
Private teachers in Ottakring

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172 private teachers in Ottakring

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172 private teachers in Ottakring

(4 reviews)
Carl - Vienna£55
Trusted teacher: Hello there! Do you wish to learn to play the piano but do not have several hours every day to dedicate to practicing? I can help! With 15 years of teaching experience, I’ve honed my methods to facilitate rapid progress and maximize efficiency. My students achieve in months, what usually takes years when following a conventional music school program. Nonetheless, I am not taking any shortcuts. On the contrary, one of the reasons why my students progress so fast is my insistence on building solid fundamentals. I strive for my students to master the necessary tools for them to then achieve their own personal ambitions. Having observed the practice routines of professionals and university students worldwide, I've realized that there's often much time to be gained during practice. Realizing everyone's personnality, approach, affinities and tastes are different, I prioritize a personalized approach tailored to your individual learning style. Together, we'll make the most of our sessions, whether you're a beginner diving into music or an intermediate player seeking to enhance your skills. And guess what? You won't need to practice for hours on end to see significant improvement. With regular lessons, even just 15 minutes of practice three times a week can lead to enormous progress. As I often say, the learning process is more akin to a marathon than a sprint. While efficiency is important, I believe that learning should be fun and inspiring. In my lessons, you can expect a supportive and encouraging environment. I'll be there with you every step of the way, celebrating your achievements and helping you overcome any challenges that arise. Together, we'll create a positive and empowering learning experience. Ready to embark on your fast and efficient piano learning journey? Contact me to schedule lessons and get ready for a rewarding musical adventure! Looking forward to hearing from you! Carl
Piano · Music theory lessons · Music composition
(1 review)
Matei - Vienna£22
Trusted teacher: Hello! My name is Matei, I am 20 years old, I have been studying guitar for over a decade and I have 5 years of experience in the teaching domain. I am currently studying jazz at the Vienna Music Institute (Conservatory of Contemporary Music). I have studied classical guitar for 5 years, electric guitar for another 5 years, and jazz guitar for a year and a half. I can teach you music theory concepts ranging from fundamentals like chords, intervals, scales, and arpeggios to the more advanced: circle of fifths, modes, tensions, and triads. Regarding the technical aspect of guitar playing, I can create a good practice routine for the improvement of different styles of playing such as alternate picking, fingerpicking, legato, taping, hybrid picking, economy picking, etc. Although these concepts may sound frightening at first, I can help you understand them more easily. The lessons are thought to be suitable for beginners who never picked up a guitar before, intermediate players who know some songs and fundamentals but don't know what to do next, and advanced players who want to deepen their skills. I can also help you build a good foundation for improvising over any tune you like, help you master composition, and teach you music-making and recording programs such as Reaper, to be able to start your solo projects. I will provide my personal insights regarding what I think you should improve, but I can also just help you learn something specific like a song you want to play.
Guitar · Music theory lessons · Jazz music
(3 reviews)
Camille - Vienna£40
Violin · Children's music
Trusted teacher: Athanasia is an award-winning composer and pianist, originally from Greece. Athanasia has 7 years of experience in teaching piano privately. She can teach in English, and Greek. She is passionate about teaching as she feels it as her obligation to give back some of the knowledge, she has received from her own music teachers! She also finds teaching to be a stimulating experience and loves learning from her own students. She believes that learning is a never-ending process for a musician, and hopes to spend her life playing, writing, and learning more about music! Since October 2023, he is a PhD candidate at the Doctor Artium at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien. In 2020, she completed her studies in Composition at the Royal Northern College of Music. In 2017 she obtained a Diploma in Piano Performance from the Dimitris Demopoulos Music School, in Kozani, Greece. Teaching in Piano Athanasia teaches piano from beginners to advanced. All ages welcome! She believes in teaching in a way that encourages and emphasises every student's musical strong suits; everyone has their own musical personality and the role of a teacher is to bring that out and facilitate the student's own personal growth. Athanasia's priority, especially for beginner students, is to make sure they are on firm grounds with technique, music theory and music-reading skills. However, she is always careful not to inhibit the student’s natural musicality with an overload of technical information; balance between musicality and technique is key. She is also in favour of introducing sight-reading quite early on, as she thinks that the earlier a student takes it up, the easier and less daunting it will be for them in the long run. Since she is a composer, Athanasia is also enthusiastic about introducing her piano students to improvisation and composition. She finds that it is good activities especially for younger students, as it helps establish a more intuitive, natural relationship with the instrument. Not to mention it is very fun! A typical lesson would begin with the student performing the work(s)/study(s) they have been working on for the past week. Then Athanasia will make some comments, and together student and teacher work on improving the performance, in terms of technical problems, reading difficulties and musicality. Depending on the duration of the lesson, there might also be a short sight-reading and an improvisation session. At the end of the lesson, the new goal for the week will be set. Genre Athanasia specialises in classical music, but can also teach beginner level in pop/rock genres. First Lesson In the first piano lesson, Athanasia likes to have a chat with the new student. She introduces herself, and asks the student to speak about themselves. She is also interested to know more about their musical background (if any), and the reasons why they want to take up piano. It is important for Athanasia to know from the start what the student's intentions are, i.e. if it is a hobby for them, if they have professional aspirations, or if they are not sure yet! She then usually introduces the student to some basic knowledge on the structure of the piano, such as the sound- producing mechanism, the names of the parts etc; the piano is quite a complex, big instrument and can look quite daunting, so a bit of familiarity with it helps start things off. The rest of the content of the first lesson would depend on the level and age of the student. When starting a new activity, it always takes a bit of time to feel familiarity. For the first few lessons, Athanasia will follow the pace that the new student will be comfortable with. It is important to remember that in music we are all learners, and any beginner should feel as if they have just taken their first step in an exciting long journey!
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Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.8 out of 5 based on 183 reviews.

Tuition Math - Physics - Chemistry - Biology (Mexico City)
I found Dr. Ralf to be a wonderful Teacher. The things that he taught me through online helped me a great deal in this class as well as in statistic level. Because of the help and attention that He provided me with, I understand and enjoy Statistics. The class was great in that he didn’t just give the answers away – he made me THINK. This was sort of frustrating, but it helped me understand the material much better. I would recommend him as a Teacher for future classes, without a doubt.
Review by AHMED
Singing classes in Vienna for all age students and musical styles (Online/Offline) (Vienna)
Mrs. Denise has demonstrated passion, mastery and, above all, great versatility as a teacher. She has skillfully recaptured the spirit of a Medieval song with imaginative vocal intensity, while discussing in great detail the lyrical content, linguistic nuances, and the historical context of the song, as well as guiding me through the intricacies of the Occitan language with confidence and poise.
Review by DIANA
Private Estonian language lessons for all ages, different levels (Vienna)
Sandra has been a great teacher! She was patient with me and my schedule and ever since our first lesson, she's been flexible and available for all of our lessons. I haven't taken Estonian in over 10 years and I'm excited to keep learning with Sandra. She has a good plan for learning Estonian that won't overwhelm a beginner!

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