
Personal training lessons in Bucharest

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1 personal training teacher in Bucharest

Trusted teacher: My process as a Teacher and Acting Coach (Acting Coach-Drama Coach), I named it "ORGANIC ACTING", and it is based on "The Method" (also known as "The American Method"), in which I was trained and with the one I have been working on for more than 20 years of my life as an Actress, Director and Trainer of new talents. I baptized my Course or Teaching System with the name "ORGANIC ACTING", to encompass what this acting current means to me, which in one sentence we can summarize as "The Truth on Stage", whose root comes from the great legacy of the Maestro Constantine Stanislavski, and which has then been developed and modernized by other great Masters of acting, over the years, such as: Lee Strasberg (one of the most prominent, thanks to his work at the famous Actors' Studio) , Stella Adler, Elia Kazan, Stanford Meisner, Uta Hagen, among many others. My training, above all, included specialization in the processes developed by Strasberg and Adler. THE REAL ACTOR IS THE ONE WHO DOES NOT ACT! For some time now, I have also been giving my classes online and in a totally personalized way, and it has turned out to be a great experience, since it has become a much more intimate training process, despite the distance, which is essential the first time. stage called: "the actor's work in himself", and for the following: the "actor's work in his scene" and in the creation of characters. We will work on a process of acting awareness, with learning the main tools you need for an organic acting performance, impregnated with stage truth. My work system is done online (anywhere in the world) and face-to-face (only in Madrid), each class is as if it were an intense acting coaching session. Organic Acting allows you to live the scene, the character, get into the situation, feel and live the emotions of the character and get excited! Always aware, of course, that everything you feel and bring to reality comes from a fiction, which is something that is not happening to you, but is happening to the character, and this allows you to live it one hundred percent. Each acting exercise that you are going to do in this course is designed so that you learn how to create a great truth on stage, so that you discover how to use your own resources and so that you achieve acting awareness. Each of these exercises have objectives to meet, and each objective is what will give you organic mastery, so that you can develop acting work based on organicity. AS A TEACHER: In Madrid, I have also dedicated myself to providing acting coaching for Actors and Actresses in their scenes for films and series such as "Servir y Proteger", "Madres", "Deudas", "Hit", "Disappeared", "Caronte", among others. AS AN ACTING COACH: Currently, I am also dedicating myself to the training of actors and actresses who want to learn, experience and live Organic Acting, both in person and online.
Acting · Personal training
Trusted teacher: A course on presentation skills would likely cover various aspects of effective communication and delivery when presenting information to an audience. Here's a rough outline of what such a course might include: Introduction to Presentation Skills: Understanding the importance of effective presentations. Setting goals for your presentations. Identifying your audience and their needs. Content Creation: Structuring your presentation: introduction, body, conclusion. Organizing information logically. Crafting engaging and memorable content. Using visuals effectively (slides, charts, graphs). Delivery Techniques: Overcoming stage fright and nervousness. Body language: posture, gestures, eye contact. Voice modulation, pace, and tone. Managing Q&A sessions confidently. Engaging the Audience: Techniques for capturing and maintaining audience attention. Using storytelling to illustrate key points. Incorporating interactive elements (polls, questions, activities). Visual Design: Design principles for slides and visual aids. Choosing fonts, colors, and imagery wisely. Avoiding common design mistakes. Technology and Tools: Familiarization with presentation software (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides). Tips for using audiovisual equipment effectively. Troubleshooting common technical issues. Practice and Feedback: Techniques for rehearsal and preparation. Peer feedback sessions. Self-assessment and reflection. Adapting to Different Contexts: Tailoring presentations for different audiences and settings (e.g., business meetings, academic conferences, sales pitches). Cultural considerations in communication. Handling Difficult Situations: Dealing with unexpected challenges during presentations. Managing difficult audience members or questions. Continuous Improvement: Strategies for ongoing development of presentation skills. Seeking and implementing feedback. Learning from successful presentations and failures. This course would likely involve a combination of lectures, hands-on activities, group discussions, and practice presentations to help participants develop and refine their presentation skills.
Presentation skills · Self-improvement · Personal training
Trusted teacher: Have you ever been curious about contemporary dance? Based on the practices that I have learned in training to become a contemporary dancer, I will lead you through movement principles that are accessible to everyone. You will be guided through improvisation which will allow you to explore your own toolkit of movement and what dance means to you. The aim of this class is to find pleasure in movement and to let go of the fear of dancing in a particular way. These classes are open to all who are seeking to rediscover their dancing self! Goals ❏ Gain confidence with dancing. ❏ Learn about contemporary dance. ❏ Transform your connection with your dancing self. Feel free to send me a message with any inquiries and I'd be happy to answer you! I hope to dance with you soon, Alexandra Have you always been curious about contemporary dance? Drawing on the practices I have learned in my career as a contemporary dancer, I will guide you through movement principles that are accessible to everyone. You will be guided through improvisation, allowing you to explore your own movement toolkit and what dance means to you. The goal of this class is to find joy in movement and let go of the fear of dancing a certain way. These classes are open to anyone who wants to rediscover their dancing self! Goals ❏ Discover your self-confidence through dance. ❏ Learn about contemporary dance. ❏ Transform your connection with your dancing self. Feel free to message me with any questions and I will be happy to answer you! I hope to dance with you soon, Alexandra
Dance · Personal training
(1 review)
Hamid - Morocco£20
Trusted teacher: Course title: Introduction to hypnosis and personal development Description: This course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to hypnosis and personal development. Participants will learn the basics of hypnosis, induction techniques, trance states and applications of hypnosis for personal development. Participants will also learn the basics of personal development, including communication skills, self-confidence, motivation and stress management. Techniques such as meditation, visualization and self-hypnosis will also be covered. Learning objectives: Understand the basic principles of hypnosis and trance Learn the different techniques of induction of hypnosis Discover the applications of hypnosis for personal development Improve communication skills and self-confidence Learn to manage stress and motivation through self-hypnosis and visualization Develop strategies to improve quality of life and achieve personal goals Course content: Introduction to hypnosis and trance Hypnosis induction techniques Applications of hypnosis for personal development Communication skills and self-confidence Stress management and motivation Meditation, visualization and self-hypnosis Developing strategies to achieve personal goals Teaching methods: The course will be delivered in the form of presentations, demonstrations and practice in small groups. Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences and ask questions to maximize their understanding and learning. 10 hours of training Prerequisites: No prerequisites are required to attend this course.
Life coaching · Self-improvement · Personal training
Trusted teacher: [English below] Marre de te sentir rejeté(e) par les employeurs car ton CV n’aura pas su attirer leur attention ? Tu souhaites décrocher le job de tes rêves mais tu ne sais pas par où commencer ? N’attends plus, et get in touch ! Professeur de langues de formation, je suis également spécialisé en recrutement. De par mon expérience de recruteur chez Volt International, où j’ai occupé une position senior très enrichissante, je propose désormais plusieurs services afin de t’aider à réaliser les étapes suivantes : - la rédaction de ton CV (1 page ou plusieurs pages selon le niveau de position désiré et le type d’emploi) ; - la rédaction de ta lettre de motivation (personnalisée selon la position souhaitée > sans utilisation d’AI) ; - la création ou l’amélioration de ton profil LinkedIn pour renforcer ta présence sur le réseau ; - la préparation à une job interview (jeu de rôle, mise en situation, etc.) ; - la recherche globale de jobs correspondants à tes critères (Belgique, Europe, monde entier). *** Frustrated by the constant feeling of being overlooked by employers due to a lackluster CV? Are you eager to seize that dream job, yet find yourself uncertain about where to begin? Look no further—take action today! With a background as a language professor and a specialized insight into the world of recruitment, I offer a distinctive skill set that sets me apart. Building on my senior-level recruiter role at Volt International, I now extend a range of comprehensive services designed to guide you through the next critical steps: - Crafting a compelling CV tailored to your desired position, whether it's a concise one-page version or a more extensive document for higher-tier roles. - Creating an individually tailored cover letter that aligns seamlessly with your target role. - Refining or establishing a powerful LinkedIn profile that captures your professional essence. - Equipping you for job interviews through dynamic role-playing exercises. - Actively scouring opportunities that align with your specific criteria across Belgium, Europe, and even worldwide. It's time to elevate your profile and secure those coveted job offers. Reach out today, and together, we'll transform your career ambitions into a remarkable success story!
Resume writing · Personal training · Career development
Trusted teacher: Dear All, I will be happy to help, support, guide and motivate you in definiting and practicing of healthy and soothing brain and physical activities through a personalized accompaniment adapted to your needs and endeavors. We will be able to work together on the following physical and psychological levers, aiming at increasing your level of personal well-being in a long-term approach : - definition and understanding of your motivations and future ambitions; - storyline of your life course; - emotional and psychological support; - guided meditation; - learning of “self-acceptance & indulgence”; - self-confidence ; - sleep therapy; - life balance; - advice on professional trajectory; - relaxation exercises (yoga, stretching, massage); - dietary advice and health habits; - calisthenic bodybuilding exercises (see "Sports coaching (multisport) and muscle strengthening" for more in-depth courses on this topic); and - advice on physical and sports activities. As part of a long-term follow-up, we will be able to follow the evolution of your average level of well-being In addition, we can schedule more specific sessions in a natural environment (forest, fields) or city according to your wishes. Whether you feel lost or you intimately understand the levers of your personal well-being, I will strive to make our sessions pleasant and joyful, whatever your sensitivity, in a patient, caring and constructive learning. Wishing you tons of happiness, I remain at your disposal for any further information. Yours sincerely, Stephane
Personal training · Massage · Life coaching
Trusted teacher: Would you like to be healthier loose weight and gain an extra 3 hours every day. Do you suffer from health problems, low energy, brain fog in your everyday life? Do you want to take your mind and body to the next level? Biohacking is about increasing health & performance for both mind and body. I'm a biohacker health coach which is working with how your body works rather then against it. We'll go through what you currently do including diet, frequency of meals, and exercise and see where there's room for improvement. Then we look at where we can tune it to give you maximum health and performance for the least amount of time money & effort. Testimonials: Entering the workshop, I felt my health and productivity were ok and I wanted more out of life. and there I had my mind blown about the possibilities of biohacking. Realising that my body is addicted to sugars 'even though I'm not over weight'. I followed his advice on 10 day detox to unwire the addiction to sugar and I could only do that thanks to the psychologically supporting mindset he gave me. I feel I'm on a whole new level of focus health and productivity and seeing the success, I'm excited to implement more of his advice! - Richard S. I've known for a while that I needed help/support/coaching but not to whom to turn to/where to turn to. Joe provided me with that comprehensive guidance, equipped me with enough information, that I can now make the necessary fundamental changes. Four to 5 days after the meeting/consultation, I started to feel better. - Agneta L. Signup now and begin your transformation to increase health, well-being and performance. About Joe: I've been a Biohacker for over 5 years and have taken my clients' health/performance from a very low place to optimum levels in both body and mind. I used to work in the city where I over-worked and over-ate with an extremely bad diet. Eventually my body broke down and I was transferred from hospital to hospital and the doctors couldn't help me. For over 6 months I was disabled and needed 24/7 care and could only sleep for 30mins at a time. Realising that if I wanted to save my life, then I had to master my own health. From that point on I began an epic transformational journey to master my own body and mind. I tried everything from conventional to alternative medicine and therapies, anything that had even the slightest chance of success. I went to over 30 alternative doctors and took hundreds of different supplements and remedies, studied everything I could about the human body/mind and how to optimise it for health and performance. This goes far beyond medicine and herbs: As Tony Robbins says to be a success at anything 80% is psychology and 20% is mechanics. What that means is that 80% is in your head and 20% is the actual actions to make it happen. Once you get the psychology sorted out then the actions become much much easier to do. Trying to achieve something without getting the psychology aligned is like trying to swim against the tide. If you work on the psychology and get that aligned to your goals and ambitions then it's like swimming with the current. In both cases you still have to swim and put the effort in, just in the 2nd option it's much easier, quicker and with less effort. When I’m teaching one of the most common responses I get is that being healthy is hardwork. My response is that being unhealthy is hard, having health problems like brain fog, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes, those things are hard as hell, literally, being healthy in comparison is a walk in the park. Your body and mind is not a car, if you mistreat a car and it breaks down you can get rid of it and just buy a new one, and another and another, but if you mistreat your body/mind and it breaks down you can’t get a new one! My goal is to help you towards becoming the very best version of yourself. If you haven't already signed up then please do it now. I look forward to meeting you at the workshop and assist you in transforming your life. Anytime sessions are where we agree on a mutual time and place. Any location + expenses. ; #Biohacking-joe ; #Biohacking ; #BiohackingLondon ; #Lifestyle ; #Productivity ; #Workshops ; #Shoreditch ; #Gluten ; #Keto ; #Ketosis ; #Fasting ; #Gluten ; #HealthEducation ; #IntermittentFasting ; #Diabetes ; #LowCarb ; #Low-carb ; #ZeroCarb ; #SlimmingWorld
Health · Personal training · Life coaching
Trusted teacher: Hello you wonderful person! :-) If you would like to learn to understand and appreciate yourself better, I hereby offer you the opportunity to walk part of your path of self-knowledge and self-discovery with me as your mentor and companion. How? With mental training and personality development techniques. I like to look behind a person's facade because there is so much to discover! ✨ Let’s create a-ha moments together and help you blossom! Regardless of whether you have ADHD/ADD, social phobia or are highly sensitive (HSP), or simply don't fully understand why you sometimes - for example - react so ambivalently... I would like to work with you individually so that together we can discover your great sides and bring them to light, so that you too can live your true self and thus rest in your center and be more satisfied with yourself. Note: To ensure quality, I do not offer this program as a single lesson, but as a booking package of at least 5 sessions. I look forward to your inquiry so that I can start developing your potential. :-) ⚠️ Note: My native language is German. This offer is aimed at German-speaking people - although I am aware that this ad will be automatically translated into English. ⚠️ PS: By the way, I am LGBTQAI+ friendly and a non-smoker ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ It starts with you When you are not with yourself and decide for yourself, others will not be able to learn from you, how to love you. They will follow you and neglect you, if you neglect yourself. They will despise you, as you despise yourself. You will assume that their opinion is also yours, because you don't say yours. They will ask you little, but tell you a lot. They will expect you that you join in, laugh along, vote along and do not ask, challenge or deny. They will treat you like this, how you treat yourself. But if you value yourself, if you take your inner life seriously, if you listen to yourself and doesn’t let anyone do anything to you, then others will learn to respect you, to honor and love. It starts with you. Ulrich Schaffer (*17 December 1942 in Pomerania), writer and photographer
Self-improvement · Cognitive psychology · Personal training
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Our students from Bucharest evaluate their Personal Training teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Personal Training teachers, we ask our students from Bucharest to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 5.0 out of 5 based on 24 reviews.

Learn to Juggle quickly and easily for individuals and groups (London)
Joe was very professional and took his time teaching us how to juggle. He made it very easy to get up to speed with everything and was also very funny. He was punctual and accommodating of our needs.
Review by FAITH
Learn English with private English language Tutor. (Tbilisi)
Amazing teacher with big heart and smile. Nice and quite environmet for learning. She really cares about her students and makes hard efforts for easier approach
Review by OSAMA
Développement de un Comédien PRO Development of a Pro Actor High level (Montreuil)
Merete has a wealth of knowledge to share and helped me immediately focus on improving the scene, using a range of techniques. Highly recommended!
Review by LIZZY