
Social studies lessons in Lyon

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Trusted teacher: محامي ذو خبرة ومقدم خدمات قانونية مرحبا عزيزي العميل. تعرف على محترفك القانوني. أنا حاليًا محامٍ ممارس، وكاتب ماهر، وباحث عبر الإنترنت، أوفي بما و عد به بالضبط. لقد كانت مهنة المحاماة والبحث والكتابة هي شغفي منذ السنوات الأولى من مسيرتي القانونية، ومن خلال التعلم والخبرة، قمت بصقل مهاراتي كافٍ في هذه المجالات. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، أنا حاليًا أسعى للحصول على درجة الدكتوراه، وهي د رجة أعتقد أنها ميزة إضافية لخبرتي. لا تتردد في تكليفي بمهمتك وتوقع الأفضل من خدماتي. شكرا لكم مقدما، وابقوا آمنين. سأوجهك في هذا الدرس خلال عملية إجراء البحث القانوني وكتابة ات القانونية. - البحث القانوني: سوف يشرح المعلم كيفية إجراء البحث القانوني، وهي ارة حاسمة لأي شخص يعمل في المجال القانوني. يتضمن ذلك فهم كيفية استخدام قواعد البيانات القانونية، وكيفية العث ور على القوانين واللوائح والسوابق القضائية وتفسيرها، وكيفية التطورات القانونية الأخيرة. سيغطي المعلم أيضًا كيفية تحليل المشكلات القانونية وتطبيق القانون على سيناريوهات محددة. - الكتابة القانونية: سينتقل المعلم بعد ذلك إلى الكتابة القانونية، و هي مهارة أساسية أخرى للمهنيين القانونيين. يتضمن ذلك تعلم كيفية كتابة المستندات القانونية المختلفة مثل الملخ صات آراء القانونية سيقدم لك المعلم نصائح حول كيفية الكتابة بشكل واضح ومقنع، وكيفية تن Remove the water from the water. - تمارين عملية: طوال الدرس، سيقدم المعلم تمارين عملية لمساعدتك على طبيق ما تعلمته. قد يتضمن ذلك البحث في مسألة قانونية معينة أو صياغة مستند قانوني - التعليقات والتحسين: سيقدم لك المعلم ملاحظات حول عملك، مما يساعدك ع لى تحسين مهاراتك في البحث والكتابة القانونيين. وسوف يشيرون إلى أي مجالات ضعف ويقدمون اقتراحات للتحسين. تم تصميم هذا الدرس لأي شخص مهتم بالقانون، سواء كنت طالب قانون، أو م حترفًا قانونيًا يتطلع إلى تحسين مهاراته، أو شخصًا يفكر في العمل ا لقانون. فهو يوفر أساسًا متينًا في البحث القانوني والكتابة، وهما من أهم الم هارات لأي محترف قانوني.
Law · Notary · Social studies
Trusted teacher: In these neuro-divergent times, the binary division of "one language or two" in bilinguals is perhaps due some contestation, which students are capable of providing. I have always found bilingual production models (and the ubiquitous Powerpoint slide) that university teachers provide a hindrance because of their lack of explicitness and discussion - they are just not relatable as presented nor do they provide much information or examples for monolingual students. Code-switching, a by-product of bilingualism, is now a term that is even found in minority-ethnic neighbourhood grafitti ("can white people code-switch" a found example). Please note that this is a linguistic term, used for switching between two languages, and not between local or social varieties of English. My personal position is that there is no such thing as bilingualism: there is always a language that suffers attrition, and one language that prevails, mostly because of its prestigious standing over the other language. On the other hand, a child exposed to more than one language cannot be truly monolingual. For this course (very popular at universities around Europe both at undergraduate and postgraduate level) we shall go through the terms used to discuss bilingualism, in detail, and then discuss, with the help of published books and articles, who can be considered bilingual (or are we all, one other language lying dormant?). Can bilingualism be defined by the speaker, instead of the "community"? Can it be imposed by the State? Does a bilingual brain function in the same manner as a monolingual brain? These are research questions that emerge as dissertation or thesis topics both at undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Grammar · Social studies · Child development
Trusted teacher: Experienced lawyer and legal services provider Hello dear customer. Get to know your legal professional. I'm currently a practicing attorney, skilled writer, and internet researcher, doing exactly what I promise. The legal profession, research and writing have been my passion since the early years of my legal career, and through learning and experience, I have sufficiently honed my skills in these areas. Additionally, I am currently pursuing my Masters, a degree that I believe is an added advantage to my experience. Do not hesitate to entrust me with your assignment and expect the best from my services. Thank you in advance, and stay safe. In this lesson I will guide you through the process of conducting legal research and writing legal documents. - Legal Research: The teacher will explain how to conduct legal research, which is a crucial skill for anyone working in the legal field. This includes understanding how to use legal databases, how to find and interpret laws, regulations, and case law, and how to keep up with the latest legal developments. The teacher will also cover how to analyze legal issues and apply the law to specific scenarios. - Legal Writing: The teacher will then move on to legal writing, which is another essential skill for legal professionals. This includes learning how to write various legal documents such as briefs, memos, contracts, and legal opinions. The teacher will give you tips on how to write clearly and persuasively, how to organize your arguments, and how to cite legal sources correctly. - Practical exercises: Throughout the lesson, the teacher will provide practical exercises to help you apply what you have learned. This may include researching a specific legal issue or drafting a legal document. - Feedback and improvement: The tutor will give you feedback on your work, helping you improve your legal research and writing skills. They will point out any areas of weakness and make suggestions for improvement. This lesson is designed for anyone interested in law, whether you are a law student, a legal professional looking to improve their skills, or someone considering a career in law. It provides a solid foundation in legal research and writing, two of the most important skills for any legal professional.
Law · Social studies · Political science
Trusted teacher: So, you need to write a research project! You have some ideas, your supervisor gave you guidelines, topics, clicks, bites and what else. You have already read something on the topic, you might even be well aware of developments in the literature, but – there`s always a but... Are my questions, hypothesis clear? What do I need to know in order to be able to start my research? Will my research contribute to anything? Is my theoretical approach right? Which method is best in order to answer my questions? Heavens! What are questions, hypothesis, theory, method? And what in hell is research for? IF YOU find yourself in a similar situation, this class is for you! With more than 15 years of experience on writing, conducting research projects and mentoring research projects, I want to offer you an eye-to-eye, tailored discussion on your research proposal. We will discuss whatever you have in hands (from scattered fragments and broken pages, to already more elaborated written ideas or still those mysterious feedbacks from your supervisor), and look for unseen loops, unnecessary digressions, missed or overstated arguments. We will see what is working and which threads are worth to pursue further, and which to let go. Rather than give you a professorial class on what is a question, a method, theory or research itself, I will offer you a direct hands-on approach to writing YOUR project. With a mix between those uniquely valuable peer-to-peer discussions and a more careful pedagogical work, we will tackle whatever questions you have, and explore in a more realistic way what a research project is made of and why it is so important. How does it work? Bellow, I offer you two categories of classes. In both of them we will be focusing on what I consider to be the three most important pillars of a good research project: 1. Understanding what our question really is (what is your container); 2. Mapping our bibliographical sources (what are your tools); and 3. Sorting out our ‘data’ sources (what are your raw materials). My approach brings theory and method as the spice of our research project, something that should be well dosed – not too much, not too little, just enough to give the flavour to your project and help you better understand the uniqueness of your research. * S.O.S Combo You have been some ideas in your mind, and have been reading some relevant literature, but you feel you’re going too wide on the literature, or your questions are too blurry, your possible raw material undefined, your theoretical approach sketchy – and let’s not talk about methodology! We will schedule two 90min sessions + a 60min reading in-between: In the FIRST session, you will (a) tell me all you have in your head (you can send me little fragments and ideas you might have written as well), what is your topic, the questions you imagine, where and how you propose to research it, etc. After scratching the surface, (b) we will try to elaborate at least one of those questions, thinking about possible answers and their ‘consequences’, both methodologically and theoretically. Finally, (c) we will look together for specific bibliographical sources that relate to one or more of your questions. We will select one or two most relevant papers to read and discuss in our second encounter. In the SECOND class, we are going to (a) discuss the paper(s), peeling of its main arguments and tapping into its theoretical-analytical approach in order to (b) return to your topic and try to elaborate some new questions and (c) a clear, step-by-step list of how to continue on your own. At the end of these two sessions, you will be able to sit down, find and read relevant material to your topic, and start writing your first draft. * Insanity-check Combo You have a fairly structured research project, possibly with some feedback from your supervisor. You believe your questions are good, you have some bibliographical references and your raw material is in check. All you need is an insanity check in order to move on, rewrite your project and think more clearly on your methods and theoretical consequences of your research. We will schedule two sessions, of 30min and 60min + 90min reading in-between: In the FIRST session, you will guide me through your project, tell me about why your choose that topic, why you are interested in it, what are questions, methodological and theoretical ideas. I want to have a first impression of your research project, before I read it. In our SECOND session, after I have read your project and any other related document you might find relevant for me to read, I will give you a full feedback of your project. If you have your supervisor feedback, I will also give you feedback about that and try to clarify where you feel necessary. I will give particular attention to the weaving between your questions and the literature review, on one side, and on the other side, that between methodology and theoretical framework. Finally, I will offer you a clear scheme of how to proceed to review and rewrite your proposal if it’s necessary. I will also help you and offer you a guideline to ensure you have a strong and well focused map of your literature review, one which you can use to further your research in the future. At the end of these two session, you will have a better view of some underlying aspects of your research project, and will be able to extend your knowledge about your topic with more precision. Finally, you will be ready to start writing your final draft. Who am I? A committed social scientist, MA and Ph.D in Anthropology, completed 4yrs post-Ph.D in political anthropology. I have conducted four different research projects, all of them focusing in southern African communities and dealing with an array of distinct topics (religious syncretism; memory and identity; local and state politics; literary practices; history making; power and authority). During my studies I have built a very consistent and broad theoretical and ethnographic knowledge, particularly, but not only, when it comes to the interdisciplinary field of African studies (a complex literature in which I feel very comfortable and able to navigate with full proficiency). I am a very experienced researcher (with more than 3 years of fieldwork experience in southern Africa), acquainted with all kinds of qualitative methods, from interviews, ritual analysis, archival work and social media research. I have much experience writing, assessing and tutoring research projects; peer-reviewing academic papers (including American Anthropology, Caderno de Estudos Africanos, among others); participating in thesis commission board; and as a university professor. Mentoring and teaching is truly my passion, and with a very consistent and mature knowledge of the literature you can expect a most precise, competent assistance.
Social studies · Anthropology · Humanities
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To ensure the quality of our Social Studies teachers, we ask our students from Lyon to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 11 reviews.

French and various reflections (Lyon)
We were in Lyon for a short period of time and wished to engage a French tutor. Nathalie was extremely flexible and quickly understood our needs. She arrived well prepared with resources and was very friendly and helpful and explained grammatical points in English and French. We definitely recommend her.
Review by SARAH
General Knowledge for a lifelong learning education (Brussels)
Lidia is an amazing tutor. She is well-prepared, with solid knowledge in many areas, enthusiastic, patient and full of energy. My son, who is 18, enjoys his History classes very much.
Review by LILIANA
Professional Cover Letter and Resume Writing Services
Excellent service and interaction, Marisa was helpful and she was very quick and efficient. Very responsive to questions .Thx you !
Review by OANA