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Lie detection - reading emotions and seeing through lies

We have all said that we have been lied to sometimes... and we sometimes tell a white lie ourselves. Please note that there are no warnings and even those that you see in your computer information. Eleven courses are now available in the Emotion Detector!

So I can't learn to play, but I also proved my debate and presentation technology course (a television course), communication, singing, improvisation, "physical acting", detection, hypnosis, management, or even more! The natural view on the gel: I go further, I will study the course, I go further.

Register for one of several lessons, after which you can also take the entire course.

"I'm not upset because you lied to me, I'm upset because I can't believe you from now on."

Friedrich Nietzsche

Learning to see through lies & emotions

We've all been there: someone has lied to us in the past or hid the truth for so long that he or she has hurt or otherwise harmed us.

So we know that the light is gone and we are talking about the corner, we know that we are going to see our colleagues who are on the eleventh of their reputation. Thanks to our lie in emotion detection course, you will learn to see much better when someone is lying to you... and what he or she might really be thinking.

However, this course is much more than that: you learn to see and interpret emotions, often through small signals. Now we don't have all the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), the system that we used in the series 'Lie to Me', but we can also learn about it and it's possible to listen to it and listen to it in the intonation use.

It is important that we test the lessons of someone like Professor Ekman - the man who invented FACS and the fiction series was renamed Lightman - and other techniques against the scientific evidence about what works and what does not. Neither detail nor system immerses even the universal in the same way it works. This means that we have new lessons in which we can learn more about our courses.

From the study of the world to the emotions we have in mind, we have to take into account the growing theory of all the courses we have learned, but the words we have learned are very practical in nature and are the ones that have been studied in the past.

Do I want to learn to recognize emotions very quickly and see what is going on behind someone's facade? Then be sure to register for your two courses!


At teacher's location: Steendam, Gent, België
At student's location: Around Ghent, Belgium

Use ⊞+wheel to zoom!

General info

Teenagers (13-17 years old)
Adults (18-64 years old)
Seniors (65+ years old)
Student level:
60 minutes
120 minutes
The class is taught in:Dutch, English, French

About Me

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To be sure: our head coach is at home in all markets. He wrote his first book, the science fantasy Ice, the Lost Planet, when he was 11. The novel was published three years later, which earned Dirk his city's cultural merit prize and items on almost all national TV and radio stations, as well as articles in every leading newspaper and a large number of magazines. Dirk later also became the very first Flemish author whose books he himself had pinned in English were published by American publishers: Fates Worse than Death: Hunter by Vajra Enterprises and Baour, Strands of Death by BlackWyrm Publishing.

In between Dirk became a journalist. He wrote - or still writes - for 'fanzines', magazines, newspapers and websites such as Zita, Skynet, The Fighting Bard, Mandragon, Dreun, Mindview, Keys & Chords, Bello Magazine, De Zondag, Doorgelicht.be, MetalBorn, BeauSense Magazine, PDF'zines, GameJunks, Rpg.net, the Delta Gids, Cerberus, Cerberus Too, Cerberus Food & Lifestyle, Wellness Insight, Care Insight, Move On, Cult of Cool, Cult of Chic and Cult of Design. Thanks to his wide range of interests, he could go just about anywhere to write passionately about his favorite topics, but there is more.

Dirk wrote hundreds of press releases for PR agency Oskaar and later for his own PR agency, Badass PR - mainly for films, television series, the hospitality industry and various charities. He also provides numerous newsletters and social media for his clients.

Dirk has been a coach since he was twenty - when he was still studying psychology at the KUL - and has written several film and short film scripts as an acting teacher and screenwriter. Numerous radio spots have also rolled out of his brain. The most startling assignment, however, came when Modiphius Entertainment - the largest independent producer and distributor of role plays in the world - recruited him to provide the film script and audio play for Achtung! Cthulhu to write. They were so well received that he is currently playing the complete audio series of Achtung! Cthulhu is finishing. In addition, he is busy with Iron Sky: The Roleplaying Game, which has been delayed due to the fact that the second film was released much later than expected, problems with the film productions, the death of one of the two main writers and the corona crisis. , but will be released next year at the largest role-playing convention in the world, Gen Con in Indianapolis.


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Hypnotherapist at Hypnal, Master in NLP, Psychology at the Catholic University of Leuven, dozens of courses and workshops acting, Self Relations, family constellations, NLP, Ericksonian speech, singing and hypnosis at home and abroad

Experience / Qualifications

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Dirk has the enormous advantage of addressing each of his courses from a wide variety of angles. You can find more about this above.

Reviews (8)

It was a good lesson
Great singing teacher who listens to what you want to learn, is interested and, above all, gives you useful feedback to work with.
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Smooth, professional, friendly gentleman
Translated by Google. Click to view original.
Lessons in order, good tips
Translated by Google. Click to view original.
Great passionate guy with also knowledge!
No, we don't think that being able to sing is absolutely necessary for actors. Not every actor or actress has the ambition to appear in a musical and not every series or film features singing. Still, vocal coaching is a good idea... whether you want to learn to sing or not! With your course fee you can participate in any of our courses whenever you want. This way you can not only learn to act, but also taste our courses in debate and presentation techniques (our TV course), communication, singing, improvisation, 'physical acting', lie detection, hypnosis, directing, or writing! Of course, the following applies: the more you follow 1 particular course, the faster you progress. More info Anyone who has ambitions as a singer or who wants to expand his or her skills to make it easier to land a role will soon end up taking singing lessons... but also those who have no intention of ever performing songs. can benefit greatly from vocal coaching. You often have to be on set for a long time and then it is important to use your voice properly, so that it does not get tired and you can speak as powerfully after hours of recording as before. Finally, it is very useful to be able to put different effects on your voice. Just think of the raspy character of Gollum in The Lord of the Rings, the barking explanations of Samson, the full voice of Kabouter Plop or the grunted insults exchanged in The Chronicles of Sabrina. Judiciously used voice effects can not only add color to characters, they are sometimes essential or almost automatically arise from emotional moments. So being able to use them correctly and maintain control over them without damaging your vocal cords is essential. What you learn As is the case with almost all of our courses, we teach you techniques from different approaches. For our singing lessons, these are Speech Level Singing (SLS), Estill Voice Training (EVT) and Complete Vocal Technique (CVT). Here are some things that will pass in review: • The similarities and differences between the three major singing techniques • Using support • The larynx, lips, and other organs that help control voice production • Add necessary twang • Add air or not • Different vocal modes (with CVT): neutral, curbing, overdrive and edge. • Variety of voice effects including: creaking, distortion, grunting, rattling, screaming, vibrato and ornamentation • For actors: relationship between voice color, effects and the playing of all kinds of characters • For actors: the relationship between stem kle Extras • Help with the CV • Assistance with admissions • Help in choosing the right equipment • Help with finding auditions • Syllabus with pdf of the book Complete Vocal Technique You can participate whenever you want!
They still exist: people who believe that hypnosis is not real, or that it is a paranormal activity. However, decades ago it was scientifically proven that hypnosis not only exists, but is also very effective in achieving all kinds of different goals. Thanks to the hypnosis course, you too can learn what exactly this fascinating state entails. This way you can not only learn to act, but also get a taste of our courses in debate and presentation techniques (our TV course), communication, singing, improvisation, physical acting, lie detection, hypnosis, directing, or writing! Of course, it remains true: the more you follow one particular course, the faster you progress. You can take both live and online lessons. 'Enlightenment is always preceded by confusion.' Milton H. Erickson What is hypnosis? To understand hypnosis, think of sunlight; that is diffuse and falls somewhat everywhere. However, if you bundle light through a number of crystals, you turn it into a laser beam. Hypnosis does the same with your attention. It is usually focused on several things at the same time. This way you not only see what is directly in front of you, but you also notice things to the left and right, in your peripheral vision. However, when you focus yourself and focus your attention on one point, you can achieve a hypnotic state. Our brains In the past, people who talked about hypnosis mainly talked about the two brain hemispheres. The left hemisphere controls the right part of the body (except the ears), the right hemisphere controls the left part of our body. Moreover, it has often been claimed that our logical thinking (including arithmetic) and our language are mainly located in the left hemisphere of the brain, and our creativity in our right hemisphere. However, this is only partially true. The reality is a lot more complex, and other parts of the brain often take over when a certain part is damaged. In ancient texts - and unfortunately often also in more modern writings - you often read that hypnosis additionally activates the right hemisphere of the brain. During brain scans we can indeed see that a different pattern emerges than when one is asleep or awake. However, the investigation into what exactly is going on is by no means complete. What we can say with certainty is that the brain usually works as if what is suggested is actually registered, as opposed to what happens when one simply imagines something! Numerous experiments (often with PET scans, such as the experiment by Henry Szechtman of McMaster University in Ontario in 1998, or the pain reduction experiment of Pierre Rainville of the University of Montreal a year earlier) have already shown this. Brain experiments give us a good example of why hypnosis is so effective in (among other things) pain relief. For example, during a well-known experiment, subjects were confronted with pain stimuli of different intensities. They had to report how much pain they were in while their brain activity was also recorded. The subjective experience of pain of the same intensity differed enormously from subject to subject, but the activated brain area during the pain experience was especially interesting: after all, this was an area responsible for memory and experience! How strongly you experience pain is therefore largely related to the way you deal with it and not only to the objective intensity! You will never do anything you don't want to do The above statement is also largely correct, but it must be qualified somewhat. A particularly small portion of the population—perhaps about one percent—seems to reach a state labeled “stuporous.” These people seem to do just about anything asked. However, we believe that this has nothing to do with a bad or unstable character, or with absolute control of the hypnotist. What is going on can be explained by the phenomenon of narrowed attention. Because a stuporous person is so concentrated on the task at hand, he or she is often no longer really concerned with what is happening around him or her. You stay active In any case, hypnotized people never behave like passive machines: they are actively solving their problems, and are also creative when not suggested by the therapist. However, most things that happen to them are experienced as 'effortless', as if everything happens 'by itself'. Not everyone has the feeling of being 'away': you usually maintain contact with the outside world during a hypnosis session. It is precisely because of the possibility of disturbance that spectators are usually asked to remain quiet during shows. By the way, it's important that you can hear the hypnotist, right? Harmless Hypnosis is absolutely harmless. Negative suggestions can be harmful, but that also applies to everyday life. Anyone who is constantly told by the teacher that he or she is not making any sense of it runs the risk of believing it even when it is not true, or of having a dent in self-confidence. This means that hypnotherapists - like all people - should certainly be careful with the suggestions they give! For example, we think that most (or all) people suffering from multiple personality disorder (where people believe they have multiple personalities) have been given false suggestions (not necessarily under hypnosis) by people talking about different 'parts' or 'personalities'. And what to think about fortune tellers, whose predictions often become true because people (unconsciously) direct their actions accordingly - which does not necessarily mean that they are all quacks. Research also shows that when reminiscing, people often fantasize things! A therapist must therefore be careful of this, especially when it concerns alleged incest or abuse, for example. You always wake up It is impossible to remain 'stuck' in a hypnotic state. Anyone who remained in hypnosis would simply fall asleep and then wake up sober. It seems that people also often experience a hypnotic state in daily life, for example when reading, watching TV, or practicing yoga or meditation. Tool As mentioned, hypnosis is often an excellent tool for treating all kinds of ailments and problems of a psychological or psychosomatic nature. And since body and psyche have a huge mutual influence on each other, this means that you can alleviate or eliminate a lot of suffering with hypnosis. For example, it has been frequently shown that hypnosis is very effective against allergies, psoriasis and anxiety, but hypnotic techniques are also often used to achieve positive goals.
Learn to debate, present, lead interviews, conduct (panel) discussions, read from an autocue and much more! With your course fee you can participate in any of our courses whenever you want. This way you can not only learn to act, but also taste our courses in debate and presentation techniques (our TV course), communication, singing, improvisation, 'physical acting', lie detection, hypnosis, directing, or writing! Of course, the following applies: the more you follow 1 particular course, the faster you progress. With this you register yourself for one or more lessons, after which you can also follow the entire course. More info For more than 10 years, Badass Intensive Acting Studios has provided a unique acting course for film and TV. The team behind the acting training therefore tries to give its students every opportunity to achieve their goals, whether it is to build more self-confidence, find a fun and social hobby, or actually act in front of the camera. This often requires stuck out in order to enter the unpredictable world of cinema, often with varying results. In our renewed TV course you will not only learn all the tricks of the trade, if you actually want to stand in front of the camera to record videos, you will receive a free membership for a year at the Association of European Journalists (AEJ). You will also receive an official pass and access to both the press center in Brussels and the Dutch House, in the same European district. What you learn Here are some skills you will learn during the TV course: • Debate techniques • Presentation techniques • Conduct conversations • Provide Q & As for an audience • Read from an autocue • Basic skills with camera and light Extras • Help with the CV • Quizzes • Completely new syllabus • Press pass of the AEJ (validity: 1 year) • Anyone who deals with specific subjects and appears to be able to do so well can obtain a separate press pass (for example from Kinepolis) or receive review material (for example: games, DVDs or music) • Certainty of participating in our new online channel • Percent of any profit from videos you participate in goes to you Note that the extras are contingent on actually making video films that can be distributed through the new online channel, which we are launching at the same time as our web series, Four and a Living Room. We are not going to burn students who still need to polish up by throwing videos with them on the internet too early. A lesson lasts 2 hours and you always sign up for a 20-lesson ticket. You can participate whenever you want!
Articles, books, columns, film scripts, press releases, radio spots, reviews, TV scripts and simply copywriting with SEO: most of us have tried to squeeze one or more of these types of writing out of the (virtual) pen. However, it is not always easy to deliver good texts. One person has great ideas, but cannot convert them into ink (digital or otherwise); the other is creative, but makes too many spelling mistakes; and a third kind of person is a language Nazi, but fails to come up with fluent, natural-feeling dialogue. The writing course from offers solace. This way you can not only learn to act, but also get a taste of our courses in debate and presentation techniques (our TV course), communication, singing, improvisation, physical acting, lie detection, hypnosis, directing, or writing! Of course, it remains true: the more you follow one particular course, the faster you progress. Our writing course Our course covers all possible texts and can be followed both privately and in a small group. Moreover, we mainly teach you what you are interested in. During our first meeting we will discuss your goals in detail, after which we will focus the entire course on what you exactly want and need. All ages and levels are welcome with us, so we welcome you with open arms even if you have no experience at all or especially need tutoring! About our coach To be sure: our head coach is at home in all markets. He wrote his first book, the science fantasy Ice, the Lost Planet, when he was 11. The novel was published three years later, which earned Dirk his city's cultural merit prize and items on almost all national TV and radio stations, as well as articles in every leading newspaper and a large number of magazines. Dirk later also became the very first Flemish author whose books he himself had pinned in English were published by American publishers: Fates Worse than Death: Hunter by Vajra Enterprises and Baour, Strands of Death by BlackWyrm Publishing. In between Dirk became a journalist. He wrote - or still writes - for 'fanzines', magazines, newspapers and websites such as Zita, Skynet, The Fighting Bard, Mandragon, Dreun, Mindview, Keys & Chords, Bello Magazine, De Zondag, Doorgelicht.be, MetalBorn, BeauSense Magazine, PDF'zines, GameJunks, Rpg.net, the Delta Gids, Cerberus, Cerberus Too, Cerberus Food & Lifestyle, Wellness Insight, Care Insight, Move On, Cult of Cool, Cult of Chic and Cult of Design. Thanks to his wide range of interests, he could go just about anywhere to write passionately about his favorite topics, but there is more. Dirk wrote hundreds of press releases for PR agency Oskaar and later for his own PR agency, Badass PR - mainly for films, television series, the hospitality industry and various charities. He also provides numerous newsletters and social media for his clients. Dirk has been a coach since he was twenty – when he was still studying psychology at the KUL – and has written several film and short film scripts as an acting teacher and screenwriter. Numerous radio spots have also rolled out of his brain. The most startling assignment, however, came when Modiphius Entertainment – the largest independent producer and distributor of role-playing games in the world – hired him to write the film script and audio play for Achtung! Cthulhu to write. They were so well received that he is currently reading the complete audio series of Achtung! Cthulhu is finishing. In addition, he is busy working on Iron Sky: The Roleplaying Game, which has been delayed considerably due to the fact that the second film was released much later than expected, production problems, the death of one of the two lead writers and the corona crisis. , but will be released next year at the largest role-playing convention in the world, Gen Con in Indianapolis. About you During our writing course, it goes without saying that it is not about us, but about you and your writing! Few things we enjoy as much as watching someone progress and live their passions. That is why we often go a step further after class and continue to support you, whatever texts you want to write!

Ask a question

Send a message explaining your needs and Dirk will reply soon:
The more detail, the better.
Ex. "Hi, when are you available to meet for a lesson?"

Availability of a typical week

(GMT -04:00) New York
1  Monday at 1:00  Tuesday at 1:00    Thursday at 1:00  Friday at 1:00  Saturday at 1:00  Sunday at 1:00
2  Monday at 2:00  Tuesday at 2:00    Thursday at 2:00  Friday at 2:00  Saturday at 2:00  Sunday at 2:00
3  Monday at 3:00  Tuesday at 3:00    Thursday at 3:00  Friday at 3:00  Saturday at 3:00  Sunday at 3:00
4  Monday at 4:00  Tuesday at 4:00    Thursday at 4:00  Friday at 4:00  Saturday at 4:00  Sunday at 4:00
5  Monday at 5:00  Tuesday at 5:00    Thursday at 5:00  Friday at 5:00  Saturday at 5:00  Sunday at 5:00
6  Monday at 6:00  Tuesday at 6:00    Thursday at 6:00  Friday at 6:00  Saturday at 6:00  Sunday at 6:00
7  Monday at 7:00  Tuesday at 7:00    Thursday at 7:00  Friday at 7:00  Saturday at 7:00  Sunday at 7:00
8  Monday at 8:00  Tuesday at 8:00    Thursday at 8:00  Friday at 8:00  Saturday at 8:00  Sunday at 8:00
9  Monday at 9:00  Tuesday at 9:00    Thursday at 9:00  Friday at 9:00  Saturday at 9:00  Sunday at 9:00
10  Monday at 10:00  Tuesday at 10:00    Thursday at 10:00  Friday at 10:00  Saturday at 10:00  Sunday at 10:00
11  Monday at 11:00  Tuesday at 11:00    Thursday at 11:00  Friday at 11:00  Saturday at 11:00  Sunday at 11:00
12  Monday at 12:00  Tuesday at 12:00    Thursday at 12:00  Friday at 12:00  Saturday at 12:00  Sunday at 12:00
13  Monday at 13:00  Tuesday at 13:00    Thursday at 13:00  Friday at 13:00  Saturday at 13:00  Sunday at 13:00
14  Monday at 14:00  Tuesday at 14:00    Thursday at 14:00  Friday at 14:00  Saturday at 14:00  Sunday at 14:00
15  Monday at 15:00  Tuesday at 15:00    Thursday at 15:00  Friday at 15:00  Saturday at 15:00  Sunday at 15:00
16  Monday at 16:00  Tuesday at 16:00    Thursday at 16:00  Friday at 16:00  Saturday at 16:00  Sunday at 16:00
17  Monday at 17:00  Tuesday at 17:00    Thursday at 17:00  Friday at 17:00  Saturday at 17:00  Sunday at 17:00
from £29.38At teacher's location
from £50.13At student's home

Good-fit Instructor Guarantee

If you are not satisfied after your first lesson, Apprentus will find you another instructor or will refund your first lesson.

Online reputation

  • Instructor since October 2020
  • Phone number verified
  • Google connected
  • Linkedin connected

Availability of a typical week

(GMT -04:00) New York
1  Monday at 1:00  Tuesday at 1:00    Thursday at 1:00  Friday at 1:00  Saturday at 1:00  Sunday at 1:00
2  Monday at 2:00  Tuesday at 2:00    Thursday at 2:00  Friday at 2:00  Saturday at 2:00  Sunday at 2:00
3  Monday at 3:00  Tuesday at 3:00    Thursday at 3:00  Friday at 3:00  Saturday at 3:00  Sunday at 3:00
4  Monday at 4:00  Tuesday at 4:00    Thursday at 4:00  Friday at 4:00  Saturday at 4:00  Sunday at 4:00
5  Monday at 5:00  Tuesday at 5:00    Thursday at 5:00  Friday at 5:00  Saturday at 5:00  Sunday at 5:00
6  Monday at 6:00  Tuesday at 6:00    Thursday at 6:00  Friday at 6:00  Saturday at 6:00  Sunday at 6:00
7  Monday at 7:00  Tuesday at 7:00    Thursday at 7:00  Friday at 7:00  Saturday at 7:00  Sunday at 7:00
8  Monday at 8:00  Tuesday at 8:00    Thursday at 8:00  Friday at 8:00  Saturday at 8:00  Sunday at 8:00
9  Monday at 9:00  Tuesday at 9:00    Thursday at 9:00  Friday at 9:00  Saturday at 9:00  Sunday at 9:00
10  Monday at 10:00  Tuesday at 10:00    Thursday at 10:00  Friday at 10:00  Saturday at 10:00  Sunday at 10:00
11  Monday at 11:00  Tuesday at 11:00    Thursday at 11:00  Friday at 11:00  Saturday at 11:00  Sunday at 11:00
12  Monday at 12:00  Tuesday at 12:00    Thursday at 12:00  Friday at 12:00  Saturday at 12:00  Sunday at 12:00
13  Monday at 13:00  Tuesday at 13:00    Thursday at 13:00  Friday at 13:00  Saturday at 13:00  Sunday at 13:00
14  Monday at 14:00  Tuesday at 14:00    Thursday at 14:00  Friday at 14:00  Saturday at 14:00  Sunday at 14:00
15  Monday at 15:00  Tuesday at 15:00    Thursday at 15:00  Friday at 15:00  Saturday at 15:00  Sunday at 15:00
16  Monday at 16:00  Tuesday at 16:00    Thursday at 16:00  Friday at 16:00  Saturday at 16:00  Sunday at 16:00
17  Monday at 17:00  Tuesday at 17:00    Thursday at 17:00  Friday at 17:00  Saturday at 17:00  Sunday at 17:00
from £29.38At teacher's location
from £50.13At student's home

Good-fit Instructor Guarantee

If you are not satisfied after your first lesson, Apprentus will find you another instructor or will refund your first lesson.


German as a second language Tutor - Ready for the adventure of learning Geman?
Ready for the adventure of learning German? My name is Lara and I look forward to taking children and adults on an exciting journey into the world of the German language. As a young, experienced primary school teacher (1st - 6th grade), I not only have the pedagogical skills but also the passion to help students learn German in an engaging way. I currently live in Ghent, Belgium and offer German lessons online and in-person. The language of instruction can be English, German or Dutch (B1+ level). I also have a B2 level knowledge of French. My offer is mainly for children: - Playful learning: I believe that learning should be fun! I use creative and interactive teaching methods to teach the basics of the German language in an engaging way. - Individual or group lessons: Every person is unique. My lessons are designed to account for the individual needs and learning styles of each student to create an optimal learning environment. - Experience As a primary school teacher, I have taught children from different backgrounds. A safe and supportive environment is crucial for successful learning. With my patient manner, I create an atmosphere in which the pupils feel comfortable. It is important to me to stimulate learning with as many senses as possible. As a native of Switzerland, I can also give students the opportunity to immerse themselves in the cultural and linguistic diversity of Swiss German. Looking forward to getting to know you!

English Tutoring, Conversational Skills, Writing Editing, Speech Therapy etc.
Hello! My name is Julia and I am a native English speaking Speech Language Pathologist and former early childhood educator. I love languages and sharing my language with others. I provide tutoring services in English, whether it's reading, writing, or building conversational/communication skills. English is such an important international language and learning from a native speaker is crucial. I am a very patient teacher and love finding strategies that work for everyone. As a speech language pathologist, I have also worked with clients in modifying their accents if that is something you are interested in. Let me know your specific interests and needs as they pertain to the English language, and I can design tutoring sessions to work for you.

Greek and English language courses - for all levels
I am a Greek Chemical Engineer working at Ghent with over 10 years of professional experience in teaching (and coaching). I enjoy teaching by adjusting to the personality and needs of every student. I hold the Proficiency in English certificate from the University of Michigan and the University of Cambridge.

Communication training (verbal or non-verbal)
Verbal communication: Have you always dreamed of becoming a great speaker? This training is for you! During this training, you will learn the techniques to speak in front of an audience with ease and clarity, keeping your personality and without overplaying. Non-verbal communication: When we communicate, our non-verbal language can make up 70% of the message we spend. Our attitude and our actions are therefore essential for a good handover and understanding of our ideas. During this training, we will teach you the most effective non-verbal communication techniques to improve your interpersonal relationships.

Online preparation for job interviews, presentations or communication skills( Oral or written)
I support you to land your dream job or give a presentation, and I can also help you with your texts , such as writing your cover letter and creating an effective resume. Also I offer support in communication issues. My method is based on the following points, so I can assist you in: Tips on how to format and structure your presentation. How to begin your presentation research. Things you need to include. What not to forget on the day of your interview presentation. How to build confidence ahead of delivering your presentation. Preparing for questions post-presentation. About me: I have a master degree and I am a former HR employee, who worked in an international company, I have also experience in communications and public relations. In addition I speak fluently four languages. So, this support can be for English, French or Arabic speakers.

Spanish tuition: Language and communication [ONLINE]
Hi ! I am a passionate language teacher. My goal is to help you master Spanish, both written and spoken. Here is what I propose: 1. Personalized courses: - I will adapt the lessons according to your specific needs. Whether you want to learn from scratch or improve your existing skills, I'm here to help! - We will focus on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation so you can speak with confidence. 2. Effective methodology: - I use effective teaching methods so that you can progress quickly. - We will avoid grammatical gaps and I will provide you with practical tools to communicate in everyday situations. 3. Linguistic flexibility: - I explain the lessons in French, Arabic or Spanish, depending on your preference. - I always adapt to your level and your learning style. 4. Communication and practice: - During our sessions, you will not only learn grammatical rules, but also how to apply them in real conversations. - At the end of each lesson, I will provide you with exercises so that you can continue practicing and improving. 🚀 Join me on this exciting adventure to speak Spanish fluently. Contact me for more details! 🚀 ---------------------------------------------- 🌟 Online Spanish Courses: Learn Skills with Fluidez 🌟 Hello! Be an academic professor passionate about languages. My object is to dominate Spanish, both in writing and in oral communication. This is where it is offered: 1. Personalized Classes: - Adapted to classes according to your specific requirements. You know what you'll learn from this or improve your existing skills, it's what you need to learn! - We focus on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation so that we can speak with confidence. 2. Effective methodology: - Use effective teaching so that you can progress quickly. - Avoid grammatical lags and proporcionaré herramientas prácticas para comunicarte en situaciones cotidianas. 3. Language flexibility: - Explain the classes in **French, Arabic or Spanish**, whichever you prefer. - Please adapt to your level and learning style. 4. Communication and Practice: - During our new sessions, we will not learn grammatical rules alone, but we will also apply them in real conversations. - At the end of each class, you provide exercises so that you can practice and improve. 🚀 Let me be on this exciting journey to speak Spanish with fluidity. Contact me for more details! 🚀 ---------------------------------------------- 🌟 Use the words: مرحبًا! أنا مدرس متحمس للغات. This will cause the water to dry out. إليك ما أقدمه: 1. دروس مخصصة: - سأقوم بتخصيص الدروس وفقًا لاحتياجاتك الخاصة. سواء كنت ترغب في تعلم الغة من الصفر أو تحسين مهاراتك هنا لمساعدتك! - سنركز على القواعد النحوية والمفردات والنطق حتى تتمكن من التحدث بث قة. 2. منهجية فعالة: - أستخدم منهجية فعالة لتحقيق تقدم سريع. - سنتجنب الثغرات النحوية وسأزودك بأدوات عملية للتواصل في الحياة ومية. 3. مرونة لغوية: - سأشرح الدروس باللغة الفرنسية أو العربية أو الإسبانية، حسب تفضيلك. - دائمًا ما أتكيف مع مستواك وأسلوب تعلمك. 4. التواصل والممارسة: - خلال جلساتنا، لن تتعلم فقط القواعد النحوية، بل ستتعلم أيضًا كيفية تطبيقها في المحادثات الحقيقية. - في نهاية كل درس، سأقدم لك تمارين لمواصلة الممارسة والتحسين. 🚀 Remove the water from the water. اتصل بي للحصول على مزيد من التفاصيل! 🚀

I will teach you French and help you achieving your purpose in a short period ! 🎯💯
Learning languages is a beautiful adventure where you can get better results when you get someone to help you! I will be happy to be that person who helps you develop your french skills. I have a french certificate and an experience teaching online. I can also help you with English. Contact me now and we can discuss your goals and i'll create the perfect plan to achieve them.

Arabic lessons for beginners and advanced ( reading , speaking and writing)
Hello everyone! 😊 I'm Abir, hailing from Tunisia, and I'm passionate about teaching Arabic, my native language. Whether you're a complete beginner or already have some Arabic skills, I'm here to guide you on your language-learning journey. For beginners, I'll cover everything from alphabets to reading, comprehension, and speaking, all in an enjoyable and straightforward manner. If you're already familiar with Arabic, we can engage in conversation on various topics to help you practice and improve. I'm committed to helping you reach your language goals, one step at a time, using an engaging and effective teaching approach. I'm confident that you'll find my method both enjoyable and productive, resulting in significant progress. If you're interested in starting your Arabic learning adventure, please don't hesitate to contact me, and let's schedule your first lesson. Stay safe until then!☺️

Dutch for non-native speakers (including ITNA) and native speakers
Dutch for speakers of other languages: all levels Grammar - spelling - pronunciation - conversation - preparation ITNA... I make my own material tailored to the student. Dutch for native speakers: spelling - reader-oriented writing If desired, the following is possible: correction and revision, proofreading of papers and theses, translations from English / Spanish (prices are determined based on the number of words) The price for a lesson is for 1 person. Do you want to take the lesson with several people? Please contact me to ask for the price. The available times during the week often change. So feel free to contact me to ask if your preferred moment is still available.

Prof Jamal
✅ARABIC COURSE (simple method): Classical Arabic, Moroccan dialect (Darija) and Quran [WEBCAME]
Hello everyone, ✅My name is Jamal, I am an experienced trainer, I provide personalized Arabic lessons to each student ✅If you want to improve your level in Classical Arabic? or Moroccan dialectal Arabic (darija)? or Learn to read the Quran? ✅I offer Arabic lessons for primary, middle, high school and even adults. ✅My courses are intended for anyone wishing to study the Arabic language, there is no prerequisite level, even complete beginners can follow these courses. [WEBCAME] ✅The work is based on effective pedagogy in order to be able to assimilate the lessons and succeed in homework and discussions by working on reading, writing, comprehension as well as oral and written expression. ✅I use presentations + games + videos + images + audios + homework between sessions... I help students internationally improve their grades and Arabic skills.

CTCSOL Certified University Teacher-Learn Chinese systematically in a fun way
Hi, I'm Shan. Glad to meet you here. I was born and brought up in China. I came to the Netherlands in 2014 and worked at Utrecht University, VU Amsterdam and Erasmus University. I specialize in teaching Chinese as a second language. No matter you are preparing for future career, HSK exams or out of pure interest, your goal will be achieved with my professional instruction. My class is well organized and fun. Step by step, you will be able to speak Mandarin Chinese fluently! Three key characteristics of my class: * Communication oriented * Cultural related * Real-life materials Ready to start? Send me a message!

➤ From NVC (Non-Violent Communication) through the pragmatic tools of empathy and emotional intelligence. From personal to professional. From theory to practice with simulations. It is about putting in place rational tools to defuse conflicts and enter your comfort / security zone. In particular, simple techniques which make it possible to improve intimate, personal and professional relationships, or even to resolve and manage violent situations in a harmonious, effective and lasting way. ➤ Indeed, the objective is to improve personal / professional communication & overcome any resulting conflicts. So how do you get a clear message across and make a difference? ➤ More precisely, the objectives are to: 0. Understand and identify the issues / risks then find a balance between empathy and conviction 1. Use interpersonal communication techniques resulting from mediation to defuse tensions and gain distance 2. Dissociate the relational and the nature of the disagreement - Overcome cognitive and psychological obstacles 3. Acquire the techniques of self-defense and mastery without hurting and being injured 4. Face and then defuse difficult behaviors (blackmail attempts, threats, destabilization) or even dangerous with a mediation strategy 5. Develop conflict management and negotiation skills, alternating attentive listening, active speaking and rationality in the face of the limited rationality of the angry individual. ➤ Whether your objective is personal or professional, defusing conflicts, negotiating and speaking relevant and successful must always be effective and efficient, with clear, simple and powerful messages, creating an adequacy between the message received and the message sent. Consistency between form and substance. ➤ So, how to listen and be listened to, convince and be impactful, challenge and mark the spirits, enhance its content, address its audience effectively and optimize the quality & clarity of the exchange / message? It is precisely a question of going through, applying and deploying practical and effective techniques of verbal and non-verbal communication. ➤ Thus, mastered, the practical method allows, through a set of simulations and scenarios based on your daily experience supporting pragmatic & concrete techniques, to improve self-confidence, self-confidence, but also to work on one's leadership & charisma. ➤ So, in this context, after having precisely defined your objective & gone through the blockages encountered, here are some examples of themes covered through concrete techniques & a targeted methodology: ✓Practical tools to perfect your rhetoric/repartee ✓Decode and use the practical communication tools of great leaders ✓Fundamentals (practices) of eloquence but also of public speaking (intonation, gaze, gestures, elocution, range, emotions, pronunciation, development of one's own style of charisma) to ensure consistency between substance & form ✓Fundamentals of Body Language to support and not interfere with the speech while being convinced & convincing. ✓ Highlighting their speech & promoting their speaking to arouse interest, by building on their strengths. ✓Creation of a coherence between the message emitted & the message received in order to improve its speech and in fact, its professional/personal relations. ✓Management of Q&A sessions & external reactions during an intervention or an oral exchange. ✓Practical tools to put your interlocutor at ease and appear friendly/interested. ✓To succeed in a negotiation/mediation. ✓On the one hand, learning to say 'no' simply in three steps AND on the other hand, getting people to say 'yes'. ✓To turn sentences into positive AND constructive. ✓To manage conflicts (eg 'assertive' communication techniques, eg CNV techniques - Non Violent Communication). ✓To put NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) at the service of communication. ✓To adopt effective, simple, fair and engaging language. ✓To use sentences, turns of phrase & expressions allowing to be precise, simple, effective & challenging. ✓To manage your personal & professional relationships with, for example, the preparation of your ratings. ✓Make your hypersensitivity a strength to tame your abilities. ✓Listening proactively and expressing / conveying ideas / message clearly. ✓ Avoid letting your emotions show through and propose a constructive solution to problems, while drawing on your own relational skills. ✓Be better equipped to recognize and immediately remedy situations that weaken their authority and affect their ability to communicate effectively. ✓Enhance their potential for expression and creativity (often underestimated until now) and 'apparent' sociability ✓Develop not necessarily self-confidence, but the 'appearance' of self-confidence, refine one's listening to respond adequately, open up to the resources of the imagination, free oneself from the rational to then structure one's speech. ✓Relate their communication objectives (project, institution, values, ideas, demands, etc.) to the form of their expression. ✓Learn and put into practice persuasive communication techniques and better understand the perception that others have of oneself. In order to improve his skills of 'self-presentation' and conveyed image. ✓Practical techniques to foster the engagement of the other party. ✓Strengthen the structure of its communication and develop a convincing argument in order to sell its ideas and projects. (...) ➤ In short, each session combines techniques & practice exercises adapted to your everyday situations (filmed with your agreement in order to be reviewed, commented on, decoded together live), so that you can put them into practice immediately, this from the 1st session. ➤ THE CONSULTANT TRAINER Trained in a Grande Ecole post-preparatory European classes & Ivy League university in the United States, our teacher has specialized and has worked for more than 15 years, in Europe and North America, in the field of communication, in renowned international public and private establishments, intervening in forums and conferences, & oriented towards pedagogy and careful methodology. ➤ LOCATION, TIMETABLE ✓ Locations: Geneva-Lausanne-Fribourg-Zurich-Neuchâtel-Lugano-Montreux-Basel-Neuchâtel-Bern-Lucerne-Brussels-Luxembourg-Paris-Lyon. But currently, these sessions continue to be offered by videoconference in the current context and in accordance with general demand which is almost unanimous on this subject. ✓ Indeed, apart from the classic advantages of videoconferencing (time saving related to travel & their unforeseen events, eco-responsibility, increased schedule flexibility, etc.), the quality of the session & the interaction remain identical. In addition, the entire exchange, notes and recommendations are immediately transcribed on the dedicated chat. ✓ To support us among ourselves & to be pleasant to you in this sustainable / particular period and in a spirit of solidarity, the fees are temporarily reduced and will not increase after the start of our sessions. ✓ Languages: French/English. ✓ The progress following these private sessions is perceptible from 1 to 2 sessions (*2024 study). ✓ As other people do regularly, you can also please your loved ones by offering gift vouchers available all year round. PROGRAM ✓ A la carte program: evaluated and adapted to each need.

German Language for Beginners (Deutsch - A1 und A2)
German as a foreign language can be hard, especially regarding the grammar part. Always focusing on the structures of the sentences can be challenging and demotivating when trying to connect the sentences in a communication environment. That is why with the help of this class, you'll get more confident in building strong sentences without the stress usually involved. As a foreign speaker of German of over 3 years, there's no other person that understands the struggles better than I do. We will cover all the fundamentals with the background of grammar and syntax so that we are able to create a strong base for future advanced levels.

Italian lessons for any level: in person, online, solo or group!
I've been teaching Italian for over 5 years, armed with a Double Degree in Languages, plus not one, but two Masters! 🎓 🇮🇹 And here's the ciliegina sulla torta: I just kicked off another Master's in Teaching Italian to Foreigners at Ca Foscari University. Now, I've got an awesome group of 10 recurrent students learning together with me (some solo and some in small groups or couple), each with specific goals, needs, and motivation. And I'm looking forward to meeting you! Are you ready to embark on an incredible adventure through the enchanting world of Italy, Italians, and gestures? :-) We begin by assessing your level, goals, and needs. Together, we craft a personalized plan, ensuring that your learning experience is tailored, efficient, and effective. The classes are tailored to suit your individual level, needs, and goals. Depending on you, we will use textbooks, online tools, or articles among others. My approach encompasses various aspects such as conversation, vocabulary, grammar, Italian culture, or test preparation. Book our class now!

Let's learn Japanese with a native through a casual talk
-------About me Name: Ayaka Origin: Osaka Japanese: Standard Japanese, Kansai dialect Jobs: Flight Attendant (past), Yoga Instructor (active) Hobbies: Traveling, Yoga, Photography, Walking and hiking, Cooking, Skiing, Animal lover ----------About the Lesson--------------------- The main focus will be on "Speaking." Q. Why is speaking the main focus? A. We want you to experience the joy of speaking Japanese through free talk. Just learning words from manga is not easy to understand what natives say in daily life. I will assist you in learning vocabulary and acquiring natural expressions by speaking with native Japanese speakers. -----A message to the students at the end----- I love cultural exchange and have a friendly personality. Having traveled to various countries and learning German, I understand the challenges and joys of learning a new language firsthand. This makes me happy to be able to help you learn Japanese. I look forward to the day when we can have enjoyable conversations together.