
Statistics lessons in Liverpool

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2 statistics teachers in Liverpool

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2 statistics teachers in Liverpool

Trusted teacher: Welcome! I recently completed a Data Science and Artificial Intelligence coding school following the successful completion of my master's degree from the esteemed University of Ghent in Belgium. With over 2 years of experience as a private Python tutor, I am well-equipped to assist you. My mission is to help you with statistics and data analysis for your projects. My courses are designed to cater to a diverse range of students, including teenagers, those in higher education or pursuing doctoral studies in sciences, as well as anyone interested in understanding statistics. I offer a flexible teaching approach that can be tailored to your specific needs. To ensure an effective learning experience, I kindly request a brief description of your objectives for the course. This will enable me to customize the content and adapt my teaching methods accordingly. Based on your requirements, my courses can cover the following topics: - Fundamental principles of descriptive and inferential statistics. - Various inference tests, including commonly used ones such as Chi-square, T-test, ANOVA, and linear regression, as well as more advanced techniques like multi-level analyses, structural equations, and data organization tools such as factor analysis and cluster analysis. - Practical application using statistical software such as SPSS, R language, and Python. - Engaging in practical exercises using provided data or your own dataset. - Regardless of your current level of understanding, I will focus on the specific areas that meet your needs and interests. I am committed to providing clear and comprehensible explanations to ensure your effective comprehension of the concepts.
Statistics · Computer science
Trusted teacher: Avec 14 années d'expérience à enseigner les mathématiques au collège et au lycée, je mets mes compétences à votre disposition pour vous aider à progresser. Que vous soyez en difficulté, en quête d'approfondissement ou simplement désireux de préparer un examen (brevet, baccalauréat), je vous propose un accompagnement personnalisé adapté à votre rythme et à vos besoins spécifiques. Ma pédagogie, claire et efficace, vous permettra de comprendre les concepts de manière intuitive et de résoudre les exercices avec aisance. Grâce à un suivi régulier et des exercices ciblés, vous gagnerez en confiance et en autonomie. Je suis spécialisé dans l'accompagnement des élèves de 3ème, de Brevet et de Terminale. Mon objectif ? Vous aider à développer votre potentiel mathématique et à réussir brillamment vos examens. Mes cours, dispensés en ligne ou à domicile, couvrent une large gamme de services : Cours particuliers : pour un apprentissage sur-mesure Soutien scolaire : pour combler les lacunes et consolider les acquis Préparation aux examens : brevet, baccalauréat, concours Aide aux devoirs : pour un suivi régulier Cours intensifs : pour une progression rapide Je suis également à l'écoute des élèves en difficulté et je peux vous proposer un soutien spécifique pour surmonter vos blocages. N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour discuter de vos besoins et trouver la formule qui vous convient le mieux." Option 2 : Réussir en maths, c'est possible ! "Vous en avez assez de lutter contre les mathématiques ? Je suis là pour vous aider à les apprivoiser ! Fort de 14 ans d'expérience, je vous propose des cours particuliers adaptés à votre niveau et à vos objectifs. Que vous souhaitiez améliorer votre moyenne, préparer un examen ou simplement comprendre un concept qui vous échappe, je vous accompagne avec patience et bienveillance. Ma méthode pédagogique, éprouvée et personnalisée, vous permettra de progresser rapidement et durablement. Je suis spécialisé dans les niveaux 3ème, Brevet et Terminale. Je vous propose des cours en ligne ou à domicile, selon vos préférences. Mes services incluent : Cours particuliers : pour un apprentissage sur-mesure Soutien scolaire : pour un suivi régulier Préparation aux examens : brevet, baccalauréat, concours Aide aux devoirs : pour consolider vos acquis Grâce à mes cours, vous développerez votre compréhension des mathématiques, vous acquerrez des méthodes de résolution efficaces et vous gagnerez en confiance en vous. N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour discuter de vos besoins et fixer un premier rendez-vous.
Math · Algebra · Statistics
Trusted teacher: I am a flexible mathematics teacher and tutor, willing to either: - support methods and approaches covered in school to help improve your speed of progress and mastery, or to address misconceptions or gaps in knowledge due to time off of school - tutor using alternative methods and approaches to those covered in class to provide a different perspective on a topic (different teachers have different ways of approaching a topic that benefit different learners) During a tutoring session, I am to either: - provide bespoke, planned, and resourced tutoring on a topic (to maximise mastery of that topic) - provide support in exam preparation, including how to approach exam questions, exam strategy, and topics that are easiest for the learner to make the most improvement on - provide support and confidence-boosting when attempting maths questions and homework (both paper-based and on digital homework media, such as Sparx) I consider myself to be friendly and adaptive, and willing to adapt my way of teaching to best support the learner. I am able to tutor on the following subjects: - Mathematics (KS3 & GCSE - Higher & Foundation) - Statistics (GCSE - Higher & Foundation) - FSMQ: Additional Mathematics (Level 3) Approaches to tutoring sessions include: **Pre-Planned and Resourced Tutoring for specific topics: Prior to these tutoring sessions, a discussion will be had with student or guardian as to the topic or topics that are to be focused on during the tutoring session. These topics will then be planned for and resourced specifically for the student to maximise the progress in those topics. **General Exam Preparation: Prior to these tutoring sessions, a discussion will be had with student or guardian as to the Exam Board the student's exam is in, and a general target grade (e.g. passing grade 4, high-attainment grade 7+). Exam preparation material will be provided. **Homework Support: Support and guidance will be given to complete a student's homework. This can be direct question support, or can evolve into a topic-specific tutoring session to help gain mastery of a topic beyond the specific questions set out in the homework task.
Math · Statistics
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Our students from Liverpool evaluate their Statistics teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Statistics teachers, we ask our students from Liverpool to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 50 reviews.

Math tutoring for high school students (VMBO, HAVO, VWO, Gymnasium) (Amsterdam)
I want to start off by saying a huge thank you to Sacha! I am a Master student who needed academic support for a statistics course in February and although I have always lacked confidence in math, Sacha made me feel as if i had the foundation and ability to not only pass the course but also succeed in writing the results section of my Thesis paper. She was always very flexible in her availability, and was able to meet several times per week, which for me, was very beneficial. Other than that, Sacha was approachable, friendly and a great tutor. I appreciate all the support and definitely recommend her to anyone who wants to grow as an academic :)
Review by NAOMI
Math Tutoring: Algebra, Calculus, Probability Theory, Vector Calculus, Statistics, Trigonometry... (Enschede)
Anmol helped me with my statistics assignments and I am very happy with the level of support I received: He is very patient and repeats things when needed but also allows me to try my own approaches and give my own reasoning for the problems. He also provided me with a lot of additional material to further my learning. I highly recommend!
Review by FEDERICO
Data Analysis and Statistics using (Python or R ) Language (Brussels)
Masud is a well experienced tutor and very patient. He understands diverse differential learning needs and always finds proactive strategies to ensure that you learn. The statistics lessons with him was very effective, that even when I had to take my statistics exam it was easy for me to navigate. I do highly recommend him.
Review by NOEL