
Tutoring lessons in Cotonou

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1 tutoring teacher in Cotonou

في الدروس التي أقدمها عن بعد لتعليم اللغة العربية للأطفال وغير الناطقين بها، أركز على عدة أهداف رئيسية تساعد في بناء أساس قوي للغة. ### 1. **تعزيز مهارات الاستماع:** - أعمل على تعريف الطلاب بأصوات الحروف والنطق الصحيح للكلمات العربية، مما يساعدهم على تحسين قدرتهم على فهم اللغة المسموعة واستيعاب الفروق بين الأصوات. ### 2. **تعلم الحروف الأبجدية:** - أقوم بتعليم الطلاب الحروف الأبجدية العربية، بدايةً من التعرف على شكل الحروف وترتيبها، وصولاً إلى تعلم طريقة كتابتها وربطها بالأصوات. ### 3. **تطوير مفردات أساسية:** - أهدف إلى بناء مفردات أساسية تشمل أسماء الألوان، الأرقام، والأشياء المألوفة في الحياة اليومية، مما يساعد الطلاب على استخدامها في التواصل البسيط. ### 4. **تنمية مهارات النطق:** - أحرص على تحسين قدرة الطلاب على نطق الكلمات بطريقة صحيحة من خلال تكرار الكلمات وممارسة التمارين التي تعزز حركات الفم والشفتين اللازمة للنطق السليم. ### 5. **تنمية مهارات القراءة والكتابة:** - أقدم دروساً تساعد الطلاب على قراءة الكلمات البسيطة وكتابتها، وأركز على تعليمهم كيفية التعرف على الحروف في بداية، وسط، ونهاية الكلمة، بالإضافة إلى تعلم تشكيل الكلمات. ### 6. **تشجيع التواصل والتفاعل:** - أشجع الطلاب على استخدام اللغة في التواصل، سواء معي كمعلم أو مع زملائهم في الصف، من خلال أنشطة تفاعلية تحفزهم على المشاركة والتحدث بثقة. ### 7. **تنمية حب التعلم والاستمتاع باللغة:** - أسعى دائماً لجعل عملية تعلم اللغة تجربة ممتعة باستخدام الألعاب والأنشطة التفاعلية، مثل الفيديوهات والأناشيد التعليمية التي تحفز الأطفال على التعلم بحماس. ### 8. **تعليم الثقافة العربية:** - أحرص على دمج المفاهيم الثقافية العربية في دروسي، مما يساعد الطلاب على فهم السياقات التي تستخدم فيها اللغة ويعزز تقديرهم للثقافة العربية. ### 9. **تطوير مهارات التفكير النقدي:** - أشجع الطلاب على التفكير النقدي وحل المشكلات من خلال الأسئلة المفتوحة والأنشطة التي تتطلب منهم استخدام اللغة بشكل تحليلي للتعبير عن أفكارهم. من خلال هذه الأهداف، أسعى لتقديم تجربة تعليمية شاملة تجعل الطلاب أكثر قدرة على استخدام اللغة العربية في حياتهم اليومية بثقة ومتعة.
Arabic · Tutoring
Trusted teacher: English is the lingua franca. The principal way to master it is to practice, because as the adage goes, 'practice makes perfect.' However, unlike the saying, there is no single model for English. There is Business English, Academic English, informal English and conversational English. The list goes on. This diversity means that understanding the nuances of English can be challenging. That's where I come in. I am an adaptive English teacher with three years of teaching experience and five years of academic editing experience. I have taught children as young as two and adult learners up to 80. While this broad range requires different approaches, they all have one thing in common: COMMUNICATION. Be it reading, writing, listening or speaking, I will provide you with an authentic communicative practice adapted to each student's needs. I have experience in the following areas: Business English including C.V., cover letters and workplace communication; Proofreading and copyediting high school, college and university papers; Pre-sessional English for academic tutoring (tertiary) for various subjects, including M.A. Supply Chain Management, B.A. Teaching, B.A. Nursing, B.A. Graphic Design etc.; Sessional academic tutoring; IELT’s/ TOEIC/TOEFL tutoring; English with young learners; Moreover, if you are unsure where to start or require ongoing assistance with writing, I can provide you with a truly personalised approach to writing as we can assist you from the start! Podcasts - writing or editing Blogs and websites Academic essays of all levels Journals and articles Manuscripts Business English
Teaching · English · Tutoring
Trusted teacher: Hi! Welcome! I am a Master's student at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. I offer private tutoring (for high school and/or university-level students) so you can understand the fundamental concept and excel in your studies. I have teaching experience of 4+ years in Physics and Mathematics to high school and university-level students. This class aims to provide an overview of calculus and focuses on the fundamental mathematical tools and concepts such as limits, differentiation, and integration. Building on these basic concepts, we will review methods for solving problems related to their applications. Note that this course will be tailored to your specific needs and we could mainly focus on the topics you are struggling with. Furthermore, please feel free to contact me and suggest any other topics you would like me to cover and teach. Outline of the course: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Limits of functions 1.2 Evaluate the limits using L'hospital's rule (for 0/0, ∞/∞) 1.3 Continuity, types of discontinuities, intermediate value theorem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4 Introduction to differentiation (or derivative) 1.5 Tangent line to a curve, slope, instantaneous velocity 1.6 Rules and theorems for differentiation: power rule, product rule, chain rule 1.7 Derivatives of exp, log, and trigonometric functions 1.8 Implicit function and implicit differentiation 1.9 Derivative of inverse functions 1.10 Second and higher-order derivatives 1.11 Application of derivatives 1.12Geometrical interpretation of the derivative of a function 1.13 Rolle's theorem, mean value theorem, critical point, maximum/minimum of a function 1.14 First and second derivative tests, inflection points ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.15 Anti-derivative, indefinite integral 1.16 Techniques of integration: integration by substitution, integration by parts 1.17 Definite integral and its application (area between curves, application in physics) 1.18 Area as a definite integral 1.19 Areas between two curves and many more... *Note that the sessions will be held online (via Skype/Zoom/Microsoft Teams).
Math · High school entrance prep · Tutoring
Trusted teacher: Can learning English be fun, insightful, productive and effective at the same time? I believe so! Whatever your background or profession, deciding to learn a foreign language is a great way to add another dimension to your life and make your mind work in a new way. You become a (slightly) different person, since along with a new language, one learns to look at the world in a slightly different way. This is why my approach to teaching English is not only aimed at laying or strengthening the foundational knowledge - grammar, speaking, writing and listening skills, but also at introducing students to the culture of the English-speaking population. We will find out what English speakers find funny, what drives them to tears, what makes them feel proud and what they get embarrassed about. Open to students of all levels, my course usually is taught online, using a variety of visual aids and a wide range of material, from textbooks to YouTube videos. In teaching advanced learners, I often refer to pieces of literature such as novels and poems, since they easily spark discussions, which in turn improves the students' grasp and feel of the language. In doing so, I take students beyond ordinary textbooks and grammar books, since they are no more than guides to learning, not absolute authorities, and because to me language is a living, constantly evolving matter, which you must submerge yourself into in order to understand. In addition to my unorthodox approach, what sets me apart is a collection of unique, language-related experiences, which translate into a good ability to understand nuances of the English language. A native Russian speaker, I have lived in the UK for over 5 years, went to a Scottish boarding school and have even completed a university degree in English. Thanks to my linguistic and cultural competency, I will make sure that you are never lost in translation! Are you interested? Then contact me today!
English · Grammar · Tutoring
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Our students from Cotonou evaluate their Tutoring teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Tutoring teachers, we ask our students from Cotonou to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.8 out of 5 based on 328 reviews.

German courses for all levels at home or online (Tunis)
I recommend Khalil without a doubt to anyone looking to improve his/her German level in both writing and speaking. He is a very professional, structured and knowledgeable teacher. He was able to immediately evaluate my level of German during the very first lesson and adjust the teaching methodology and materials accordingly. I am truly impressed with his patience and dedication towards teaching the proper German pronunciation with all its complexities and difficulties as well as the proper rules when it comes to grammar and language. We also had lessons using Skype which is also a good option for those who have a limited amount of spare time or are too far apart from the teacher. It is obvious that Khalil loves what he is doing and is willing to put all his effort into his passion. I wholeheartedly recommend Khalil for anyone wanting to learn the language.
Review by AMINE
Science and math tutoring for primary and secondary school students (Şişli)
I am pleased to share my positive experience with Mavi. Mavi's professionalism and deep knowledge of mathematics. Mavi's teaching approach is organized, clear, and engaging. She possess a remarkable ability to simplify complex concepts, making them accessible to all students. The personalized attention given to each student's learning style ensures a comprehensive understanding of the material. What stands out about Mavi is not only her expertise but also their commitment to creating a positive and inclusive learning environment. Students benefit from a supportive atmosphere that encourages collaboration and open communication. In summary, I highly recommend Mavi as a math teacher. her professionalism, knowledge, and dedication to student success make them an invaluable asset.
Review by ANTONELA
Dutch conversation lesson for children, teenagers and adults
Carolina design your classes based on your needs. She always have a plan to what to do in your sessions. She also finds your weak points during your classes and help you with them in next sessions. That is why I believe having one hour class with her is more effective than 3 to 4 hours public class. She is really understanding and kind. I have busy life and two small children and she always cope with the unpredictability of my schedule. She is also really punctual and haven't miss any of our sessions till now. I am really happy to have Carolina as my teacher and I hope to continue my sessions with her.
Review by RAZIEH