
Private teachers in Cergy‑Pontoise

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26 private teachers in Cergy‑Pontoise

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26 private teachers in Cergy‑Pontoise

Hello, I am a teacher in activity graduate of the ECP (Ecole Centrale Paris), in activity for over 35 years. I am passionate and very educational. Each year, I follow up individually with 4 students in MATHS and PHYSICS at the High School level. Some of my students continue their studies in London and Milan. My working method is articulated in 3 points: 1) I take stock of the student's achievements and shortcomings, his working method for example: how he revises, learns his lessons, etc… 2) I set up in common agreement with the student an adapted work method and objectives to achieve, for example learning how: • make revision “sheets” to gain efficiency and manage stress • plan and work regularly • get ahead in your homework, • take advantage of the school holidays to catch up or fill in the gaps • stimulate him by learning to measure the progress made and that his efforts pay off and have confidence in him. 3) We put together in practice the method developed with the student during face-to-face hours, on concrete cases: • for each chapter dealt with: summary of the lesson to be learned and training exercises, • scenarios with typical exercises that the student performs alone and for a limited time. Each work performed by the student is analyzed with him to allow him to learn from his mistakes and avoid common pitfalls. I provide the student with the most recent LAC course records and annals. I provide support at the student's home and telephone and Internet support during the week. If you want to discuss your child's project, don't hesitate to contact me by phone. Availability: weekdays from 6 p.m. and weekend mornings and afternoons Remuneration: to be discussed according to the number of hours and the level of the student
Trusted teacher: Welcome to all ! My name is Geoffrey, I am 21 years old and I am in first year of Master of International Law at the University of Cergy-Pontoise, after a degree in French Law obtained passable mention at the University of Mulhouse, and a bachelor's degree economic and social obtained good mention (14,297) at Lycée Notre-Dame les Oiseaux de Verneuil sur Seine. I give individual and group lessons, with a lot of fun, for almost a year already, in a wide range of subjects. In this context, I accumulate nearly a hundred hours of lessons in subjects such as English, mathematics, French but also in general support. My goal is to enable them to understand what they are doing, and thus prevent them from sinking into an automatic but unthinking application of what they are learning. It is to this end that I was able to give, also, mini-courses of support to comrades in university, especially during the periods of revision of the partial ones. In parallel, I am relatively familiar with languages, which have always been my favorite subjects and my favorite playground. Indeed, I am also a translator (English / German / Italian / French), proofreader and editor. In this context, I helped people in job search to write their CV and cover letter in French or in English. I was also able to help someone correct their book before the project was submitted to a publisher. As a teacher, I seek, as much as possible, to find methods that can go to all students. To this end, in English for example, I am always accompanied by a pair, to allow the student to have two points of view, two different explanations to enable him to better understand what is in question. In this context, I also ban any form of "academic" pedagogy, and I try to make my class a moment of exchange, interactivity and fun, the latter being in my opinion the best method to progress and to attract the attention of the student, even in the most difficult passages of his learning. This method has also borne fruit. Since the implementation of this pedagogy last January, my two students have progressed significantly in English. The first, which was thus intended to leave the USA, was able to leave serenely in the United States and cope properly even if at the beginning of the course, three weeks earlier, she did not speak English! In the same way, I am also currently taking charge of a second year student who also has difficulties in English. At present, we have swept the entire program by 6 ° -5 °, as well as a part of the 4 ° program and thus fill some of its gaps. Finally, I also take care of a student of first in French, with also results in the key. On the other hand, the pedagogy used here is more academic, high school French lending itself in my opinion less to pedagogies less "classical" and orchestrated than foreign languages. In all cases I invest a lot for my students. In English, it is thus very common that I prepare exercises, complete subjects so that the student can pound serenely from one session to another. It is also very common that I ask, if necessary, to have returns from both the student and his / her parents (if they are present), who always request and obtain a report at the end of the session, so to know where we are going. Transparency is my rule. For more information, do not hesitate to contact me.
English · Law · Math
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