live music, creating truly immersive and evocative experiences. My theatre productions have brought together storytelling, dance, poetry and rap to create hilarious and heartbreaking narratives that left audiences buzzing. I draw on all of this experience in my classes. My workshops are designed to help you explore your creative literary practice in innovative ways, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned writer looking to refine your craft.
In addition to my performances, I've taught poetry workshops in schools and creative writing at the prestigious Leeds Playhouse. I’ve worked with diverse groups of students and writers of all ages. I specialise in creating a supportive and creative space for you to experiment with your voice, learn from classic and contemporary works, and gain practical skills to elevate your writing.
Through my classes, you’ll gain:
- Insight into the craft of poetry, prose and drama from a published author, poet and playwright.
- The opportunity to experiment with different styles, from formal verse to free verse, prose to performance.
- A deeper understanding of English literature, with a focus on both classic texts and modern works.
- Techniques for writing that combine creativity with technical skill.
- The chance to share your work in a safe and encouraging space.
Whether you dream of publishing your first collection or simply want to enhance your love for the written word, I offer personalised guidance that caters to your individual needs and interests.
Let’s explore the world of poetry and literature together, and unlock your unique voice as a writer!