
Learning & study skills lessons in Carthage

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2 learning & study skills teachers in Carthage

Trusted teacher: Whether you are just starting to study, have been studying for a long time, or have returned to study books later in life, at some point you may feel that you are reaching the limits of your own abilities. Perhaps you are faced with a specific topic, a specific assignment, a teacher, or you are stuck with your graduation. Before you make an irreversible decision based on mounting frustrations, send me a message. There is a good chance that I have time and space to discuss your situation with you and help you make a new start with new insights. With more than 10 years of experience as a tutor, mentor, study coach, thesis supervisor and teacher, I have seen and been able to guide many students and students through very different challenges. You can contact me for almost all writing assignments, for academic skills such as critical reading and effective studying, and I help many graduate students who are working on a thesis or another graduation assignment. In addition, it is good to know that I help many people who struggle with fear of failure, perfectionism, ADD, autism, exam stress, procrastination, and, for example, dyslexia. I am convinced that it is not 'IQ', or 'insight' or 'aptitude' or anything like that that is decisive for the ability to understand, complete, or master something. I believe that study strategy is the central factor. And that is typically something that you can develop based on a number of basic insights into the functioning of the human brain. Who knows, see you soon. Ivar
Essay writing · Learning & study skills · Interviewing skills
Learning & study skills · Test prep · English
Trusted teacher: Live Spanish!: Interactive and Effective Course This course is designed for those who want to learn Spanish in a dynamic and practical way. Through interactive methods and immersive activities, you will not only learn the language, but also explore the rich Spanish-speaking culture. Ideal for beginners and those with basic knowledge who want to hone their skills, this course focuses on developing competencies in effective communication and cultural understanding. In addition, I am a student of early childhood education, which provides a playful and pedagogical approach, especially beneficial for those who enjoy creative and participatory learning methods. Course Objectives: 1. Develop Linguistic Skills: Students will improve their ability to speak, listen, read and write in Spanish. 2. Promote Active Interaction: Through group activities, role-playing games and practical exercises, students will practice using the language in real contexts. 3. Promote Cultural Understanding: Participants will explore the traditions, customs and values of Spanish-speaking countries for complete cultural immersion. 4. Improve Confidence in Using the Language: Through constant practice and personalized feedback, students will gain confidence to communicate in Spanish effectively. Methodology: • Interactive Classes: Use of modern technologies and participatory methods to engage students in active learning. • Authentic Material: Use of authentic resources such as videos, music, and literary texts for genuine cultural immersion. • Communicative Approach: Priority on conversation and oral practice to improve fluency and confidence. • Cultural Activities: Inclusion of cultural activities such as cooking, music and festivities for a comprehensive learning experience.
Culture · Learning & study skills · Spanish
Trusted teacher: Why do some students succeed in school and others not? This success is not the result of chance... Students who succeed in school have developed learning strategies that lead them to success. They use the right mental operations to succeed. Learning is like a sport, there are techniques that guarantee success! This is what I suggest you discover! As a teacher and school coach, I accompany all students to become autonomous in their learning. Be careful, you have to do it as early as possible in the year, because you will discover effective learning techniques that will allow you to succeed, but which require substantive work. These techniques are not complicated, but you have to apply them and stick to them. I know the problem of students who work and fail to succeed despite their best efforts! A teacher for 20 years in a vocational high school in particular, I trained in coaching and learning strategies to manage to unlock these students. For students to succeed, they must use the appropriate mental operations and learning strategies to complete the required task. For these students to succeed, they must discover these strategies of understanding, memorization, reflection, but also how to be attentive and concentrated in class, how to organize themselves and manage their school work. Learning is like a sport, there are techniques that guarantee success! This is what I suggest you discover! If you learn without having clear methods and strategies, you can spend a lot of time on your homework, without your efforts being rewarded! Demotivation and loss of confidence can quickly win you over and bad grades multiply! If the gaps accumulate, you will have a bad image of yourself! The vicious circle sets in and often, in this case, many students lose the desire to learn and the motivation. Help with homework or tutoring with a student who is not trained in learning strategies will not allow you to change the situation in depth. You will not be more autonomous in your learning and you will still not know how to learn in the long term! That's why I offer you an accompaniment where you will learn how to do in your head to learn a lesson whether it is French, mathematics, history, geography, written expression. This support will allow you to become independent in your work and gain self-confidence. My support works because I apply it to myself currently, in particular for the preparation of my psychology degree or as part of my training in school coaching and learning strategies. Thanks to learning strategies, the child regains confidence in his abilities because he knows how to go about working. It takes work, method and organization, but it works! If you remain alone with your difficulties, they will continue to increase. You will continue to chain bad grades and many hours of work without it being productive! You will lose all motivation and self-confidence. If you are in difficulty, you certainly need a good coach to help you regain your self-confidence and to know where the difficulties come from and how to remedy them. Learning is like a sport, there are techniques that guarantee success! Students who have not discovered strategies for themselves that allow them to understand, remember and reflect on a lesson need help to discover them. For these students to succeed, they must discover these strategies of understanding, memorization, reflection, but also how to be attentive and concentrated in class, how to organize themselves and manage their school work. By acquiring these methods and knowing where your difficulties come from, you will know what to do and you will have effective techniques to remedy them in the long term. Your grades will go up, you will regain your self-confidence, you will become independent in managing your homework and preparing for your exams! Imagine, by acquiring these strategies, your grades will go up, you will regain your self-confidence, you will become independent in managing your homework and preparing for your exams! In the evening, when you do your homework, you'll know how to do it! You will be able to work quickly and efficiently! Obviously, this is not the price of a student, but that of an experienced teacher trained in learning strategies and coaching. The work you will do with me will allow you to save time later by being more efficient in your homework. Don't waste time, don't wait for your grades to be bad or for you to be lost in one or more subjects to come and be accompanied! Acquiring solid exam skills and learning strategies takes hard work! But this work will allow you to have solid strategies for your entire schooling! I accompany you in video or face-to-face at my home or at your home according to your needs and your objectives. See you soon !
Learning & study skills · Personal training
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