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Trusted teacher: 📚 Private tutor for university and secondary school - and preparation for yesterday's exams 📚 Need help understanding study material? Preparing for SATs or university exams? 🤔 ⚡My services include: ✔️ Private lessons for all secondary subjects ✔️ Comprehensive help in preparing for the AMSAT exams (Mathematics and Physics) ✔️ Full support for university students in scientific and technical subjects ✔️ Flexible learning, remotely or in person, as you wish 📕Description of physics 👌Physics 1 Physics 1 is a foundational physics course often taught in the first year of university or advanced secondary education. The course focuses on the basic principles of mechanics and electricity, and covers the following topics: 1. Physical Quantities and Units: Students learn how to measure, standardize units, and know the differences between vector and scalar quantities. 2. Motion: It deals with the study of motion in a straight line, circular motion, velocity, and acceleration. 3. Newtonian Laws of Motion**: Analyze the forces acting on objects using Newton's three laws. 4. Energy, Work, and Power: Explain the relationship between kinetic energy and potential energy and how to calculate mechanical work. 5. Law of Gravity: Study of Newton's law of universal gravitation and its effect on objects. 6. Work, Energy, and Energy Conservation: Covers the concepts of work and energy and how energy is transformed between its different forms. 📘 Physics Description 👌Physics 2: Physics 2 is a continuation and deepening of the concepts studied in Physics 1, but with a greater focus on the topics of electricity, magnetism and waves, and includes: 1. Static electricity: It deals with the study of electric charges, electric field, electric potential, and Coulomb's law. 2. Electric Current and Resistance: Understand electric current, electrical resistance, and Ohm's Law. 3. Magnetic fields: Study of the relationship between electricity and magnetism, the magnetic field produced by an electric current, and Faraday's law. 4. Electrical Circuits: Study of simple and complex electrical circuits such as DC and AC circuits. 5. Waves and Sound: The study of mechanical and acoustic waves, frequency, wavelength, and the speed of sound in different media. 6. Light and Optics: Study of the nature of light, reflection, refraction, and lenses. Physics 2 requires students to be able to deal with mathematical and analytical concepts to explain electrical, magnetic and optical phenomena. 📗Mathematics description 👌Mathematics 1 (secondary or university preparatory stage): 1. Algebra: Dealing with equations and algebraic sentences, analyzing equations of the first and second degree. 2. Limits and Continuity: Study the behavior of functions when the values of the variable approach a certain point, and learn about the concept of limit. 3. Differentiation: The study of time rates of change, the concept of the derivative, and how to apply it to solving problems. 4. Trigonometric functions: Study of trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, tangent) and their various applications. 5. Logarithms: Study of logarithms, their laws, and their use in solving equations. 👌Mathematics 2 (advanced levels): 1. Integration: The study of integrals, both definite and indefinite, and their use in calculating areas and volumes, and analyzing antiderivatives. 2. Matrices: Study of operations on matrices (addition, subtraction, multiplication), and the use of matrices in solving linear systems. 3. Differential Equations: Solving equations that relate functions and their derivatives, and their applications in physics and engineering. 4. Analytical geometry: dealing with geometric shapes from a mathematical perspective and analyzing dimensions, distances, and angles. 5. Probability and Statistics: Study of probability theories, calculation of expectations, probability distributions and data analysis using statistics. Advanced Mathematics (Undergraduate): 1. Linear Algebra: Study of vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. 2. Multiple Calculus: Study of multivariable integrals and three-dimensional applications. 3. Mathematical Analysis: A more in-depth study of limits, continuity, and differentiation using advanced concepts. 4. Number theory: The study of the properties of integers and the mathematical structures associated with them. 5. Numerical Analysis: The study of numerical methods for solving mathematical equations using computers. 🎯 With extensive experience in teaching and preparing students for exams with guaranteed success! For communication and reservation: via Apprentus
Ssat test preparation · Special education · Teaching
Teaching · Special education · Arabic
Trusted teacher: Testimonies --------- In just 5 and 1/2 days in February, 2022, I was beginning to transform almost roughly half a secondary school's children ! A Laboratory Technician & Former Senior Mathematics Teacher liked what I was doing - and noted I was the only teacher at the school she saw using my method ! The Head of Science wanted its success for her own children ! The Head of Physics wanted its success for his own children ! The school cleaners liked and agreed strongly with what I was doing ! Children kept clapping hands for me in different classes ! The most dangerous [ latent murderer ] boy, Will, was transformed by my 6th day ! His rebellious classmate, Jackson, was transformed by the 5th day ! From my 1st day to my 6th last day teaching at the school as a Supply Teacher, children kept calling out in the Playgrounds, " Hello, Mr ! " That week I was helped by 72 million pastors & members of Christ Embassy praying from 6am for the children of the world and the Lord Jesus Christ answered miraculously our prayers. 92% Mathematics - By A Girl NOT In Top Sets - ca 7 Lessons ONLY ! In just 6 months of Home Tuition, 7 A, A, A, A, A, A & A* - BY A LOWEST SET Cardiff High School GCSE BOY ! 100% SUCCESS - with zero rejection of learning - BY DYSLEXIC CHILDREN - Since 2016 ! ALL BECAUSE THE LORD JESUS CHRIST HAS BLESSED MY PEDAGOGICAL METHODS - Since 1985 ! Thanks to Him, He used me to bless many families - since I entered school teaching in 1992 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXPERIENCED TEACHER - I BEGAN TEACHING - OVER 35 YEARS AGO ! HOME - SCHOOL - UNIVERSITY - BUSINESS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIOLOGY - EASIER , MORE ACCURATE WAYS TO LEARN CERTAIN TOPICS In ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 100 % SUCCESS - Teaching Dyslexic Children - In RECENT YEARS ! * 100 % SUCCESS - UNIVERSITY Personal Statements - OVER ALL MY YEARS So Far ! 7 A, A, A, A, A, A & A* - By Bottom Set GCSE Boy - In JUST 6 Months' Tuition - Cardiff Hign School ! How ? * Since 1992, I have given my school and home classes ACTIVE LEARNING rather than the popular PASSIVE LEARNING. This lets students enjoy lessons and learn FASTER. * I use special layouts of 2s, 3s and 4s to aid the brain assimilate faster and easier. * I use special serene colours and avoid negative colours that slow the brain's cognitive processes. * I teach students which daily activities to avoid so that their brains go back to normal in 7 to 31 days - for many if they follow my advice fully. * I show school & university students a FAR EASIER & MORE EFFICIENT JAMES WAY TO DO HOMEWORK ! .... so be more than ready and well prepared BEFORE THE EXAMS if you follow my simple, easy methodology fully properly ! All because in 1987, I decided to read the Holy Bible more - and my wife prays for my students ! The Lord Jesus Christ is the One Who has taught me to teach in EXCELLENT WAYS ! MANY Subjects ! It was not by my 3 universities. The best Teachers' Training College at the time , Sir Robert Black College Of Education, where I obtained a Certificate of Special Education trained in some ways like what God Almighty gave me through The Holy Bible. If it had not been for the Lord Jesus, I would have been like all the other teachers - and would not have achieved dynamic top results for pupils who followed my methods fully properly.
Chess · Board games · Special education
Trusted teacher: Я окончила с отличием педагогический университет по специальности логопед-дефектолог в 2021 году. Прошла стажировку по улучшению качества онлайн-образования в швейцарском университете Фрибурга. Предлагаю услуги логопеда, репетитора начальных классов, подготовку к школе, английский язык для дошкольников. Провожу занятия Онлайн. Образование высшее - Московский Государственный Областной Университет. Магистратура НИУ ВШЭ (ГУ-ВШЭ) англоязычная програма "Обучение и оценивание как наука". Окончила семестр по обмену в Потсдамском университете в Германии (когнитивные науки). Именной стипендиат Правительства Москвы. Прошла международную стажировку в Италии по программе логопедии. Автор методического пособия для родителей "Говори правильно!". Занятие будет проходить в позитивной и игровой обстановке. Работу выполняю качественно и первые результаты видны после нескольких уроков. Буду рада помочь Вашему ребенку, звоните!
Speech · Special education · Spelling
Trusted teacher: Learning a foreign language becomes one of the important things to communicate. The Arabic Language Nowadays is required in many international jobs. I have designed this course to reach you wherever you are so you can learn Arabic at your home with me - an Arabic teacher- from my home also. Through the classes, I focus on your purpose of learning Arabic. Whether you want to learn the local or standard language. I taught almost all kinds of students. Academics, diplomats, and kids. I have experience in one-to-one or group classes. During the class, I prefer to use Powerpoint to help the student feels that the online class is close enough to in-person classes. In my class, you will learn how to understand Arabic outside the class and without any help from me or any Arab. Generally, learning needs two parts to be achieved. So I can't do any progress if you did not help me. Apprendre une langue étrangère devient l'une des choses les plus importantes à communiquer. La langue arabe est aujourd'hui requise dans de nombreux emplois internationaux. J'ai conçu ce cours pour vous atteindre où que vous soyez afin que vous puissiez apprendre l'arabe chez vous avec moi - un professeur d'arabe - depuis chez moi aussi. À travers les cours, je me concentre sur votre objectif d'apprendre l'arabe. Que vous souhaitiez apprendre la langue locale ou standard. J'ai enseigné à presque tous les types d'étudiants. Universitaires, diplomates et enfants. J'ai de l'expérience en cours particuliers ou en groupe. Pendant le cours, je préfère utiliser Powerpoint pour aider l'étudiant à sentir que le cours en ligne est suffisamment proche des cours en personne. Dans mon cours, vous apprendrez à comprendre l'arabe en dehors du cours et sans aucune aide de ma part ou d'un Arabe. Généralement, l'apprentissage nécessite deux parties pour être réalisé. Je ne peux donc pas progresser si vous ne m'aidez pas. Das Erlernen einer Fremdsprache wird zu einem der wichtigsten Kommunikationsmittel. Die arabische Sprache wird heutzutage in vielen internationalen Jobs benötigt. Ich habe diesen Kurs so konzipiert, dass er Sie überall erreichen kann, damit Sie mit mir - einer Arabischlehrerin - auch von zu Hause aus Arabisch bei sich zu Hause lernen können. Während des Unterrichts konzentriere ich mich auf Ihren Zweck, Arabisch zu lernen. Egal, ob Sie die Landes- oder Standardsprache lernen möchten. Ich habe fast alle Arten von Schülern unterrichtet. Akademiker, Diplomaten und Kinder. Ich habe Erfahrung im Einzel- oder Gruppenunterricht. Während des Unterrichts ziehe ich es vor, Powerpoint zu verwenden, um dem Schüler das Gefühl zu geben, dass der Online-Unterricht dem Präsenzunterricht nahe genug kommt. In meinem Unterricht lernst du, Arabisch außerhalb des Unterrichts und ohne Hilfe von mir oder einem Araber zu verstehen. Im Allgemeinen erfordert das Lernen zwei Teile, um erreicht zu werden. Ich kann also keine Fortschritte erzielen, wenn Sie mir nicht geholfen haben. Yabancı bir dil öğrenmek, iletişim kurmak için en önemli şeylerden biri haline gelir. Arapça Dili Günümüzde birçok uluslararası işte gereklidir. Bu kursu, nerede olursanız olun size ulaşmak için tasarladım, böylece siz de Arapça öğretmenim olan benimle, benim evimden Arapça öğrenebilirsiniz. Dersler boyunca, Arapça öğrenme amacınıza odaklanıyorum. İster yerel dili, ister standart dili öğrenmek isteyin. Hemen hemen her türden öğrenciye ders verdim. Akademisyenler, diplomatlar ve çocuklar. Birebir veya grup derslerinde tecrübem var. Ders sırasında, öğrencinin çevrimiçi dersin yüz yüze derslere yeterince yakın olduğunu hissetmesine yardımcı olmak için Powerpoint kullanmayı tercih ederim. Benim sınıfımda Arapça'yı ders dışında ve benden ya da herhangi bir Arap'tan yardım almadan anlamayı öğreneceksiniz. Genel olarak, öğrenmenin başarılması için iki bölüme ihtiyacı vardır. Yani bana yardım etmezsen herhangi bir ilerleme kaydedemem. Het leren van een vreemde taal wordt een van de belangrijkste dingen om te communiceren. De Arabische taal is tegenwoordig vereist in veel internationale banen. Ik heb deze cursus ontworpen om je te bereiken waar je ook bent, zodat je Arabisch bij jou thuis kunt leren met mij - een Arabische leraar - ook vanuit mijn huis. Tijdens de lessen concentreer ik me op jouw doel om Arabisch te leren. Of je nu de lokale of standaardtaal wilt leren. Ik gaf les aan bijna alle soorten studenten. Academici, diplomaten en kinderen. Ik heb ervaring met individuele lessen of groepslessen. Tijdens de les gebruik ik bij voorkeur Powerpoint om de student het gevoel te geven dat de online les dicht genoeg bij persoonlijke lessen ligt. In mijn les leer je hoe je Arabisch begrijpt buiten de les en zonder enige hulp van mij of een Arabier. Over het algemeen heeft leren twee delen nodig om bereikt te worden. Dus ik kan geen vooruitgang boeken als je me niet helpt.
Grammar · Arabic · Special education
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Our students from Wadi Al Seer evaluate their Special Education teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Special Education teachers, we ask our students from Wadi Al Seer to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 5.0 out of 5 based on 12 reviews.

Arabic for non-Native Speakers. How to understand and use Arabic in better way. (Amman)
Dana A.
Dana is a great teacher, the lessons are really clear and she extremely attentive to the needs of her students, answering to all the questions and sharing all the necessary material to ensure an effective learning. She is extremely flexible in terms of scheduling and re scheduling of the lessons. She is really kind and supportive, it is really nice to lear with her!!!
Review by ILARIA
Online French tutor for adults and children from beginner to perfection (Médéa)
I am having a very good experience in learning french with Amel. She is so nice, kind and humble human being.Her teaching method is very good. I didn't know any thing about french but in 10 classes I have learnt basic french. I am fully satisfied with her and i have hired Her for further classes.
Review by ANUM
Needs-Specific Learning Support and English Tutoring (Harenkarspel)
your lessons are easy and understandable. you are absolutely incredible. i have learned a lot within a short period of time
Review by YONAS