
Music lessons in Waltham Cross

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2 music teachers in Waltham Cross

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2 music teachers in Waltham Cross

(Italiano sotto) The first concert I ever went to was Metallica when I was 14. As a teenager I loved rock and metal and spent hours and hours practicing to become better and play those cool guitar solo's. When I turned 17 I really started to like classical Spanish music, playing the likes of Francisco Tárrega and Antonio de Lucena. For the past few years I have focused more on guitarists like John Mayer, Eric Clapton, Jason Mraz and other more mainstream western-style artists. With 14 years of experience playing solo and in a band, and 6 years of teaching experience at high schools and universities, I am convinced I can teach you a thing or two about the 6-string ;). If you are interested in learning any of these styles, or you just want to get started on the basics, I would love to help you become the guitarist you want to be! Il primo concerto a cui sono andato è stato quello dei Metallica, quando avevo 14 anni. Da adolescente amavo il rock e il metal e passavo ore e ore a esercitarmi per diventare più bravo e suonare quei fantastici assoli di chitarra. A 17 anni ho iniziato ad apprezzare la musica classica spagnola, suonando brani di Francisco Tárrega e Antonio de Lucena. Negli ultimi anni mi sono concentrato maggiormente su chitarristi come John Mayer, Eric Clapton, Jason Mraz e altri artisti occidentali più mainstream. Con 14 anni di esperienza da solista e in una band e 6 anni di insegnamento in scuole superiori e università, sono convinto di potervi insegnare qualcosa sulla 6 corde ;). Se siete interessati ad imparare uno di questi stili o se volete solo iniziare con le basi, mi piacerebbe aiutarvi a diventare il chitarrista che volete essere! Sto lavorando molto sul mio italiano, e ora parlo italiano a livello B2, ma a volte ho bisogno di un po' di tempo per pensare quando parliamo :)
Singing · Voice (music)
I believe everyone can sing, and it is one of the most extraordinary and fun things to do! Hello everyone! My name is Marion and I come from France. I have been a musician for as long as I can remember. I started when I was a kid as a trumpet player. I played in many different kinds of orchestras and had a lot of fun with this instrument, but it was nothing compare to my love for singing! This is why I decided to become a professional opera singer and I want to share my passion about singing! What do I offer? Classical singing lessons for all levels with a focus on opera, songs, oratorio and choir repertoire. I am based in Utrecht. You are welcome to come to my place, but I can also come to the students. Lessons can be taught in English or in French, but I also speak a little bit of Dutch. What will you learn? The fundamental elements of classical singing such as breathing, posture and resonances for example but also styles, pronunciation, interpretation and repertoire. An important aspect I want to approach in a singing lesson is how to help you find your own voice, both in a technical and in an interpretative sense. I can also guide you with anything solfège related like how to use and read a score or how to learn a song by heart. What is my philosophy about singing and pedagogy? I believe the best way to develop and improve a skill is when the students feel that they are in a safe place where they can dare to experiment but also have fun. This is an essential part of the process of music making and I try to bring fun and enjoyment to every lesson! I hope we will be in touch soon for a lesson. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, I will be happy to have a chat with you! I look forward to meeting you! About me: I started my musical studies in my home country in France, at the Conservatoire de Caen and the Conservatoire de Rennes before coming to The Netherlands where I finished my voice bachelor’s degree at Het Conservatorium van Amsterdam in June 2018. Two years later I graduated from the Dutch National Opera Academy where I performed the role of Tigrane in Händel’s Radamisto, The Countess of Dunmow in Berkeley’s A Dinner Engagement, Arsace in Graun’s Cesare and Cleopatra and Fiordiligi in Mozart's Così fan tutte. Nowadays, I am a freelance soprano working in the Netherlands and in Belgium as a soloist and as a choir singer. I often participate in productions with the choir of the Dutch National Opera in Amsterdam, the Opera Ballet Vlaanderen in Antwerp or the Groot Omroepkoor in Hilversum. I was one of the laureates of the edition 2020/2021 of the Dutch Classical Talent Tour & Award, and I recently won the Handel Choir Jubilee Award.
Opera · Singing · Voice (music)
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