
Private teachers in Dragør

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198 private teachers in Dragør

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198 private teachers in Dragør

Trusted teacher: Hey, I am Domantas. I am multidisciplinary artist, fashion designer and creative based in Copenhagen. In my practise, I work with art direction, visual art and fashion design to create compelling work for fashion brands, magazines to art galleries. I would like to share my passions for creativity and provide you with tools and skills to create your new work whenever is visual art, collage, drawing, illustration, starting fashion collection, gallery presentation, discover your new talents or anything else. In my workshop I create space to explore your creativity in various mediums from physical to digital mediums. In our first session I will meet you where you are and we will create a timeline what you would like to achieve. At the end of classes you will be able to have your own artwork for your home, learned various techniques and depending of your goal I can equip with ideas how your artwork can develop outside our classes. My teaching technique is based on intuition and I will create space to explore your creative potential. No matter if you a beginner or already have experience, I'm always happy to help and share my knowledge. Creative lessons include: 1. Warm up 2. Calming the mind meditation 3. Introduction to creative expression techniques 4. Introduction to digital tools (Photoshop, Illustrator, Camera, Scanning) 5. Setting a goal 6. Finding methodology 7. Search of spark of inspiration 8. Explore creative expression 9. Vision and mood board creation 10. Define the artwork 11. Interpretation 12. Creation of work. Everyone is unique and the most important is your personal goals and love for art. If there is something very special you would like us to work together, kindly let me know if we will find a solution. I welcome all ages, nationalities, orientations, person with disabilities and enjoy creating space to feel safe. I am looking forward in meeting you. Warm regards, Domantas
Art · Fashion design
Trusted teacher: MsC in Engineering with top marks and research assistant of Econometrics for Italian top University. Business Expert in Risk Management. Academic Research in Quantitative Finance and Algorithmic Trading. Common discipline covered: Econometrics (with applications in R, Stata, SPSS, Eviews, Gretl), Statistics, Financial Mathematics, Quantitative Support for Master Degree Thesis (from Regressions to all statistical applications), Risk Management, Mathematics, Computer Science I help with assignments, exams, presentations, advanced research, dissertations, big programming projects and general skill enhancement. Proficient in all major statistical packages: R, SPSS, Stata, Matlab, EViews, Gretl Technical Skills (application and often implementation from scratch): 1) Econometrics: Multivariate Regression, Discrete variable models (i.e. Logit), Time series models (i.e. AR/MA, ARCH/GARCH), Vector AutoRegressive model (VAR), Cointegration (Engle-Granger, VECM), Long-memory process (Fractional Integration), Regime switching models (Hamilton Filter), Kalman Filter, Unobserved Components ARIMA model, Beveridge-Nelson decomposition (Hansen's approach), Copula methods, Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, Black-Litterman model (Meucci's approach), Hierarchical Risk Parity 2) Quantitative Trading (Mid-High Frequency Trading): Stat Arb & Pairs Trading models, Order Imbalance & Order Replenishment effects on intraday returns, Optimal Setup of Entry-Exit Trading Triggers for Quant Trading Strategies, Stat Arb Bertram Model, Data sampling rules for non equally-spaced data (time vs. volume clock for high freq data), Bid-Ask Bounce Bias & Sahalia Method for Microstructure Noise Estimation & Test, Hayashi-Yoshida Lead-Lag Index, D'Aspremont Method for Mean Rev Portfolios, Market Fragmentation in Financial Markets, High-Low prices & Pivot Points trading rule, Trend Following Strategy, Avellaneda-Stoikov Model for Optimal Trading Execution 3) Risk Management: P&L production & analysis for energy trading, VaR & Profit at Risk for energy trading, Merton approach for Credit VaR with/without credit rating migrations, EVT & Copula-based VaR, Stress Test models, Structured Credit Models for Regulatory Risk-Transfer, Additional Value Adjustments for Balance Sheet, Risk Aggregation, Model Risk, Interpolation Methods for multi-year PD Term Structure, Methods for Semidefinite-Positive Corr Matrix Adjustment 4) Financial Mathematics: Longstaff-Schwartz, HJM model (Glasserman's scheme), Greeks with Finite Difference Method, CPPI Products & Cushion Multiplier Setup 5) Machine Learning: Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, Principal Component Analysis & Regression, XGBoost, Random Forest
Statistics · Economics for adults · Computer programming
Music composition · Piano · Guitar
Students learn: Critical thinking: Philosophy teaches you how to analyze arguments, identify fallacies, and evaluate evidence. This skill is valuable not only in academic pursuits but also in everyday decision-making and problem-solving. Ethical reasoning: Philosophy delves into questions of morality, exploring concepts such as justice, rights, and the nature of good and evil. Studying ethics can help you develop a thoughtful approach to ethical dilemmas and a deeper understanding of your own values. Metaphysical inquiry: Philosophy investigates fundamental questions about the nature of reality, existence, and the universe. This exploration can lead to insights about the nature of being, consciousness, and the relationship between mind and body. Epistemology: Philosophy examines the nature of knowledge, belief, and truth. By studying epistemology, you can gain a better understanding of how we acquire knowledge, the limits of human understanding, and the criteria for justified belief. Logic: Philosophy involves rigorous logical analysis and reasoning. Studying logic can enhance your ability to construct clear arguments, recognize valid reasoning, and detect inconsistencies. Cultural and historical perspectives: Philosophy encompasses a rich history of ideas spanning cultures and time periods. By studying philosophical texts and movements, you can gain insight into different worldviews, traditions, and intellectual trends. Self-reflection: Philosophy encourages introspection and reflection on fundamental questions about existence, meaning, and purpose. Engaging with philosophical ideas can prompt personal growth and foster a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. As a tutor I want to provide the following: Conceptual Understanding: A tutor helps students grasp fundamental philosophical concepts such as ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, and logic. They explain complex ideas in a clear and accessible manner, breaking down abstract concepts into digestible parts. Textual Analysis: Philosophy often involves close reading and analysis of primary texts by influential philosophers. Tutors assist students in understanding the nuances of philosophical texts, interpreting difficult passages, and identifying key arguments and themes. Critical Thinking Skills: Tutors help students develop critical thinking skills by engaging them in discussions, debates, and exercises that require them to analyze arguments, identify assumptions, and evaluate evidence. They encourage students to question assumptions, think logically, and articulate their own views effectively. Essay Writing: Philosophy coursework typically involves writing essays that present and defend arguments on philosophical topics. Tutors provide guidance on essay structure, argumentation, and clarity of expression. They help students develop their writing skills, refine their arguments, and support their claims with evidence. Exam Preparation: Tutors assist students in preparing for exams by reviewing course material, discussing key concepts and themes, and practicing sample questions. They help students develop effective study strategies, manage their time efficiently, and build confidence in their understanding of the material. Research Skills: Philosophy often requires students to conduct independent research on specific topics or philosophers. Tutors teach students how to locate relevant sources, evaluate the credibility of information, and incorporate research findings into their writing effectively. Personalized Support: Tutors provide individualized support tailored to the needs of each student. They identify areas where students may be struggling and offer targeted assistance to help them overcome challenges and achieve academic success.
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Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 5.0 out of 5 based on 22 reviews.

Electric guitar, acoustic guitar, classic guitar, bass guitar, music theory (Copenhagen)
Can is a great teacher. I took my first guitar lesson with him after learning to play easy things on my own for two years and getting stuck on more difficult things. Can teaches music and guitar from a point of view that makes sense and makes it easier to understand how everything is structured. He can easily pick up mistakes from your playing, point out things to improve and provide excercises to work on those. After only few meetings I feel I have better understanding on the theory behind guitar playing, I feel I have improved technically after being stuck with my progress for quite a while, and I have a drive to learn more again. Would definitely suggest lessons with Can!
Review by AARNI
Violinist graduated from the Royal Academy of Music in London (MA) gives violin lessons (Copenhagen)
Incredible violin teacher! Strongly recommend! I was studying abroad and he perfectly help me with my violin goals. Violin classes were held in his well-kept and beautifully decorated apartment with many musical ornaments. It was a welcoming environment with an EXCELLENT teacher. He invited me to his conducting trials were I got to see him conduct an orchestra. Later, he invited me and my family to a Baroque concert, where he played first violin. What a beautiful musical experience. If you are looking for a teacher, he is all you need!
Review by LUIS
Learn Spanish with a native speaker (conversation, vocabulary and understanding) (Copenhagen)
Great teacher. Very friendly; made class enjoyable & comfortable. Aïda is always willing to help and creates positive environment. She is very interactive, enthusiastic, and motivating. Aïda has also great suggestions for adapting to different topics. Gives great feedback, responds quickly to emails/messages.

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