
Math lessons in Swindon

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1 math teacher in Swindon

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1 math teacher in Swindon

Trusted teacher: As a teaching professional, I have always enjoyed sharing my knowledge. My goal is to provide quality education. I am aware that some topics may seem complex, but often this is simply the result of insufficient explanation on the part of the teacher. With me, you will discover a real interest in the subject! We work together to achieve academic excellence, overcoming the shortcomings and difficulties encountered by your child. Studying will become a pleasant experience for him. In addition to lessons, I can also help with academic guidance, identifying their preferences and highlighting the advantages and benefits of a fulfilling educational ambition. The sessions generally take place according to the following stages: 1️⃣ The first sessions are devoted to the assessment of the student's level in order to detect existing gaps. 2️⃣ Next, we establish a personalized plan to fill these gaps, including the number of work hours needed, specific areas to target, and appropriate training and development exercises. 3️⃣ We remain in constant contact with the student's class teacher, to stay informed of the latest requirements and ensure a consistent approach. 4️⃣ Subsequently, I provide exams similar to those likely to be taken in class, to effectively prepare the student. 5️⃣ Upon request, I write a regular report, usually monthly, to keep parents informed of their child's progress throughout their journey. I adapt my methodology according to the specific needs of each student, thus offering them a personalized and adapted work approach. In addition, I offer intensive internships to students preparing for the start of the school year, allowing them to start the year well prepared, with a solid lead on the school program. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to help you.
Math · Algebra · Statistics
Trusted teacher: هل تواجه صعوبة في الرياضيات؟ هل ترغب في تحسين درجاتك وزيادة ثقتك بنفسك؟ دروسي المخصصة في الرياضيات مصممة خصيصًا لك! مع خبرة تتجاوز 8 سنوات في تدريس الرياضيات، أساعد الطلاب من جميع المستويات، سواء كنت مبتدئًا أو تتعامل مع مواضيع متقدمة. في هذه الدروس، ستحصل على اهتمام فردي يساعدك على: - إتقان المفاهيم الأساسية مثل الجبر، الهندسة، والتفاضل والتكامل وغيرها - تفكيك المسائل المعقدة إلى خطوات سهلة الفهم - تطوير مهارات التفكير النقدي وحل المشكلات - الاستعداد للامتحانات وتحسين استراتيجيات التعامل مع الاختبارات أقوم بتكييف كل درس وفقًا لأسلوب تعلمك واحتياجاتك الفردية. سواء كنت تسعى للتفوق في الاختبار القادم أو تقوية فهمك العام للرياضيات، ستساعدك هذه الجلسات على بناء الثقة وتحقيق نتائج أفضل. كما أقدم دروسًا ثنائية اللغة بالإنجليزية، العربية، والفرنسية، مما يضمن لك التعلم باللغة التي تشعرك بالراحة. دعونا نعمل معًا للوصول إلى أقصى إمكانياتك!
Math · Calculus · Algebra
Trusted teacher: Avec 14 années d'expérience à enseigner les mathématiques au collège et au lycée, je mets mes compétences à votre disposition pour vous aider à progresser. Que vous soyez en difficulté, en quête d'approfondissement ou simplement désireux de préparer un examen (brevet, baccalauréat), je vous propose un accompagnement personnalisé adapté à votre rythme et à vos besoins spécifiques. Ma pédagogie, claire et efficace, vous permettra de comprendre les concepts de manière intuitive et de résoudre les exercices avec aisance. Grâce à un suivi régulier et des exercices ciblés, vous gagnerez en confiance et en autonomie. Je suis spécialisé dans l'accompagnement des élèves de 3ème, de Brevet et de Terminale. Mon objectif ? Vous aider à développer votre potentiel mathématique et à réussir brillamment vos examens. Mes cours, dispensés en ligne ou à domicile, couvrent une large gamme de services : Cours particuliers : pour un apprentissage sur-mesure Soutien scolaire : pour combler les lacunes et consolider les acquis Préparation aux examens : brevet, baccalauréat, concours Aide aux devoirs : pour un suivi régulier Cours intensifs : pour une progression rapide Je suis également à l'écoute des élèves en difficulté et je peux vous proposer un soutien spécifique pour surmonter vos blocages. N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour discuter de vos besoins et trouver la formule qui vous convient le mieux." Option 2 : Réussir en maths, c'est possible ! "Vous en avez assez de lutter contre les mathématiques ? Je suis là pour vous aider à les apprivoiser ! Fort de 14 ans d'expérience, je vous propose des cours particuliers adaptés à votre niveau et à vos objectifs. Que vous souhaitiez améliorer votre moyenne, préparer un examen ou simplement comprendre un concept qui vous échappe, je vous accompagne avec patience et bienveillance. Ma méthode pédagogique, éprouvée et personnalisée, vous permettra de progresser rapidement et durablement. Je suis spécialisé dans les niveaux 3ème, Brevet et Terminale. Je vous propose des cours en ligne ou à domicile, selon vos préférences. Mes services incluent : Cours particuliers : pour un apprentissage sur-mesure Soutien scolaire : pour un suivi régulier Préparation aux examens : brevet, baccalauréat, concours Aide aux devoirs : pour consolider vos acquis Grâce à mes cours, vous développerez votre compréhension des mathématiques, vous acquerrez des méthodes de résolution efficaces et vous gagnerez en confiance en vous. N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour discuter de vos besoins et fixer un premier rendez-vous.
Math · Algebra · Statistics
Math · Algebra · Statistics
Trusted teacher: Unlock your full academic potential with personalized, engaging, and effective lessons in Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and English. My classes are designed for students who want to not only excel in their studies but also develop a deep understanding and love for these subjects. Whether you're preparing for exams, struggling with specific concepts, or looking to advance your knowledge, this class is your gateway to success! What You'll Get: Tailored Learning Experience: Each lesson is customized to fit your unique learning style and academic needs. I break down complex topics into easy-to-understand concepts, ensuring you grasp the fundamentals and build a strong foundation. Interactive and Hands-On Learning: Say goodbye to boring lectures! My classes are dynamic and interactive, filled with practical examples, problem-solving sessions, and engaging discussions that make learning enjoyable and memorable. Comprehensive Subject Coverage: From mastering equations in Mathematics to exploring the wonders of Physics, Biology, and Chemistry, and refining your English skills, this class covers it all. You’ll gain a holistic understanding that ties together different concepts and subjects, enhancing your overall academic performance. Continuous Support and Feedback: I’m here to support you every step of the way. You’ll receive regular feedback, personalized homework assignments, and access to additional resources to help reinforce your learning outside of class hours. Results-Oriented Approach: My ultimate goal is your success. With a proven track record of helping students achieve higher grades and build confidence in their abilities, I’m committed to guiding you toward academic excellence. Why This Class? Expert Guidance: Learn from an experienced tutor who is passionate about teaching and dedicated to your success. Engaging Content: Lessons that are not just educational, but also enjoyable and thought-provoking. Flexible Scheduling: I understand that life can be busy, so I offer flexible scheduling options to fit your lifestyle. Join My Class Today! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to excel in your studies and develop a genuine love for learning. Whether you're aiming to ace your exams, overcome academic challenges, or simply explore new subjects with curiosity and enthusiasm, my class is the perfect choice for you. Enroll now and take the first step toward a brighter academic future!
Biology · Math · Chemistry
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Our students from Swindon evaluate their Math teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Math teachers, we ask our students from Swindon to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.8 out of 5 based on 12 reviews.

Support courses in mathematics intended for high school students, adapted to different sectors: Science Maths, Science Exp, Letters (Lyon)
Azzedine truly stands out as a remarkable instructor! Despite the short notice, he displayed remarkable consideration for our hectic timetable, ensuring to carve out time to equip me with Excel and Power BI skills for the assessment. A heartfelt thank you, Azzedine, for your exceptional teaching methods. I highly endorse Azzedine as your go-to teacher!
Review by IMANE
Spoken Tamil | A1/A2/B1/B2 | Reading | Speaking | Grammar | Writing | Kids | Adults
My daughter whose mother tongue is not Tamil is taking Tamil lessons with Shyam. Shyam is a very good teacher and uses very good teaching materials to teach her. She very much enjoys the lessons and we find that she is quickly picking up the language and we look forward to further lessons with Shyam. We are very happy to have him as her Tamil teacher.
Review by PRASANA
Dutch Language Tutor in Tokyo, special attention for pronunciation (Tokyo)
Florian was well prepared and engaging in conversation. He helped me to understand the content and usage with context.
Review by JORDAN