Hello! I am Claudia, and I am a graduate of a Master in Linguistics and a Bachelor of Foreign Languages. I am currently a researcher at the University of Barcelona, and I deal with intercultural communication and linguistic diversity. I am also a freelance teacher. I have been teaching French and Italian for more than five years in several European countries (Italy, Belgium, Spain, and France), meeting almost all kinds of student profile (school students, university students, individuals, business employees, expatriates, amateurs, etc.). My centres of interest are languages and cultures. For me, learning a language means, first of all, understanding its contexts and background. That is why I use cultural content as a stimulus to improve my students' linguistic and communicative competences. Italian is my language, my culture, my history. French is my second home, as I lived there for several years. It would be a pleasure to share these languages and amazing cultures with you! In our first class we will talk about your needs: do you need to learn a new language for professional reasons? Do you want to feel more comfortable when you speak? Do you have to pass an exam? Are you moving abroad? I will adapt to your demands, personality, and hobbies to guarantee you the most natural and least boring learning possible. You will also have at your disposal a specialist of language who can explain effortlessly even the most complicated concepts. I am sure we will have a great time working together! Don't hesitate to contact me to schedule the first class. Au revoir!
Hello! I am Claudia and for almost 10 years I have dedicated myself to learning and teaching languages traveling through Europe. In addition to being a language coach, I am a trainer of intercultural and cross-cultural communication If you haven't found out yet, communication is my life! Thanks to my travels and my professional experience, I have understood that learning a language means first of all understanding its contexts of use and the society around it. For this reason, I use cultural content as stimuli to work on the linguistic and communicative skills of my students. In fact, my students become consumers of culture, music, current affairs, cinema, series, shorts and everything that can help them experience the realities of different languages. I speak five languages, two of which I have learned on a self-taught basis. Also, with a BA in Languages and a MA in Linguistics, I am a specialist in language, mental management and planning. I consider learning a language as a project, because it will always be connected to another larger / wider project. Maybe to move to another country or prepare for a job promotion ... My students are students, individuals, company employees and expatriates who need to develop a methodology to learn languages effectively. The services I offer are different / diverse: individual or group coaching, training for companies, preparation of talks and meetings, fluency training, and other linguistic services such as proofreading and writing in Italian, French and English. The first step to understand what type of service you need is to contact me to arrange a first interview. What will happen in said interview? I will ask you several questions that will help me to make an analysis of your linguistic profile, evaluate your level and establish your learning objectives. On the same occasion, I will explain my methodology and the tools that we will use at work. We will also discuss the type of coaching (online or face-to-face), the schedules, the prices, and the possible offers. After the first interview, you will receive a report with a personalized pedagogical proposal and a budget. It doesn't matter where you live, I'll wait for you in Barcelona or online So what, do you sign up?
ENG (SPANISH BELOW) Hello! I am Claudia and for almost 10 years I have dedicated myself to learning and teaching languages ​​traveling through Europe. In addition to being a language coach, I am a cognitive linguist and an intercultural facilitator. Thanks to my travels and my professional experience, I have understood that learning a language means first of all understanding the speaking community. For this reason, I use cultural content as stimuli to work on the linguistic and communicative skills of my students. In fact, my students become consumers of culture, music, current affairs, cinema, series, short movies and everything that can help them experience the realities of different languages. I speak five languages, two of which I have learned on a self-taught basis. Also, with a BA in Languages ​​and a MA in Linguistics, I am a language and communication specialist. I consider learning a language as a project because it will always be connected to another wider project. Maybe to move to another country or prepare for a job promotion ... My students are individuals, company managers, digital nomads, and expatriates needing to learn languages ​​effectively and possibly without being bored during the process. The services I offer are several: individual or group coaching, training for companies, preparation of talks and meetings, fluency training, and other linguistic services (proof-readings, paper / thesis writing, live translation) My personal coaching includes personalized planned learning - all the material - extra tasks - follow-up by email or WhatsApp - extra exercises and curiosities on Instagram - learning observation and periodic reports - personalized advice and recommendations. The first step to understanding what type of service you need is to contact me to arrange the first interview. What will happen in this interview? I will ask you several questions that will help me to make an analysis of your linguistic profile, evaluate your level and establish your learning objectives. On the same occasion, I will explain my methodology and the tools that we will use at work. We will also discuss the type of coaching (online or face-to-face), schedules, prices, and possible offers. After the first interview, you will receive a report with a personalized pedagogical proposal and a budget. It doesn't matter where you live, I'll be available for you online according to your availabilities to offer you the most customized learning experience. Hope to meet you soon! SPA ¡Hola! Soy Claudia y desde hace casi 10 años me dedico a aprender y ensñar idiomas viajando por Europa. Además de ser coach de idiomas soy formadora de comunicación intercultural y transcultural ¡Si aún no te has enterado, la comunicación es mi vida! Gracias put viajes y mi experiencia profesional, he meant that to aprender a significant idioma that nada hear su contextos de uso y la sociedad a su alrededor. Por ello, utilizo contenidos culturales como estímulos para trabajar las competencias lingüísticas y comunicativas de mis alumnos. De hecho, mis estudiantes invite themselves in consumidores of cultura, music, actualidad, cinema, series, cortos y todo lo that the pueda ayudar has vivenciar las realidades de las distintas lenguas. Hablo cinco idiomas, dos de los cuales he aprendido de forma autodidacta. Además, con una Licenciatura en Idiomas y un Máster en Lingüística, soy una especialista del lenguaje, de la management mental y de la planificación. Considero el aprendizaje de un idioma como un proyecto, porque siempre estará conectado a otro proyecto más grande / amplio. A lo mejor, para mudarse a otro país o prepararse para una promoción de trabajo ... Put alumnos his students, particulares, empleados de empresas y expatriados that necesitan desarrollar una metodología para aprender idiomas de forma eficaz. Los servicios que ofrezco son diferentes / diversos: individual or group coaching, training para empresas, preparación de charlas y reuniones, fluency training, y otros servicios lingüísticos como proofreading y redacción en italiano, francés e inglés. Mi personal coaching included: aprendizaje planificado de forma personalizada - todo el material - corrección de deberes - seguimiento por mail o whatsapp - ejercicios y curiosidades extra por Instagram - observación del aprendizaje y reportes periódicos - consejos y recomendaciones personalizados. El primer paso para entender qué tipo de servicio necesitas es contactarme para concretar una primera entrevista. ¿Qué pasará en dicha entrevista? You haré varias preguntas que me ayudarán a hacer un análisis de tu perfil lingüístico, evaluar tu level y establecer tus objetivos de aprendizaje. In the misma ocasión, te explicaré mi metodología y las herramientas que utilizaremos en el trabajo. También commented on the modality of coaching (on-line or presencial), los horarios, los precios, y las posibles ofertas. Después of the primera entrevista, recibirás a formless con una propuesta pedagógica personalizada y a presupuesto. No importa donde vivas, te espero en Barcelona o online

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  • Instructor since October 2018
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