
Web development lessons in Abuja

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1 web development teacher in Abuja

The web designer recognizes and realizes the visual identity of a website to create from it all the graphic elements (illustrations, banners, animations...), based on the wishes of the client and on behalf of the public, those responsible for marketing and design constraints techniques . Goal: Seduce your website's future users. In the responsibility of the project manager or artistic director, the web designer defines the costs of the product: ergonomics, navigation mode, tree structure, scenarization, visual and acoustic identity, graphic representation... The task lies exclusively in the design interfaces for e-commerce and e-marketing . The web designer design (on paper and à la palette graphic), creation of maquettes and retouching of the websites, more than just a simple executor: it is a vision of the final product ensemble. In collaboration with the client and the head of the project, the web designer, you supervise the work of the graphic designers, the infographic designers and the web integraters. En fonction des technical contraintes, the doit souvent arbitrer between the artistic and functional aspects. Polyvalent, I have no skills in the areas of art and technology. Most different graphic logics: Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Dreamweaver... The terms for managing integration tools (XML, Javascript) are there. The web designer works in a specialized web agency in corporate communication or publicity, in a multimedia creation studio, in a online publishing house, in a SSII (société de services en ingénierie informatique). Certain font le choice de s'installer à leur compte. Novateur, Curieux, Méthodique et organisé, the web designer says Travailler en équipe et souvent sous pression.
Web development · Web design (website design)
Trusted teacher: My job as an instructor is to take your hands step by step to being the best version of yourself in web development from A to Z I Weekly follow-ups and student mentoring I organize workshops and validate checkpoints. I Ensure monthly evaluation interviews with students. I Provide weekly stand-up with students. I make learning fun for our students. I guarantee the smooth running of the 3wacademy program. I am committed to making students the best version of themselves. I teach how to find solutions, not solutions. I encourage students to learn by creating. I support new instructors through the 3wacademy mentoring program. I record video lessons available on the 3wacademy library to optimize the student learning experience. Finally, I am strongly interested in the IT development sector and very attracted by new technologies. Motivated, Dynamic, Sociable, Persevering and Autonomous. What you will learn all the fundamentals of web development HTML CSS javascript bootstrap-sass..etc then we dive deep into the framework like reactjs Build enterprise-grade React apps and deploy them to production Learn how to build responsive, high-performance, and large-scale applications like a senior developer Learn about the latest React features, including Hooks, Context API, Suspense, React Lazy and more Master the latest ecosystem of a React developer from scratch Become the top 10% of ReactJS developers Use GraphQL as a React Developer Use Redux, Redux Thunk and Redux-Saga in your applications Learn to compare tradeoffs when it comes to managing different states Configure authentication and user accounts Use Firebase to build full-featured apps Learn how to lead React projects by making good architectural decisions and helping other members of your team Master React design patterns Learn CSS in JS with stylish components Routing with React Router Converting apps to progressive web apps Test your application with Jest, Enzyme and Snapshot tests Manage online payments with the Stripe API Using the latest JavaScript ES6/ES7/ES8/ES9/ES10/ES11 to write clean code Wait, wait...I know what you're thinking. Why don't we build more than 10 projects? Well, here's the truth: Most courses teach you how to respond and do just that. They show you how to get started, build 10 simple, easy-to-build projects in one day, and just add some CSS to make them more elegant. In real life though, you don't build dumb apps. When you're applying for jobs, no one will care that you created a really nice To-Do app. Employers want to see you build large applications that can scale, have good architecture, and can be deployed to production. Who should attend : Students who want to go beyond a normal "beginner" tutorial Programmers who want to learn the most in-demand skills of a web developer Developers who want to be in the top 10% of React developers Students who want to gain experience working on a large, scalable application Bootcamp or online tutorial graduates who want to go beyond the basics
Computer programming · Information technology · Web development
Hello, I am a Full Stack Web Developer with over 5 years of experience.I work full time as a Developer and also accept freelance projects. Teaching and helping people are my passion as well.I just love it.So that is why,although I do not have much time I decided to force myself to create some extra hours only for teaching. How does it work? Based on my experience, many new developers jump in frameworks way too early.When students come and share their problems with React or Angular or Node.js , over the years I realized the problem is their lack of knowledge in JavaScript not the framework itself! This discovery and my lack of time forced me to FOCUS ON ONLY ONE THING: How can I teach JavaScript in the best way so people won’t have much of an issue when they are learning NODE.JS or ANGULAR or Vue?If I can teach JavaScript in the right way I can fix 90 percent of their problems as a developer!!! I asked that question every day to myself since then as a result this ADVANCED JAVASCRIPT CLASS was borned! I prepared way too many projects and documents and learning materials for every type of learner out there.In the lesson I will analyze you and create a learning program only for you.If you decide to learn with me, you will get your own folder in the drive and every lesson project and documents will be uploaded just after the each class. During the day you can reach me out pretty much anytime(I am not available only for 8 hours a day) and ask your questions about the lecture or about your hw... To be able to give the time and effort to each student they deserve I am not working more than 5 students at once! What you will get if you decide to invest your time!!! -You will learn JavaScript to the depths! Prototypes Inheritance Classes Modules Design Patterns -If you are a complete beginner it doesn’t matter, you will learn HTML and CSS as well!! -We will create vanilla Javascript Web Apps and Web Sites -A lot of learning tips and way too many projects and materials I can not wait to meet with you and help you with your journey!
Computer programming · Web development · Web design (website design)
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