
Marketing lessons in Casablanca

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12 marketing teachers in Casablanca

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12 marketing teachers in Casablanca

Marketing · Microsoft excel
Unleash the Hidden Persuader Within: Why Marketing is Your Secret Weapon Marketing isn't just about catchy slogans or flashy ads. It's about understanding the very core of human desire, the psychology behind why we buy, and the power to connect with people on a fundamental level. Become a Mastermind of Influence: In today's world, everyone and everything is competing for attention. Marketing equips you with the tools to cut through the noise and get your message heard. You'll learn how to craft compelling stories, target the right audience, and influence their decisions in a way that feels natural and authentic. Open Doors to Diverse Opportunities: Marketing is the lifeblood of any business. From tech startups to artistic ventures, every organization needs a way to reach its ideal customer. With marketing expertise, you'll have a transferable skillset that opens doors to a vast array of exciting careers. More Than Just Business: Market Yourself and Your Dreams: The skills you learn in marketing extend far beyond the boardroom. You'll gain the confidence to promote yourself, your ideas, and your passions. Whether you're launching a creative project or negotiating a raise, marketing empowers you to stand out from the crowd and achieve your goals. The Future is Marketing-Driven: As technology evolves and the way we connect changes, marketing will remain at the forefront. By learning marketing, you're not just building a career, you're investing in a future-proof skillset that will remain relevant for years to come. Marketing is more than just a subject; it's a powerful way of thinking, a skillset for the modern world, and a key to unlocking your potential to influence and connect. So, are you ready to unleash the hidden persuader within?
Marketing · Math · English
This dynamic and interactive course aims to develop students' in-depth understanding of marketing fundamentals, while emphasizing the development of communication and project presentation skills. Designed for students wishing to immerse themselves in the practical and strategic aspects of contemporary marketing, this program provides a platform to explore the latest industry trends, effective communication techniques and best presentation practices. Course content : Marketing Fundamentals: Students will be introduced to key marketing concepts, including market segmentation, brand positioning, SWOT analysis and customer relationship management (CRM). Communication Strategies: This module will highlight the importance of effective communication in the context of marketing. Topics covered will include copywriting, visual communications, crisis management and social media strategies. Project Presentation: Students will learn to prepare and deliver compelling project presentations. They will learn practical skills such as structuring presentations, persuasive storytelling and speaking time management. Case Studies and Practical Projects: Real-life case studies and practical projects will allow students to apply theoretical concepts learned in class to real-world industry situations. This will promote the development of practical skills and an in-depth understanding of contemporary marketing challenges. Course Objectives: Develop a thorough understanding of marketing fundamentals. Improve written and oral communication skills. Acquire practical project presentation skills. Apply theoretical knowledge to real industry situations through case studies and practical projects. Prepare students to meet the challenges of contemporary marketing with confidence and competence. This course offers a unique opportunity to integrate strategic, communications and practical aspects of marketing, preparing students to excel in a constantly evolving professional environment.
Marketing · Communication skills · Presentation skills
Welcome to the Strategic Communicator's Hub: a comprehensive course merging the realms of strategic communication and dynamic marketing strategies. Led by an industry expert with three degrees in this field and a wealth of practical experience, these sessions are crafted to empower you in the art of effective communication and impactful marketing. Whether you're an aspiring marketer, a professional seeking to sharpen your skills, or an individual looking to harness the power of social media for personal or professional needs, this course caters to all. With a curriculum designed by the Founder and CEO of Tatj's, a burgeoning Italian luxury brand, you'll receive unparalleled insights and practical strategies honed from real-world success. From understanding the fundamental principles of strategic communication to mastering innovative marketing strategies, each lesson is tailored to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in today's competitive landscape. Dive deep into the intricacies of social media and discover how to leverage its potential, whether for personal branding or as a powerful tool in your professional arsenal. Expect an engaging learning environment, rich with case studies, hands-on exercises, and actionable insights drawn from years of experience. Whether you seek to refine your communication style, harness marketing techniques, or leverage social media effectively, this course is your pathway to success. Join me on this transformative journey to become a strategic communicator and marketing virtuoso. With the guidance of a seasoned professional, unlock your potential and witness the impact of mastering these essential skills in today's interconnected world.
Marketing · Communication skills · Social media
Economics for students · Marketing · Business management
Trusted teacher: I can help you form a musical identity that will stand out from the crowd, develop a unique selling point and craft your artistry to a point where it's completely exclusive to you. We can model these lessons around your needs, so whichever points you need help with, i am here for you. Just let me into your brain. I specialise mostly in the alternative side of things from rock to metal and everything in between. I am well versed in old and new artists and am always keeping up with new things popping up in the scene. However, this is not to say that I don't enjoy other genres. Don't let is stop you as I listen to every other genre including pop, trap and indie. My main plan for these lessons would be to give you a full package. I would like to mentor you and tell you all about the music industry: how to network, how to spend your money wisely, how to market and promote yourself, finding a team and collaborators. I can offer you songwriting advice, help you develop concepts for songs, lyric and melody guidance, structure and rhyme and help you find your unique songwriter's voice. Give you tips & tricks for performance, gaining confidence on and off stage and also vocal tips: from melodic singing to harsh screaming and work on your image. I have both a BA and a Masters in Songwriting that I've completed in London. I am currently working on a brand new alternative project that's had two songs played on BBC Radio 1 Introducing Rock and have played sold out shows around London. My goal is to mentor and develop you as an artist. I know how hard it can be to find your true voice, whether as a singer or as a songwriter. Everyone has something unique to offer and I want to give you the space and comfort to explore that.
Voice (music) · Song writing · Marketing
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