
Tutoring lessons in Ko Samui

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French · African studies · Tutoring
Trusted teacher: Experienced teacher and chalk in hand, offers coaching (online or at home) taking into account the learner's level and adopting the most appropriate method for adequate monitoring. Online, the sessions will be recorded and the video will be available for the listener (for their revisions). If you are a student in an exam class, you will find, through various media, the resources to upgrade your skills and approach the tests with more confidence, and the certainty of a positive result. The difficulties linked to analysis (grammatical and logical), the methodology of exam tests (dissertation, summary, commentary), the understanding of texts, genres and literary trends will no longer be a secret or a pitfall to success. If you are preparing for a competition, more in-depth training to achieve the required performance will be offered. Beginner or advanced Latinists, you will be able to master the subtleties of Latin morphology, syntax and conjugation. You will be able to read and understand texts, acquire vocabulary, and know the history of Roman civilization. For you non-Latinists wishing to acquire knowledge of Latin for various uses, this course will allow you to have a good introduction to this classical language. You will now be able to read, understand simple to complex structures, access texts independently to increase your general knowledge or carry out your activities according to the needs or requirements of your activity. For English-speaking or Arabic-speaking adults who need to study the French language, this course will allow them to communicate in French to be independent in daily exchanges.
French · Latin · Tutoring
Trusted teacher: Hello! I’m Mahmood and I currently live in Gouda (South-Holland). I came to The Netherlands some time ago. As an Expat I know how tough it is to learn a new language, especially the Dutch language with its tough pronunciations and sentence structures. Being an Expat I understand much better what the challenges are that other Expats needs to go through to learn Dutch I am specialized in preparing Expats and other immigrants for the Basic Civil Integration Examination (Basisexamen Inburgering). I can also teach about the Dutch social culture and History of The Netherlands. Also I teach Dutch till A2 level or to the people who like to learn Dutch as a hobby. I teach one on one as well as to Groups (I provide discount for Groups). What can I teach you? : - Read and Write in Dutch - Sound like a Native Speaker - Participate in Basic Conversations and Use Daily Phrases - Understand and Pick Up on Basic Conversations My method of teaching: i) Starting discussion At the start, we will discuss your level and objectives. This way I can efficiently give you the help that you need. ii) Open communication I have an open way of teaching in which I encourage students to keep telling me what their difficulties are or where they would like to improve. In my experience, this saves a lot of time and also makes the lessons more fun. iii) Simplify instead of complicate I am good at listening and understanding why students are having difficulties with certain issues. The thing in which I’m best is explaining complicated things in a simple way.
Grammar · Tutoring · Dutch
Trusted teacher: Need extra support with one or more subjects, help with planning homework or learn how to best prepare for that one difficult test (week) that is coming up? I'd love to help you! Learning in a way that suits you is central during the tutoring/homework guidance. During the tutoring sessions we can look for a way of learning and planning that works best for you, so that you can get started in the lessons and also have the tools to continue with this yourself afterwards. The most important thing is that you understand the material and can get started with confidence! I am 18 years old, just finished 6th grade and have experience tutoring different ages. I completed the Culture & Society profile with Greek and Latin and followed bilingual education and lessons according to the IB-English program. I can also give the tutoring lessons in English, if that is your preference. Want to know more about me? Please take a look at my profile! Areas I can help you with: Primary school: Students from any group are welcome for tutoring in all subjects/topics or to prepare for a (cito) test. I can practice with your child with the material taught at school, practice for CITO tests, explain what your child does not yet understand and improve the general skills required within a particular subject in a fun and educational way. Whether this is language, arithmetic or reading comprehension, I am happy to help your child understand it better and find pleasure in the subject that may still be difficult! Secondary school: - Dutch up to vwo 6 - English: up to VWO 6 - Art: up to VWO 6 - Latin: up to and including VWO 3 - Geography: up to VWO 5 - History: up to VWO 5 - Mathematics: up to VWO 3 For both primary and secondary school I also offer homework support, where I can help with planning making and/or learning work. Sometimes it is still complicated to get an overview and create structure in all the work, I like to tackle this with the student in the way that suits him/her best. Do you have any questions or would you like to book a tutoring lesson right away? Please send a message!
في الدروس التي أقدمها عن بعد لتعليم اللغة العربية للأطفال وغير الناطقين بها، أركز على عدة أهداف رئيسية تساعد في بناء أساس قوي للغة. ### 1. **تعزيز مهارات الاستماع:** - أعمل على تعريف الطلاب بأصوات الحروف والنطق الصحيح للكلمات العربية، مما يساعدهم على تحسين قدرتهم على فهم اللغة المسموعة واستيعاب الفروق بين الأصوات. ### 2. **تعلم الحروف الأبجدية:** - أقوم بتعليم الطلاب الحروف الأبجدية العربية، بدايةً من التعرف على شكل الحروف وترتيبها، وصولاً إلى تعلم طريقة كتابتها وربطها بالأصوات. ### 3. **تطوير مفردات أساسية:** - أهدف إلى بناء مفردات أساسية تشمل أسماء الألوان، الأرقام، والأشياء المألوفة في الحياة اليومية، مما يساعد الطلاب على استخدامها في التواصل البسيط. ### 4. **تنمية مهارات النطق:** - أحرص على تحسين قدرة الطلاب على نطق الكلمات بطريقة صحيحة من خلال تكرار الكلمات وممارسة التمارين التي تعزز حركات الفم والشفتين اللازمة للنطق السليم. ### 5. **تنمية مهارات القراءة والكتابة:** - أقدم دروساً تساعد الطلاب على قراءة الكلمات البسيطة وكتابتها، وأركز على تعليمهم كيفية التعرف على الحروف في بداية، وسط، ونهاية الكلمة، بالإضافة إلى تعلم تشكيل الكلمات. ### 6. **تشجيع التواصل والتفاعل:** - أشجع الطلاب على استخدام اللغة في التواصل، سواء معي كمعلم أو مع زملائهم في الصف، من خلال أنشطة تفاعلية تحفزهم على المشاركة والتحدث بثقة. ### 7. **تنمية حب التعلم والاستمتاع باللغة:** - أسعى دائماً لجعل عملية تعلم اللغة تجربة ممتعة باستخدام الألعاب والأنشطة التفاعلية، مثل الفيديوهات والأناشيد التعليمية التي تحفز الأطفال على التعلم بحماس. ### 8. **تعليم الثقافة العربية:** - أحرص على دمج المفاهيم الثقافية العربية في دروسي، مما يساعد الطلاب على فهم السياقات التي تستخدم فيها اللغة ويعزز تقديرهم للثقافة العربية. ### 9. **تطوير مهارات التفكير النقدي:** - أشجع الطلاب على التفكير النقدي وحل المشكلات من خلال الأسئلة المفتوحة والأنشطة التي تتطلب منهم استخدام اللغة بشكل تحليلي للتعبير عن أفكارهم. من خلال هذه الأهداف، أسعى لتقديم تجربة تعليمية شاملة تجعل الطلاب أكثر قدرة على استخدام اللغة العربية في حياتهم اليومية بثقة ومتعة.
Arabic · Tutoring
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Our students from Ko Samui evaluate their Tutoring teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Tutoring teachers, we ask our students from Ko Samui to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.8 out of 5 based on 25 reviews.

Mathematics classes for beginners and intermediate level (Gouda)
I need to re-study 4 years of high school maths in only 5 months. Mahmood agreed to help me with this difficult task and thanks to his professional way of teaching I believe I can make this happen. He explains topics in detail and yet quickly enough to spare time for other topics. If you are unsure he points you to the right direction. Most important thing for me was that he made me realize that I first need to master concept #1 in order to be able to later master concept #5 and so on. You can see that he has a lot of teaching experience, he tries to understand the way YOU think and based on that he serves you clear explanation for topics you struggle to understand. I definitely recommend him as your next teacher!
Review by RADOSLAV
Python, SQL and/or Machine/Deep Learning Classes at your place or Online! (Lucerne)
I highly recommend Benito as a teacher for Machine Learning and Python! Benito is very patient and has exceptional teaching skills, which combined with his expertise in both theory and practical applications makes every lesson very enjoyable. He explains complex machine learning topics using real-life examples, ensuring that learning is comprehensive and intuitive. Top!
Review by HURIYE
Tutoring for primary and secondary school | Homework support (Amsterdam)
Lilya has done a very good job in a short time by helping my daughter from getting 5 or less to 8 and 9 in Greeks and Latijn. She helped my daughter for weak points in both Greeks and Latijn and ask her issues before the lesson to address it during the lesson.
Review by SALMAN