
Private teachers in Wambrechies

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62 private teachers in Wambrechies

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62 private teachers in Wambrechies

(6 reviews)
Mark - Bondues£35
Trusted teacher: I offer you my services in order to make you truly effective orally / in writing in English. If you have to use English for your professional activity and you don't feel comfortable. If you are tired of being spotted right away as the French. If you still don't know when to use the present perfect / preterite, I'm here to help and take you forward. * Linguist by training and author of school textbook in this capacity. I am not that young student who got a good mark in the Baccalaureate or that other who is supposedly bilingual. I have been teaching as a teacher in the National Education since 1995 and I can tell you that teaching cannot be improvised. It is not an activity that we do "like that". I offer you my expertise and my experience. To have 10/20 in the Baccalaureate, it is enough to have the A2 level (which is theoretically expected at the end of 3rd year) so I let you imagine the desperation of future engineers who must obtain at least 750 in the TOEIC! (the equivalent of level B2) * Daily monitoring possible via internet. * Specialized in "phonology": intonation, word accent, connections, oral grammar. * Adaptation to all levels: from college to post-Bac including high school. => Post-bac: preparation for TOEIC, TOEFL, iELTS, Cambridge First-Certificate, Advanced Certificate. => CPGE: translation, essay, "fluency". => Enunciative Linguistics (CAPES) - Didactics of English. => Orals and writings of the grandes écoles such as the ENA. => Orals and writings from business schools (Tremplin-Passerelle ...). => English for medical interns.
English · Iep test preparation · Test prep
(1 review)
Liv - Lille£16
Trusted teacher: History is a subject often considered uninteresting. But I try to design my course according to your needs, your difficulties and even facilities in order to create a course in which you will flourish. Also, I am a student in History and therefore I can help you with the methodology and recommend several books to deepen your subjects. The course will be divided according to the periods: First, Ancient Rome, from Romulus to the death of Nero where we will study the different aspects of Roman life and its politics. We will also study Ancient Greece, also considered the cradle of history with its mythology, daily life and the wars that marked it. The Middle Ages will be studied from the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476. We will go through Clovis, religion but also royalty. Then, we will study the modern era with plague epidemics, life under the old Regime and the different kings as well as their life at court without forgetting the wars of religion and absolutist reigns as well as the History of the English Revolutions . Finally, the contemporary era (where I am most comfortable), where we will study the Catholic Church, the working world but also the global aspects of this period. We will also focus on the two world wars with the civilian impacts they had. If you want a course on the HGGSP, we will follow the program according to the pace you study in class. I would also like to train you orally, by doing some courses, by teaching you to master a PowerPoint and finally by teaching you the methodology of the dissertation, the presentation, the text commentary and finally the bibliography.
World history · Medieval history · Geography
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To ensure the quality of our teachers, we ask our students from Wambrechies to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 5.0 out of 5 based on 15 reviews.

French for an English speaking public! Do you think French is difficult? If yes, it's because you don't know me yet! (Lille)
Carolina is a very good teacher and applies a unique strategy depending on your level. This method catapults your current state onto the right track with results that are immediately noticeable. She is a great asset to the teaching profession.
Private lessons in History-Geography-Contemporary History- Ancient History (Mouscron)
Liv is knowledgable in ancient history, and my daughter enjoyed a lesson with Liv about Ancient Rome.
Review by ELENA

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