
Phonetics course lessons in Bordeaux

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Trusted teacher: Do you need to practice your Spanish? Do you want to prepare the DELE? Do you need to improve your conversation or your pronunciation? -All levels. -DELE preparation all levels. - Spanish for specific purposes (Spanish and Latin American culture and history, health, literature and art). For 12 years I have developed my teaching activity both in Spain and abroad, I have taught Spanish classes in public and private centers in Granada, Madrid, Strasbourg (France) and Aachen (Germany), online and in person. -Dynamic and creative classes with an environment conducive to learning in the classroom- -Method focused on communication and activities developed according to the student's needs. All necessary materials are provided free of charge, as well as a summary of the words that appeared during class. I conduct classes with a mix of textbook materials, electronic whiteboard presentations, and listening comprehension audios/videos. Availability and flexible schedule, so let's see what we can achieve together. ..................................... Durante 12 años he desarrollado mi actividad docente tanto en España como en el extranjero, he impartido clases de español en centros públicos y privados de Granada, Madrid, Estrasburgo (Francia) y Aquisgrán (Alemania), de forma online y presencial. -Clases dinámicas y creativas con un ambiente propicio para el aprendizaje en el aula- -Método centrado en la comunicación y actividades desarrolladas según las necesidades del alumno. Se proporcionan todos los materiales necesarios de forma gratuita, además de un resumen de las palabras aparecidas durante la clase. Realizo mis clases con una mezcla de materiales de libro de texto, presentaciones en pizarra electrónica, audios/vídeos de comprensión oral. Disponibilidad y horario flexible, así que veamos qué podemos lograr juntos.
Spanish · Test prep · Phonetics course
My approach to teaching primary maths is rooted in the mastery framework, which emphasizes deep, long-term understanding rather than just surface-level memorization. This method is essential as it builds a solid foundation, allowing students to grasp concepts thoroughly and apply them confidently. I place significant importance on the use of manipulatives, as they offer hands-on experiences that make abstract ideas more concrete. By engaging students actively, manipulatives enhance both understanding and enjoyment, fostering a more meaningful and lasting connection with mathematical concepts. I use the Ruth Miskin phonics scheme in my teaching, which provides a structured, systematic approach to developing reading and writing skills. This method emphasizes the clear progression of sounds, blending, and decoding, helping children build confidence and fluency. By following this scheme, I ensure that students grasp phonics in a fun, engaging way, laying a strong foundation for their literacy development. With extensive experience across subjects like maths, phonics, writing, and teaching English as an additional language, I bring both expertise and a genuine passion for helping students succeed. My approachable nature ensures that students feel comfortable asking questions and seeking support, while my enthusiasm for teaching fosters a positive and engaging learning environment. I tailor my methods to each student's needs, making sure they build confidence and mastery in whichever subject they're tackling, and I'm committed to helping them achieve their full potential.
Math · Phonetics course · English
Trusted teacher: Are you afraid and embarrassed to speak in English? I have taught English for over 30 years and it is what I love to do! And throughout this time I have developed and acquired all the necessary strategies to end the myth that English is difficult, while at the same time I have modernized all the approaches for better learning. This way, you will feel very good and you will finally be able to learn English once and for all, without so many twists and turns and without fear! I'll explain to you what it is about! My teaching methodology is called MOTION METHODOLOGY, based on AGILE FRAMING. With the concept that the only thing permanent is change: 👉Each class has a lot of rhythm and many changes so you can learn English easily and without so many twists and turns! 👉Each class helps you tie up those "loose ends" that you've been dragging around for years. 👉each class helps you so you can speak without fear of expressing yourself! AGILE FRAMING is based on the following principles: 1. Build personal projects around motivated people. 2. Provide them with the support and environment they need. 3. Trust students to do the work in each class. 4. Focus on simplicity. 5. At regular intervals, reflect on how to be more efficient and then refine and make adjustments as necessary. 6. Take advantage of change to obtain competitive advantages for students. With these principles and the experience acquired over more than 30 years of teaching, I have developed a simple and effective methodology for learning the English language. My GOAL is that the student: 1.Learn the English language in a fast, simple, organized and effective way. 2.Stay motivated over time due to the achievements obtained. 3.Leave aside the myth that English is difficult to learn. 4.Assess your mistakes when communicating in English and see them as a tool for continuous progress. 5.Develop constructive self-criticism and independence in learning. 6.Learn to prioritize. 7.Recognize when it is necessary to change course to achieve your goals. The METHOD for the class will be SCRUM, which consists of the following steps: 1.Topics to do (TO DO) 2. Topics that are being carried out (DOING) 3. Topics done (DONE) after a review of each of the given topics. 4. Finally, a retrospective will be carried out where everything worked will be analyzed, conclusions will be drawn and the next stage will be planned based on these conclusions. All these steps will be carried out in a SPRINT, which is the name given to each of the cycles that we are going to have in our project. It will allow us to have a work rhythm within a certain period of time, the usual duration of a Sprint being about four weeks. However, there may be some variations that will adapt to each student, as it is a highly personalized teaching system. Everything done during classes will be recorded on the TRELLO online board, which the teacher will share with the student. In this way, the student will have permanent access to everything that is being done and will also be able to follow their own evolution. Throughout this process, the student will always be the protagonist, since they will choose what to study and what path to follow according to their needs, but always with the teacher's guidance. For this reason, there is no study program established from the beginning as in traditional classes. The topics that will be developed in classes will be the product of reflection and choice of the student and the teacher. As a teacher I have specialized in the area of teaching methodology and English phonetics. My classes are generally aimed at adults of all levels, from beginners to advanced, and in particular at people in the IT area. I am an English teacher who has experienced the wonder of teaching this language for more than 30 years. In all this time I have discovered, organized, created and developed a teaching methodology that ends the myth that studying English is difficult as well as helps the student not to be afraid or ashamed when expressing themselves orally. As a teacher I am characterized by being an active, enthusiastic, sociable and reflective person, a lover of simplicity and effectiveness so that the student achieves all their objectives without suffering from what it traditionally meant to learn a language. The results are guaranteed.
Phonetics course · Grammar · Speed reading
.مدرس لغة فرنسية ومترجم ومدقق لغوى .باحث ماجستير لغويات تطبيقية فى اللغة الفرنسية (تمهيدى ماجستير بتقدير امتياز) حاصل على درجة دبلوم الدراسات العليا الفرانكوفونية فى اللغة الفرنسية من جامعة قناة السويس( بتقدير امتياز) حاصل على ليسانس آداب قسم لغة فرنسية من جامعة طنطا شهادة DELF B1 شرح مناهج اللغة الفرنسية لمدارس اللغات والتجريبية ومناهج كليات ( قسم اللغة الفرنسية بجميع تخصصاتها مثل الصوتيات والمحادثة والترجمة وعلم المعاجم وعلم الرموز والشعر والادب والقواعد والقراءة والرواية والادب الفرانكوفونى والشعر الزنجى واثراء المحتوى البلاغى . دورات تأسيسية لكافة المستويات من المبتدئين وحتى (B1 ). التدريب على المهارات الأربعة للغة الفرنسية ( تعبير شفهى وكتابى وفهم شفهى وكتابى ) أنا متحمس جدا لمساعدة الطلاب سواء كنت مبتدئا او راغبا فى تحسين مستواك اللغوى متخصص فى اللغويات والصوتيات والترجمة وشغوف بعلوم اللغة وتدريس موادها العلمية والأدبية على حد سواء تأهيل المتدربين بكفاءة عالية لتعلم النطق السليم وتعليم حيل اللغة والمفردات والتعبيرات المميزة لك بين أقرانك أوفر الوقت المناسب للتعليم باستخدام الادوات الحديثة سواء عبر الانترنت او بالحضور فى مركزى التخصصى بالاسماعيلية سأكون سعيدا بمساعدتك للوصول لهدفك كما اقدم دروسا سواء للناطقين بالعربية او غيرها
French · Phonetics course
French · Phonetics course · Vocabulary
German · Phonetics course · Spelling
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To ensure the quality of our Phonetics Course teachers, we ask our students from Bordeaux to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 16 reviews.

French and FLE lessons by webcam, everywhere in France and abroad. (Rouen)
Sabrina is very easy to talk to and continually encourages you to respond. She has the ability to correct any mistakes without interrupting the flow of conversation. I found we talked about a wide range of topics and gradually felt that my listening skills in particular had improved.
Review by BRETT
German/德文 Beginner/初級~Advanced/高級 (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) (Taoyuan City)
Axel is nice, patient, experienced, and has a great sense of humor. His lessons are always informative. His teaching methods are diverse and flexible. If you're looking for a German teacher, I highly recommend Axel!
Review by YUN JUNG
Pronunciation Course ( American Accent Training ) . (Cairo)
Nayara is professional teacher and has experience in teaching techniques to improve English
Review by MOHAMED