大家好! 欢迎来到源的中文课堂,让我们一起在这里发现世界,了解中国文化,感受汉字之美! :) Hello everyone! Welcome to Yuan’s Chinese class! Let’s discover the world together, understand Chinese culture, and embrace the beauty of Chinese! :) 在我的课堂你可以学到的东西: What you can learn in my class: 1.认识汉字,说会你的第一句“你好,世界” 1. Recognize Chinese characters and say your first "Hello, world" 中文音标,声母韵母,如何根据拼音拼读汉字 Chinese phonetic symbols, initials, and finals, how to spell Chinese characters according to pinyin. 2.根据不同场景下的日常对话学习语法 2. Learn grammar based on daily conversations in different scenarios 餐厅/学校/图书馆/旅游等生活场景的常用句式以及不同场景的实用句法和语法 Common sentence patterns in restaurant/school/library/travel and other life scenes as well as practical syntax and grammar in different scenes 3.听力和口语的重点辅导, 包括但不限于: 3. Focused coaching on listening and speaking. Including but not limited to: 发音纠正、口语流畅度和清晰度诊断、反复纠错 Pronunciation correction, oral fluency and clarity diagnosis, repeated error correction 4.家庭作业: 4. Homework: 作文修改,积累并分类错误,以达到“信手拈来"的写作能力 Revise the composition, accumulate and classify errors to achieve "write-down-without-thinking" writing ability 5.独创的影读法: 5. Original shadow reading method: 短时间内提高口语和听力,至少达到日常对话流利程度, 以提升学生口语和听力自信。 Improve speaking and listening in a short period of time, at least to the level of daily conversation fluency. To the purpose of enhancing students' speaking and listening confidence. 6.特色的文化了解和中文短片课堂 6. Unique cultural understanding and Chinese short film classes 通过一些独具特色的中文短片, 提升口语的同时了解中式习俗。尤其对于年轻人:现在的中国年轻人喜欢什么,爱看什么,重点探讨中文时事热点和政治。 Through some unique Chinese short films, you can improve your spoken language and understand Chinese customs. Especially for young people: What do young Chinese people like and watch nowadays, with a focus on current affairs and politics in China.

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