
Spanish lessons in Torrejón De Ardoz

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5 spanish teachers in Torrejón De Ardoz

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5 spanish teachers in Torrejón De Ardoz

Spanish · Cooperative education
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Trusted teacher: Hi ! I am a passionate language teacher. My goal is to help you master Spanish, both written and spoken. Here is what I propose: 1. Personalized courses: - I will adapt the lessons according to your specific needs. Whether you want to learn from scratch or improve your existing skills, I'm here to help! - We will focus on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation so you can speak with confidence. 2. Effective methodology: - I use effective teaching methods so that you can progress quickly. - We will avoid grammatical gaps and I will provide you with practical tools to communicate in everyday situations. 3. Linguistic flexibility: - I explain the lessons in French, Arabic or Spanish, depending on your preference. - I always adapt to your level and your learning style. 4. Communication and practice: - During our sessions, you will not only learn grammatical rules, but also how to apply them in real conversations. - At the end of each lesson, I will provide you with exercises so that you can continue practicing and improving. 🚀 Join me on this exciting adventure to speak Spanish fluently. Contact me for more details! 🚀 ---------------------------------------------- 🌟 Online Spanish Courses: Learn Skills with Fluidez 🌟 Hello! Be an academic professor passionate about languages. My object is to dominate Spanish, both in writing and in oral communication. This is where it is offered: 1. Personalized Classes: - Adapted to classes according to your specific requirements. You know what you'll learn from this or improve your existing skills, it's what you need to learn! - We focus on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation so that we can speak with confidence. 2. Effective methodology: - Use effective teaching so that you can progress quickly. - Avoid grammatical lags and proporcionaré herramientas prácticas para comunicarte en situaciones cotidianas. 3. Language flexibility: - Explain the classes in **French, Arabic or Spanish**, whichever you prefer. - Please adapt to your level and learning style. 4. Communication and Practice: - During our new sessions, we will not learn grammatical rules alone, but we will also apply them in real conversations. - At the end of each class, you provide exercises so that you can practice and improve. 🚀 Let me be on this exciting journey to speak Spanish with fluidity. Contact me for more details! 🚀 ---------------------------------------------- 🌟 Use the words: مرحبًا! أنا مدرس متحمس للغات. This will cause the water to dry out. إليك ما أقدمه: 1. دروس مخصصة: - سأقوم بتخصيص الدروس وفقًا لاحتياجاتك الخاصة. سواء كنت ترغب في تعلم الغة من الصفر أو تحسين مهاراتك هنا لمساعدتك! - سنركز على القواعد النحوية والمفردات والنطق حتى تتمكن من التحدث بث قة. 2. منهجية فعالة: - أستخدم منهجية فعالة لتحقيق تقدم سريع. - سنتجنب الثغرات النحوية وسأزودك بأدوات عملية للتواصل في الحياة ومية. 3. مرونة لغوية: - سأشرح الدروس باللغة الفرنسية أو العربية أو الإسبانية، حسب تفضيلك. - دائمًا ما أتكيف مع مستواك وأسلوب تعلمك. 4. التواصل والممارسة: - خلال جلساتنا، لن تتعلم فقط القواعد النحوية، بل ستتعلم أيضًا كيفية تطبيقها في المحادثات الحقيقية. - في نهاية كل درس، سأقدم لك تمارين لمواصلة الممارسة والتحسين. 🚀 Remove the water from the water. اتصل بي للحصول على مزيد من التفاصيل! 🚀
Spanish · Communication skills
Showing results 1 - 25 of 57351 - 25 of 5735

Our students from Torrejón De Ardoz evaluate their Spanish teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Spanish teachers, we ask our students from Torrejón De Ardoz to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 202 reviews.

Spanish native teacher from Valencia (online and at home) (Valencia)
When I asked my two teenagers (19 & 17) what their favorite part of our recent month in Spain was, both of them independently said that their Spanish lessons with Miguel were a highlight. We are complete beginners as native English speakers from Australia and we all had a lot of fun learning from Miguel as a family. We met in the relaxed atmosphere of a lovely café in Russafa. He showed up prepared for lessons and happily answered the many questions my son and daughter had - not just about language but also about Spanish culture. He helped us distinguish between different types / localities when it comes to Spanish. He built our confidence to use what we had learned. He practised with us as we learned. And he encouraged our curiosity. Miguel is a lovely, kind man and we look forward to continuing our lessons with him online now that we are back in Aus. Son, 17 - "He made it fun to learn" Daughter, 19 - “The lessons were super fun and I was always looking forward to going to them and learning more. I wish we had been able to do more lessons while we were there”.
Review by BELINDA
Spanish classes from level A1 to C2 and DELE/SIELE/IB exam preparation (Málaga)
I booked a daily 90 minutes class for my son Nicolo' (16 years old) for 2 weeks. He was an absolute beginner and usually has a very limited enthusiasm for "extra-classes". Lucia was absolutely fantastic. She made the magic of creating a learning environment that was fun, friendly and effective at the same time. My son Nicolo' was so enthusiastic about the classed to the point that I could not believe it when he asked me to do more classes with Lucia after the 2 weeks. Lucia was good to teach with real life situation and not in an academic way. She was very good in explaining difficult concept in an easy way. Lucia is a very competent teacher and a trusted professional. I would recommend her to anyone.
Review by GIANLUCA
Spanish Lessons, Speaking classes in Spanish, Get ready for DELE, anything you want about Spanish (Saint-Gilles)
Germán is a great teacher and also fun to work with. He first carefully diagnoses strengths and weaknesses and then designs tailored exercises around the learning needs and gives concrete feedback and shares vocabulary tips. If you search someone to better understand homework/grammar exercises or someone for stand-alone private classes, German is your guy for both. He can explain grammar or improve conversational skills. Before our private lessons, I took courses at the Cervantes institute and my professor there also respected him a lot for his teaching methods and knowledge.
Review by NILS