
Private teachers in La Mulatière

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209 private teachers in La Mulatière

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209 private teachers in La Mulatière

(11 reviews)
Yanick - Lyon£36
Trusted teacher: Share a vocal technique based on the organic functioning of the body and its possibilities of producing a free and healthy sound. Each session is adapted to the specific needs of the student, to respond to technical problems of emission or interpretation and always keeping our relationship between body and voice. The objective is to acquire effective vocal flexibility in order to achieve the envisaged sung voice quality. Through a multidisciplinary methodology, we will be able to discover and stimulate the possibilities of your voice applied to the style of your desire (Pop, lyric / classical, Broadway or musical, variety, jazz, current song, etc.). These courses are aimed at all levels (From beginners to confirmed) and from 10 years old. The session is divided into 3 parts: -Warming up and work of the breath: We will work starting from exercises of bodily technique to reach a physical availability and a concentration centered on oneself and the present moment. The goal is also to release our daily tensions and resume an active posture by linking the pleasure of freedom and muscle relaxation to the work of singing. To this work we will add different breathing and breathing exercises, to start activating and mastering the way in which we accompany the release of our raw material when singing: air. The work of abdominal breathing is encouraged throughout the session. -Vocalize and affirmation of a healthy vocal technique: Through different vocal exercises, the student will work consciously to learn to recognize his bodily sensations, for the acquisition of a vocal technique based on pronunciation, breath as well as '' a work of resonance to allow a natural amplification. Listening to the teacher is important to guide a healthy program in order to avoid taking bad habits and to develop a solid technique that leads to student autonomy. - Musical piece and practice: Taking into account the musical and artistic desires of the student, we will work on songs and songs (in accordance with his level) to put into practice all the work undertaken during the session. The purpose of this work is to constitute a repertoire which is specific to the student and which guarantees him a free and comfortable vocal practice between the different musical works. Thus, we will work on the interpretation of the pieces, with the different nuances of styles, accompanied by a work of the lyrics in the phonetics of different languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian, German) while keeping a voice that is clean to the student. The most important thing is that the student acquires the technical tools and means to achieve his musical ideals, while retaining his bodily freedom and the joy of singing. Voice Coach and Spoken Voice. Work of the spoken vocal technique for the professionals of the voice: Teachers, actors / actors, business leaders, presenters on radio or TV, elected officials, speakers and all other professionals who use their voice at work, as well as those who s 'are interested in deepening the relationship and understanding their voice and its potential. Accredited by the Center for Studies on the Use of Voice (CEUVOZ), I will offer you the Linklater Method - “Freeing the Natural Voice” as a means of technical work for the study of the spoken voice. This method aims to make participants aware of their own postural, muscular and respiratory habits, in order to discover other physical, vocal and expressive possibilities. The work, based on the body, aims for emotional freedom, finesse of impulses and clarity of thought, fundamental elements of effective communication. Through a series of exercises, the participants will go through the following stages: awareness of the body, breath, vibrations in the body and relaxation of the tensions of the phonatory channel to then restore free access to the resonators, develop respiratory capacity, widen the vocal extension until reaching the articulation of the voice in speech. The objective is to free your own Natural Voice from restrictive tensions and communicative habits, in order to find your voice with all its content (emotions, thoughts, sensations).
Singing · Voice (music)
(16 reviews)
Vendula - Lyon£23
Trusted teacher: Learn French with your FRENCH BUDDY in the streets of LYON! During your vacation in Lyon for example ... I can be your French teacher, guide, friend...;) How to learn to swim? You have to dive! Activities according to your desires: - Learning French: conversation, treasure hunts, scenarios, fun activities adapted to your level (A1-C2 +) - Cultural: theater, cinema, museums, cafes ... - Tourist: walks in the city, visit monuments, discoveries, - Gastronomic: restaurant, Lyonnais cork, local specialties, a good coffee with a delicious pastry ... - Non exhaustive list, to you to add your "grain of salt";) DENISE's STORY: "Three weeks ago I was in Lyon for the weekend and I had a very good experience in this field. to maximize my learning experience, and to be able to meet the needs of the learner, and to be more than just a patient. , including local delicacies, cafe theater, entertainment and the popular Sunday fresh food market. a strong framework for my learning, I strongly recommend it. Thank you so much Vendula. Denise 😃 " >>> You come to France (in Lyon) for a stay and you want to take the opportunity to practice French? Speak with locals, discover, play and take French classes at the same time? The French Buddy is here for you! Classes take place outside, in the city, the activities are to adjust according to the weather. I can adapt to any request;) Flexible hours on weekdays and / or especially on weekends. Feel free to contact me for more information !
(2 reviews)
Marylene - Lyon£30
Trusted teacher: Hello, Let me introduce myself, Marylène, professional storyboarder, graduated in animation cinema. I offer serious drawing lessons adapted to the level of the student, from the beginner to the young professional through the animation student. During the first lesson, we will talk about the student's expectations and set the artistic objectives by defining a personalized program. I would assess the level of the student, his strengths and weaknesses for a tailor-made course, taking into account to nourish his universe and his sensitivities with a background both cultural and technical. I teach both the basics of solid drawing to beginners (perspective, proportion, composition, volume, anatomy, gesture, posing, principles of animation ...) as well as to students / future students in animation cinema, to young professionals who want to specialize in storyboard or who have questions about how to develop a TV pitch. For the storyboard part, my specialty, I will teach the basics of cinematographic language (types of framing, transitions, camera movement ...) and I will follow with basic exercises to be able to make parts of portfolio. Indeed, I can also support the student for the realization of a portfolio / demoreel for animation schools. I could guide him to feed and build his book taking into account the expectations of schools and studios. I travel to Lyon for a travel fee, and also give online lessons via Webcam and screen sharing on Skype. Students will have free follow-up by phone, email, whatapps or facebook as well as personalized feedback on the exercises. My teaching areas: - Academic drawing - Preparation for entry to art schools - Dynamic Posing / Gesture - Storyboard - 2D animation - Pitch TV series - Integration into the professional world (portfolio / demoreel / CV) French and English.
Drawing & sketching · Digital arts · Animation
(15 reviews)
Léa - Lyon£42
Trusted teacher: Professional musician and certified music teacher (CAPES), I offer private piano lessons for all ages and all styles (variety, classical, jazz, pop) in my home studio (fully equipped). Teacher in different contexts (college, FAC, music school, at home) and facilitator for years (BAFA), I am used to teaching a different audience: young, older, difficult audiences, musicians or not. . We can learn to read a score for the more ambitious, discover American chords to move towards jazz or pop, learn to improvise and understand the relationships between each scale to be able to master our instrument as much as possible. The course takes place in joy and good humor while trying to always give your best to progress! All people who want to discover the piano as well as music theory, even without any musical background, are welcome☺️ MY SKILLS : • Student at ENM (national music school in Villeurbanne): classical piano and jazz for three years as well as in computer-assisted music class for three years • Holder of a Master 2 in musicology: courses in musical writing, arrangement and music theory • Certified music education and choral singing teacher: CAPES obtained in 2017 • Holder of a CEM (certificate of musical study) in music theory • More than 15 years of vocal practice in different musical groups (classical choir, gospel, duo) • Author - composer-performer in several professional musical projects with regular stage production in the Paris and Lyon regions Get started and we look forward to meeting you😉
Piano · Music theory lessons · Keyboard (music)
(9 reviews)
Florie - Lyon£26
Trusted teacher: This course is aimed at: - children from 7 to 10 years old - adolescents - adults - retirees To anyone, artist or not, wishing: 1) Improve or improve your oral English - work on your accent (American and / or English) - deepen your vocabulary - excel in the art of small talk internationally - prepare an oral presentation / a conference / a thesis defense / a job interview / a dentist appointment or any other public speaking Overcome your fear of speaking out in public - overcome / tame your shyness both orally and in life - develop techniques for managing stage fright - express themselves freely, without fear of making mistakes or being misunderstood - strengthen your self-confidence & self-esteem - work on self-assertion - free yourself from the gaze of the other To the actors/comedians preparing: Their entrance exam to the Conservatory or cinema / theater school - A casting in English - An English-speaking role - Their international future To the directors and members of the technical team preparing: - An entrance examination for film / directing school - A script in English - An English-speaking shoot Private coaching and/or small group workshops: - improvisation - theater (extracts from English plays) - cinema (scripts from English-speaking films) - diction and pronunciation - public speaking - work on self-confidence - relaxation techniques - face-camera / image work (filmed scene, presentation or improvisation, with the possibility of recovering the takes for a possible demo tape). - Technical vocabulary (lexicon of theater and cinema) & Work on: - character psychology - psychological and emotional blockages in oral / in the game - the intentions, the subtext, the context
English · Self-improvement · Public speaking
(1 review)
Claire - Oullins£52
Trusted teacher: Pleasure to sing, to express the artist in oneself... Singing is not difficult, it is simply necessary to learn to know its voice. Vocal technique should help with this and not be a difficulty to overcome :-) All styles are welcome! I help you understand how to perform the vocal gesture according to your physiology and with respect for your instrument to learn how to develop and master your vocal abilities. The pleasure of singing and the acquisition of a correct technique, easy and adapted to your voice, take a prominent place in my lessons in order to learn how to use it without difficulty and to feel real vocal comfort. Beginners? The courses are oriented on the technique and aesthetics of the voice: ° Body preparation: breathing, breath management, yoga, physiological notions... ° Technical work: vocal placement, head resonances, agility, support, projection... ° Interpretation: musical agogy, stylistic differences, diction, meaning of the text, psychology of the characters, management of emotions... Confirmed: ° Preparing for auditions ° Role study ° Preparation for entrance exams to conservatories and high schools of music Trained at the Lyon Conservatory and then at the Geneva University of Music, I acquired during my career a healthy and balanced technique, a precise awareness of the functioning of the body and the vocal apparatus as well as a good experience of the stage and of interpretation. I have a double artistic label: A professional singer, I am on the one hand a lyric soprano and perform regularly in performances of operettas, operas and in recitals. I followed, on the other hand, the course in Current Music of the National School of Music of Villeurbanne. This training and my personal practice, in concert, of the different styles of rock, pop, chanson or soul music allow me to grasp this field very concretely. Holder of a Master's degree in Pedagogy (classical singing), I have been teaching for fifteen years during which I have trained more than 150 singers and am passionate about sharing and transmitting my know-how, listening to singers and their needs. Classes are open to everyone from the age of 16, regardless of level. Nice to meet you, Clear Training: - Master in Singing Pedagogy, Geneva University of Music (2015) - Curriculum in contemporary music, National School of Music of Villeurbanne (2007, 2008) Internships and Masterclasses: - Scenic aspects and interpretation, Alain Garichot (2010 to 2014) - Vocal technique and interpretation, Marcin Habela (2008 to 2014) - Diction and phonetics, Anthony Di Giantomasso (2008 to 2012) - Scenic Work and Improvisation, Gabriel Alvarez (2013) - Improvisation, Eric Trémolières (2010 to 2012) - Declamation, Thierry Petau (2009) - Theatre, Hervé Dauvin (2007, 2008) - Management of emotions and Mindfulness (2012 to 2014)
Singing · Opera
Trusted teacher: * BELOW VERSION ENGLISH * Support in English-French/grammar/spelling/syntax/linguistics Hello, My name is Adélie, I am currently in the 2nd year of my thesis in Language Sciences (Cognitive Linguistics). I am co-supervised between the DDL Laboratory (Lyon) and STL (Lille). My background is as follows: 3 years of higher translation school and Master in language teaching, specializing in teaching French as a foreign language. Then Research Master in Language Sciences. (=> Translation diploma specializing in English/German + 2 Masters). Courses given at the university in 2022/2023: - Methodology on CLAN (Computerized Language Analysis, linguistic data processing software) at the Department of Speech Therapy in Lille, - Language Acquisition in English, English Department of the University of Lille, - General Linguistics, Department of Humanities of the University of Lille, - Psycholinguistics, Department of Humanities and Psychology of the University of Lille (L3), - Language Acquisition, Humanities Department of the University of Lille. Currently: Doctoral School of Human Sciences in Lille. After numerous teaching experiences abroad and in France (high school in Australia, university in Vietnam, Lumière Lyon 2 University, University of Lille) I finally decided to give individual lessons alongside my main activity which is became research in linguistics. My teaching areas are as follows: - ENGLISH: I teach English for teenagers or adults, for all purposes: for fun, for academic support, to prepare for exams such as TOEFL ... etc. - FRENCH: (1) I teach French as a foreign language for people wishing to improve their oral and written skills. (2) I teach French for native French speakers who encounter difficulties in particular in spelling, grammar, conjugation or syntax. My teaching method: - I adapt to the objectives and level of the student. I define a program according to its needs. I summarize what he already knows but also his shortcomings, in order to better shape the planned course program. I do not make a support decision without consulting with the student: I choose media / videos / articles etc. according to his tastes. - ENGLISH: English is a living language. I try as much as possible to make the student speak and find interesting and even fun subjects to deal with so that the desire to learn is in the foreground, but without forgetting the fundamental rules of grammar and syntax that I slip once journey. - FRENCH: (1) For French as a Foreign Language (FLE): just like for teaching English, I adapt to the needs of the student in learning a LV2 / 3/4 ... and I choose suitable supports to improve one's level on the 4 pillars of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages): oral / written comprehension and oral / written expression. (2) For native French speakers: given that it is a question of working on difficulties or even misunderstandings in the morphosyntactic system of French, my approach is more academic among native adults in difficulty in their own language: I then ask them dictations, readings, written expressions ... so that the fundamental bases come back little by little and that the person can be reconciled with the written language production :-) Do not hesitate to contact me if you need more information. Classes can be taken at my home or online. I can come to the student's home if their home is in LYON INTRAMUROS but in this case travel costs apply (unless we live very close to each other). Adelie *** Tutoring in both English/French for different purposes: Grammar/Writing skills/Spelling/General language skills/Linguistics Hello, My name is Adélie, and I am currently a second-year PhD candidate in Language Sciences (Cognitive Linguistics) after completing 2 Masters Degrees in Linguistics/Language Didactics. However I would love to keep teaching after several beautiful teaching experiences in France and Abroad (in a high school in Australia/University in Vietnam/University Lyon 2/Private institutes/University of Lille). I had the opportunity to give the following lectures over the course of the years 2022/2023: - Methodology (CLAN: Computerized Language Analysis, linguistic data analysis software), Department of Speech Therapy studies (University of Lille), - Language Acquisition in English, Department of Anglophone studies, University of Lille, - General Linguistics, Department of Human Sciences, University of Lille, - Psycholinguistics, Department of Human Sciences and Psychology, University of Lille, (3rd year students), - Language Acquisition in French, Department of Human Sciences, University of Lille. FRENCH FOR FOREIGNERS: I have been teaching French as a foreign language for the past 8 years. I follow the structure of the The Common European Framework of References for Language (CEFR) while also trying to make the lesson a little fun. My approach: I tailor a specific program for every student based on their level, background, strengths and weaknesses. In terms of content, I only pick stuff that are interested for my students and / or stuff they are really interested in. I would like my private lessons to be entertaining and safe places where the students can express themselves as much as they can. There's no progress without mistakes! I encourage the students to speak as much as possible. I never forget the fun side of classes but I also never lose sight of the fundamental bases: grammar, syntax, spelling and pronunciation. You can contact me if you need further information about my background and methodology. Lessons can take place at my apartment (Lyon 9th) or online. I can also go to the student's home, but please note that there is an extra charge per session, unless the person lives right next door to me. Thank you in advance for your understanding. Adelie
English · French · Grammar
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Our students from La Mulatière evaluate their teacher.

To ensure the quality of our teachers, we ask our students from La Mulatière to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 117 reviews.

French living FLE A2-C2 Lyon or by SKYPE / French for foreigners LYON (Pierre-Bénite)
My apologies to Vendula for not having written this review before now. Three weeks ago I was in Lyon for the weekend and Vendula was my tutor. I chose Vendula as she seemed to be very bubbly, friendly and understanding of my learning needs and level. Her communication was excellent and she gave much thought about how best to maximise my learning experience. We met as agreed and Vendula was exactly how she seemed - interested, interesting and passionate about providing the best learning environment for me, and she was incredibly patient. I throughly enjoyed her company and we experienced much of Lyon’s culture, including local delicacies, cafe theatre entertainment and the popular Sunday fresh food market. Vendula had taken the time to prepare 9 tasks for me, which ranged from speaking with strangers to obtain information to solving clues relating to Lyon history. It was excellent and provided a great framework for my learning. I strongly recommend Vendula and hope that one day we can meet again, for me to advance my French conversational skills further. Thank you so much Vendula. Denise 😃
Review by DENISE
French course, literature & French as a Foreign Language (FLE) (Lyon)
Great teacher and genuinely positive learning experience, highly recommended. - As a French language tutor, Florie has been very encouraging, attentive, and patient - great prompts for students who struggle to speak (like me). - She always has a well-structured plan for the class but has also been flexible to adjust to my questions and give additional explanations to the grammar rules, vocabulary etc I wouldn't understand. - As a person, she is outgoing and is very easy to get along with - makes French language a lot less scary than before I started.
Review by ANYA
French for foreigners (fle), French for foreigners (Lyon)
Vero is fantastic. I had more than 10 teachers of French over the years and she is by far the best. She is patient and she corrects my mistakes gently. In addition, she writes down her corrections in a Google Doc file and I get to study my mistakes after our lessons. This is something no other French teacher has done before. It is important to learn from the mistakes so that I do not repeat them again. On top of all, she has a great set of online exercises that I do to advance my French. I feel lucky to have found her....
Review by CAGDAS

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