
Law lessons in Riyadh

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1 law teacher in Riyadh

Trusted teacher: A knowledgeable lawyer and legal services provider Hello, dear customer. Meet your legal professional. I'm currently a practicing attorney, skilled writer, and online researcher who delivers exactly what I promise. The legal profession, research, and writing have been my passions since the early years of my legal career, and through learning and experience, I have sufficiently honed my skills in these areas. In addition, I am currently pursuing my P.HD, a degree that I believe is an added advantage to my expertise. Do not hesitate to entrust me with your task and expect the best from my services. Thank you in advance, and stay safe. In this lesson I will guide you through the process of conducting legal research and writing legal documents. - Legal Research: The tutor will explain how to conduct legal research, which is a critical skill for anyone involved in the legal field. This includes understanding how to use legal databases, how to find and interpret statutes, regulations, and case law, and how to stay updated with recent legal developments. The tutor will also cover how to analyze legal problems and apply the law to specific scenarios. - Legal Writing: The tutor will then move on to legal writing, another essential skill for legal professionals. This involves learning how to write various legal documents such as briefs, memos, contracts, and legal opinions. The tutor will provide tips on how to write clearly and persuasively, how to structure your arguments, and how to cite legal authorities correctly. - Practical Exercises: Throughout the lesson, the tutor will provide practical exercises to help you apply what you've learned. This might involve researching a particular legal issue or drafting a legal document. - Feedback and Improvement: The tutor will provide feedback on your work, helping you to improve your legal research and writing skills. They will point out any areas of weakness and provide suggestions for improvement. This lesson is designed for anyone interested in law, whether you're a law student, a legal professional looking to brush up on your skills, or someone considering a career in law. It provides a solid foundation in legal research and writing, two of the most important skills for any legal professional.
Law · Notary · Political science
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Trusted teacher: محامي ذو خبرة ومقدم خدمات قانونية مرحبا عزيزي العميل. تعرف على محترفك القانوني. أنا حاليًا محامٍ ممارس، وكاتب ماهر، وباحث عبر الإنترنت، أوفي بما و عد به بالضبط. لقد كانت مهنة المحاماة والبحث والكتابة هي شغفي منذ السنوات الأولى من مسيرتي القانونية، ومن خلال التعلم والخبرة، قمت بصقل مهاراتي كافٍ في هذه المجالات. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، أنا حاليًا أسعى للحصول على درجة الدكتوراه، وهي د رجة أعتقد أنها ميزة إضافية لخبرتي. لا تتردد في تكليفي بمهمتك وتوقع الأفضل من خدماتي. شكرا لكم مقدما، وابقوا آمنين. سأوجهك في هذا الدرس خلال عملية إجراء البحث القانوني وكتابة ات القانونية. - البحث القانوني: سوف يشرح المعلم كيفية إجراء البحث القانوني، وهي ارة حاسمة لأي شخص يعمل في المجال القانوني. يتضمن ذلك فهم كيفية استخدام قواعد البيانات القانونية، وكيفية العث ور على القوانين واللوائح والسوابق القضائية وتفسيرها، وكيفية التطورات القانونية الأخيرة. سيغطي المعلم أيضًا كيفية تحليل المشكلات القانونية وتطبيق القانون على سيناريوهات محددة. - الكتابة القانونية: سينتقل المعلم بعد ذلك إلى الكتابة القانونية، و هي مهارة أساسية أخرى للمهنيين القانونيين. يتضمن ذلك تعلم كيفية كتابة المستندات القانونية المختلفة مثل الملخ صات آراء القانونية سيقدم لك المعلم نصائح حول كيفية الكتابة بشكل واضح ومقنع، وكيفية تن Remove the water from the water. - تمارين عملية: طوال الدرس، سيقدم المعلم تمارين عملية لمساعدتك على طبيق ما تعلمته. قد يتضمن ذلك البحث في مسألة قانونية معينة أو صياغة مستند قانوني - التعليقات والتحسين: سيقدم لك المعلم ملاحظات حول عملك، مما يساعدك ع لى تحسين مهاراتك في البحث والكتابة القانونيين. وسوف يشيرون إلى أي مجالات ضعف ويقدمون اقتراحات للتحسين. تم تصميم هذا الدرس لأي شخص مهتم بالقانون، سواء كنت طالب قانون، أو م حترفًا قانونيًا يتطلع إلى تحسين مهاراته، أو شخصًا يفكر في العمل ا لقانون. فهو يوفر أساسًا متينًا في البحث القانوني والكتابة، وهما من أهم الم هارات لأي محترف قانوني.
Law · Notary · Social studies
Hello! My name is Christian and I am a qualified solicitor back in my home country of New Zealand.I've recently moved to London and before I embark on my next professional adventure, I thought it might be a nice time to give back some of the knowledge I've collected over my studies and professional experience. I took great satisfaction when I helped my younger brother during his legal studies (and even more so when I admitted him to become a lawyer). I spent many years trying to grasp what the law is, how to write a 'legal opinion', how to write 'like a lawyer' - even how to 'think like a lawyer'. Surprisingly, all thise things are actually quite helpful even if you don't want to become a lawyer. Understanding the law can help you know your rights better, it can help you solve problems more logically, it can help you write more concisely and more persuasively. Anywhere you go or whatever you want to do, somewhere along the line the law will be involved - if ever so slightly. And the best part is, there is always more to learn! Even the finest judges, or the most distinguished King's Counsel don't know everything about the law (although they;d be pretty bloody close). So let me know whether you're studying law and want some help with your studies, whether you want to improve your writing or negotiating skills, whether you want to learn abit more about the law that affects you, or whether you want to know what its' like working as a lawyer. There are no silly questions in my class! (Please note that this class is not and cannot be constituted as 'legal advice', it is for educational purposes only!) Look forward to meeting you all, Christian Oh and if I haven't selected available times that would suit you better, please drop me a line and I'll see what can be arranged.
Law · Essay writing · Technical writing
Trusted teacher: This lesson “Research in International Law or Social Sciences and Economics” will cover a range of topics. Here’s a potential breakdown : Public International Law: This involves studying the critical intellectual tradition nurtured by institutions like the London School of Economics. It covers the history of international law, its development, and its impact on various global issues. Interdisciplinary Approach: The lesso involve an interdisciplinary approach, combining perspectives from economics, political science, and other disciplines. This approach is beneficial for understanding the complexities of international law. Economic Analysis of International Law: This part of the lesson involve applying economics and other rational choice methods to understand public international law. Research Methods: The lesson will also cover various research methods used in international law. This could include doctrinal, empirical, socio-legal, and interdisciplinary research methods. Case Studies and Journals: Studying case studies and scholarly articles from journals can provide practical insights into the application of international law and economics. Embark on a captivating exploration of the legal realm in my comprehensive law class. As a seasoned freelancer on Apprentus, I offer a unique learning experience that covers the intricacies of law, international law, and civil law. Dive into foundational principles, dissect international legal frameworks, and master the nuances of civil law. This class is designed for individuals eager to grasp the essentials of law, providing valuable insights and practical knowledge. Join me for an enlightening journey into the dynamic and fascinating world of jurisprudence. I'm pursuing a Ph.D. I am a volunteer teacher in several associations, plus I supervise students in supervised work at the faculty. I am still funded by IRD for weekly seminars throughout the year on the law and protection of the marine environment. I am a young consultant. Adept at translating complex legal issues into practical solutions, I have successfully navigated intricate legal landscapes to deliver favorable outcomes for clients and stakeholders. I was in an internship position at more than three firms of law in Morocco. Course Highlights: Foundations of Law: Explore the fundamental principles that underpin legal systems. Understand the basics of legal reasoning and analysis. International Law Insights: Delve into the complexities of international law. Examine the role of international institutions and treaties. Civil Law Mastery: Navigate the nuances of civil law with a focus on private disputes. Learn about contracts, torts, and property rights in civil law. Interactive Learning: Engage in thought-provoking discussions and case studies. Participate in simulations to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.
Law · Political science
Trusted teacher: Embark on a captivating exploration of the legal realm in my comprehensive law class. As a seasoned freelancer on Apprentus, I offer a unique learning experience that covers the intricacies of law, international law, and civil law. Dive into foundational principles, dissect international legal frameworks, and master the nuances of civil law. This class is designed for individuals eager to grasp the essentials of law, providing valuable insights and practical knowledge. Join me for an enlightening journey into the dynamic and fascinating world of jurisprudence. I'm pursuing a Ph.D. I am a volunteer teacher in several associations, plus I supervise students in supervised work at the faculty. I am still funded by IRD for weekly seminars throughout the year on the law and protection of the marine environment. I am a young consultant. Adept at translating complex legal issues into practical solutions, I have successfully navigated intricate legal landscapes to deliver favorable outcomes for clients and stakeholders. I was in an internship position at more than three firms of law in Morocco. Course Highlights: Foundations of Law: Explore the fundamental principles that underpin legal systems. Understand the basics of legal reasoning and analysis. International Law Insights: Delve into the complexities of international law. Examine the role of international institutions and treaties. Civil Law Mastery: Navigate the nuances of civil law with a focus on private disputes. Learn about contracts, torts, and property rights in civil law. Interactive Learning: Engage in thought-provoking discussions and case studies. Participate in simulations to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. Tailored Approach: Receive personalized attention and guidance to suit your learning style. Benefit from a flexible curriculum that adapts to your needs and interests.
Political science · Law · Presentation skills
Hello! My name is Maria, and I am a passionate educator with a strong background in law, particularly in European and International Law, corporate responsibility, and human rights. I have dedicated my career to understanding how legal frameworks can promote social justice and corporate accountability. My love for law stems from a desire to make a positive impact in the world, and I am excited to share this passion with my students. With a cum laude degree in law and extensive experience in both academic and practical settings, I have taught various subjects related to legal studies, including Private and Public International Law. My hands-on approach to teaching helps students not only grasp complex concepts but also apply them to real-world scenarios. Whether you’re an undergraduate student looking to build a strong foundation in Law or a legal professional aiming to enhance your English skills for practical applications in the legal field, I am here to support your learning journey. Particularly if you have an upcoming presentation, speech, or interview to prepare for, or need assistance with CV writing, you can rest assured that our sessions will be conducted in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. I am committed to creating a positive environment that empowers you to succeed in these professional goals. If you’re looking for a dedicated and knowledgeable tutor who is passionate about law and committed to helping you excel in business English and beyond, I would love to work together!
Law · English
Tutoring · Teaching · Law
En tant que professeur de droit spécialisé en conformité et contrôle interne, j’ai pour mission principale de former et d’accompagner les étudiants dans la compréhension des enjeux juridiques liés à la régulation et à la gouvernance des organisations. Mon rôle est de les initier aux principes fondamentaux de la conformité réglementaire, ainsi qu’aux mécanismes de contrôle interne essentiels à la prévention des risques légaux, financiers et opérationnels. Je conçois et dispense des cours couvrant divers aspects de la conformité, y compris les réglementations anti-corruption, la lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent, la protection des données personnelles, et les obligations éthiques des entreprises. J’intègre également des études de cas pratiques et des analyses de situations réelles pour permettre aux étudiants de développer une approche critique et proactive face aux défis rencontrés dans le monde professionnel. Au-delà de l’enseignement, je m’engage à mener des recherches approfondies dans le domaine de la conformité et du contrôle interne, contribuant ainsi à l’évolution des connaissances et des pratiques dans ce secteur. Je participe également activement à des conférences et séminaires, partageant mon expertise avec des professionnels et des universitaires. Mon objectif est de préparer les étudiants à devenir des acteurs clés dans leurs organisations, capables de mettre en œuvre des stratégies de conformité efficaces et de garantir une gouvernance saine et responsable. En formant des professionnels compétents et éthiques, je contribue à renforcer la confiance du public et des parties prenantes dans les entreprises et les institutions.
Law · Project management · Risk management
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Our students from Riyadh evaluate their Law teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Law teachers, we ask our students from Riyadh to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 5.0 out of 5 based on 25 reviews.

University-Level Tutoring in Public International Law: Theory and Practice (Almere Stad)
Amazing tutor who really listens and answers fast whenever I have any concerns or questions. She helped me figure out a study schedule that works for me, showing she’s all about helping in the best way she can. She found time to help me on a Sunday before my big law exam, which was awesome. She has good knowledge on all the subjects we’ve tackled, explaining things in a way that makes sense. She is super nice and approachable, making the whole learning pleasant and fun. You can ask her anything, and she’s ready with the answers, making you feel at ease and supported. She makes the subjects interesting and fun to learn. I’m really confident that with her help, I’m going to turn my academic career around for the better. It’s helpful to have someone like her to guide me through stressful time.
Review by ILONA
Mathematics, Statistics and English Tutoring at Various Levels (The Hague)
I have been working with Natalia for quite a while now and I can say every class with her is enlightening, fun, and most importantly super helpful. I study Statistics with her, and it is not at all my strong suit, however, Natalia made it possible for me to pass courses that otherwise I would have not been able to pass. I would 100% recommend her to anyone who is struggling or would like to improve.
Review by SZOFI
International Law Tutoring (Public International Law, International Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Law, Human Rights) (Geneva)
Malina is a fantastic tutor that helped me a lot! She is very knowledgeable and experienced teacher, her lessons are well-structured and effective. Malina helped to go through the material together and to master some special study techniques. And the result was very good! This tutor is highly recommended!
Review by IDA