
Education & trainings lessons in Rustington

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English · Psychology · Sociology
Trusted teacher: Private tutor for university and high school - fully prepared to prepare for yesterday's exams📚 Need help understanding study material? Preparing for SATs or university exams? 🤔 ⚡My services include: ✔️ Private lessons for all secondary subjects ✔️ Comprehensive help in preparing for the AMSAT exams (Physics and Mathematics) ✔️ Full support for university students in scientific and technical subjects ✔️ Flexible learning, remotely or in person, as you wish 📕Description of physics 👌Physics 1 Physics 1 is a foundational physics course often taught in the first year of university or advanced secondary education. The course focuses on the basic principles of mechanics and electricity, and covers the following topics: 1. Physical Quantities and Units: Students learn how to measure, standardize units, and know the differences between vector and scalar quantities. 2. Motion: It deals with the study of motion in a straight line, circular motion, velocity, and acceleration. 3. Newtonian Laws of Motion**: Analyze the forces acting on objects using Newton's three laws. 4. Energy, Work, and Power: Explain the relationship between kinetic energy and potential energy and how to calculate mechanical work. 5. Law of Gravity: Study of Newton's law of universal gravitation and its effect on objects. 6. Work, Energy, and Energy Conservation: Covers the concepts of work and energy and how energy is transformed between its different forms. 👌Physics 2: Physics 2 is a continuation and deepening of the concepts studied in Physics 1, but with a greater focus on the topics of electricity, magnetism and waves, and includes: 1. Static electricity: It deals with the study of electric charges, electric field, electric potential, and Coulomb's law. 2. Electric Current and Resistance: Understand electric current, electrical resistance, and Ohm's Law. 3. Magnetic fields: Study of the relationship between electricity and magnetism, the magnetic field produced by an electric current, and Faraday's law. 4. Electrical Circuits: Study of simple and complex electrical circuits such as DC and AC circuits. 5. Waves and Sound: The study of mechanical and acoustic waves, frequency, wavelength, and the speed of sound in different media. 6. Light and Optics: Study of the nature of light, reflection, refraction, and lenses. Physics 2 requires students to be able to deal with mathematical and analytical concepts to explain electrical, magnetic and optical phenomena. 📗Mathematics description 👌Mathematics 1 (secondary or university preparatory stage): 1. Algebra: Dealing with equations and algebraic sentences, analyzing equations of the first and second degree. 2. Limits and Continuity: Study the behavior of functions when the values of the variable approach a certain point, and learn about the concept of limit. 3. Differentiation: The study of time rates of change, the concept of the derivative, and how to apply it to solving problems. 4. Trigonometric functions: Study of trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, tangent) and their various applications. 5. Logarithms: Study of logarithms, their laws, and their use in solving equations. 👌Mathematics 2 (advanced levels): 1. Integration: The study of integrals, both definite and indefinite, and their use in calculating areas and volumes, and analyzing antiderivatives. 2. Matrices: Study of operations on matrices (addition, subtraction, multiplication), and the use of matrices in solving linear systems. 3. Differential Equations: Solving equations that relate functions and their derivatives, and their applications in physics and engineering. 4. Analytical geometry: dealing with geometric shapes from a mathematical perspective and analyzing dimensions, distances, and angles. 5. Probability and Statistics: Study of probability theories, calculation of expectations, probability distributions and data analysis using statistics. Advanced Mathematics (Undergraduate): 1. Linear Algebra: Study of vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. 2. Multiple Calculus: Study of multivariable integrals and three-dimensional applications. 3. Mathematical Analysis: A more in-depth study of limits, continuity, and differentiation using advanced concepts. 4. Number theory: The study of the properties of integers and the mathematical structures associated with them. 5. Numerical Analysis: The study of numerical methods for solving mathematical equations using computers. 🎯 With extensive experience in teaching and preparing students for exams with guaranteed success! For communication and reservation: via Apprentus
Teaching · Special education
Public speaking
Trusted teacher: Behavioral analysis uses principles of behavior to solve practical everyday problems. Starting from observations, several hypotheses are put forward, without ever judging, to decode and decipher gestures, words, a way of expressing oneself (...). Based on empathy, these methods allow: - on the one hand, to understand his interlocutor and to adapt to the situation to effectively transmit his messages and convince - on the other hand, to improve one's own verbal and non-verbal communication with a verified methodology and very specific techniques Therefore, it is not only a question of learning to 'decode' the other but also of improving one's skills during oral interventions in public, better managing one's personal/professional communication & the conflicts which result from it, mastering the negotiation techniques (...): your objectives in terms of communication can be diverse and the objective of these sessions is precisely to accompany you to better achieve them. So how do you get a clear message across, make a difference & make an impression? ➤ So, how to listen and be listened to, convince and be impactful, challenge and make an impression, enhance your content, address your audience effectively and optimize the quality & clarity of the exchange / message? It is precisely a question of going through, applying and deploying practical and effective techniques of oral presentation, of simple intervention or of 'one to one` exchange, aiming to challenge your audience or interlocutor, by taking care of the substance as well as the form. , all in a professional or personal context. For this, there are various techniques of verbal and non-verbal communication. ➤ Thus, mastered, the practical method allows, through a set of simulations and scenarios based on your daily experience to support pragmatic & concrete techniques, to decode the gestures and behaviors of its interlocutors but also to improve confidence in self, his confidence, his ease by overcoming his embarrassment and mastering his emotion in public. But also to work on his leadership & his charisma, in a context where empathy and emotional intelligence are at the service of communication. ➤ So, in this context, after having precisely defined your objective & gone through the blockages encountered, here are some examples of themes covered through concrete techniques & a targeted methodology: ✓Practical tools to perfect your rhetoric/repartee ✓Decode and use the practical communication tools of great leaders ✓Fundamentals (practices) of eloquence but also of public speaking (intonation, gaze, gestures, elocution, range, emotions, pronunciation, development of one's own style of charisma) to ensure consistency between substance & form ✓Fundamentals of Body Language to support and not interfere with the speech while being convinced & convincing. ✓ Highlighting their speech & promoting their speaking to arouse interest, by building on their strengths. ✓Creation of a coherence between the message emitted & the message received in order to improve its speech and in fact, its professional/personal relations. ✓Management of Q&A sessions & external reactions during an intervention or an oral exchange. ✓Practical tools to put your interlocutor at ease and appear friendly/interested. ✓To succeed in a negotiation/mediation. ✓On the one hand, learning to say 'no' simply in three steps AND on the other hand, getting people to say 'yes'. ✓To turn sentences into positive AND constructive. ✓To manage conflicts (eg 'assertive' communication techniques, eg CNV techniques - Non Violent Communication). ✓To put NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) at the service of communication. ✓To adopt effective, simple, fair and engaging language. ✓To use sentences, turns of phrase & expressions allowing to be precise, simple, effective & challenging. ✓To manage your personal & professional relationships with, for example, the preparation of your ratings. ✓Make your hypersensitivity a strength to tame your abilities. ✓Listening proactively and expressing / conveying ideas / message clearly. ✓ Avoid letting your emotions show through and propose a constructive solution to problems, while drawing on your own relational skills. ✓Be better equipped to recognize and immediately remedy situations that weaken their authority and affect their ability to communicate effectively. ✓Enhance their potential for expression and creativity (often underestimated until now) and 'apparent' sociability ✓Develop not necessarily self-confidence, but the 'appearance' of self-confidence, refine one's listening to respond adequately, open up to the resources of the imagination, free oneself from the rational to then structure one's speech. ✓Relate their communication objectives (project, institution, values, ideas, demands, etc.) to the form of their expression. ✓Learn and put into practice persuasive communication techniques and better understand the perception that others have of oneself. In order to improve his skills of 'self-presentation' and conveyed image. ✓Practical techniques to foster the engagement of the other party. ✓Strengthen the structure of its communication and develop a convincing argument in order to sell its ideas and projects. (...) ➤ To master the keys to successful public communication, it is advisable to reinforce the impact of one's speeches: by structuring one's interventions and taking into account the circumstances and expectations of the public; by making an impression through storytelling; integrating the psychological and emotional factors of effective oral communication; integrating emotions in the preparation of the message and the arguments; anticipating objections and delicate situations; by preparing and structuring an attractive and convincing presentation framework; by experimenting with the rules of improvisation; by adequately managing difficult situations (...). ➤ In short, each session combines techniques & practical exercises adapted to your daily situations (filmed with your agreement in order to be reviewed, commented on, decoded together live), so that you can apply them immediately, and from the 1st session. ➤ THE TRAINER Trained in a Grande Ecole post-preparatory European classes & Ivy League university in the United States, our teacher has specialized and has worked for more than 15 years, in Europe and North America, in the field of communication, in renowned international public and private establishments, intervening in forums and conferences, & oriented towards pedagogy and careful methodology. ➤ PLACE, TIMETABLE, PRICES ✓ Locations: Geneva-Lausanne-Fribourg-Zurich-Neuchâtel-Lugano-Montreux-Basel-Neuchâtel-Bern-Lucerne-Brussels-Luxembourg-Paris-Lyon. But currently, these sessions continue to be offered by videoconference in the current context and in accordance with general demand which is almost unanimous on this subject. ✓ Indeed, apart from the classic advantages of videoconferencing (time saving related to travel & their unforeseen events, eco-responsibility, increased schedule flexibility, etc.), the quality of the session & the interaction remain identical. In addition, the entire exchange, notes and recommendations are immediately transcribed on the dedicated chat. ✓ To support us among ourselves & to be pleasant to you in this sustainable / particular period and in a spirit of solidarity, the fees are temporarily reduced and will not increase after the start of our sessions. ✓ Languages: French/English. ✓ The progress following these private sessions is perceptible from 1 to 2 sessions (*2024 study). ✓ As other people do regularly, you can also please your loved ones by offering gift vouchers available all year round. CONTACT / PROGRAM ✓ A la carte program: evaluated and adapted to each need.
Communication skills · Cognitive psychology · Public speaking
Trusted teacher: محامي ذو خبرة ومقدم خدمات قانونية مرحبا عزيزي العميل. تعرف على محترفك القانوني. أنا حاليًا محامٍ ممارس، وكاتب ماهر، وباحث عبر الإنترنت، أوفي بما و عد به بالضبط. لقد كانت مهنة المحاماة والبحث والكتابة هي شغفي منذ السنوات الأولى من مسيرتي القانونية، ومن خلال التعلم والخبرة، قمت بصقل مهاراتي كافٍ في هذه المجالات. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، أنا حاليًا أسعى للحصول على درجة الدكتوراه، وهي د رجة أعتقد أنها ميزة إضافية لخبرتي. لا تتردد في تكليفي بمهمتك وتوقع الأفضل من خدماتي. شكرا لكم مقدما، وابقوا آمنين. سأوجهك في هذا الدرس خلال عملية إجراء البحث القانوني وكتابة ات القانونية. - البحث القانوني: سوف يشرح المعلم كيفية إجراء البحث القانوني، وهي ارة حاسمة لأي شخص يعمل في المجال القانوني. يتضمن ذلك فهم كيفية استخدام قواعد البيانات القانونية، وكيفية العث ور على القوانين واللوائح والسوابق القضائية وتفسيرها، وكيفية التطورات القانونية الأخيرة. سيغطي المعلم أيضًا كيفية تحليل المشكلات القانونية وتطبيق القانون على سيناريوهات محددة. - الكتابة القانونية: سينتقل المعلم بعد ذلك إلى الكتابة القانونية، و هي مهارة أساسية أخرى للمهنيين القانونيين. يتضمن ذلك تعلم كيفية كتابة المستندات القانونية المختلفة مثل الملخ صات آراء القانونية سيقدم لك المعلم نصائح حول كيفية الكتابة بشكل واضح ومقنع، وكيفية تن Remove the water from the water. - تمارين عملية: طوال الدرس، سيقدم المعلم تمارين عملية لمساعدتك على طبيق ما تعلمته. قد يتضمن ذلك البحث في مسألة قانونية معينة أو صياغة مستند قانوني - التعليقات والتحسين: سيقدم لك المعلم ملاحظات حول عملك، مما يساعدك ع لى تحسين مهاراتك في البحث والكتابة القانونيين. وسوف يشيرون إلى أي مجالات ضعف ويقدمون اقتراحات للتحسين. تم تصميم هذا الدرس لأي شخص مهتم بالقانون، سواء كنت طالب قانون، أو م حترفًا قانونيًا يتطلع إلى تحسين مهاراته، أو شخصًا يفكر في العمل ا لقانون. فهو يوفر أساسًا متينًا في البحث القانوني والكتابة، وهما من أهم الم هارات لأي محترف قانوني.
Law · Notary · Social studies
Math · Economics for adults
Trusted teacher: Hey students!!. I am Dr. Soha (Gold medalist), a Highly qualified and experienced tutor with having degree in Doctor of Physiotherapy. I successfully teach Physiotherapy, Anatomy, Rehabilitation, Neurosciences, Kinesiology, Biomechanics, Exercise Physiology, Electrotherapy/Actinotherapy, Yoga therapy, and all Medical Subjects along with Medical entrance exam prep. I can help you with any type of Physiotherapy: - Neurosciences and Rehabilitation - Sports Physiotherapy that includes topics like Ankle sprain, Ligament injury, Piriformis syndrome, anterior & posterior cruciate ligament, meniscus rupture & tear, hamstring/ quadricep muscle stretch or tear, etc. - Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy that includes topics like Breathing exercises, Chest Physiotherapy, CPR, etc. - Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation that includes topics like knee pain, Shoulder pain, cervical radiculopathy, joint pain treatments, Pre and Postoperative Exercises, etc. - Pediatric Rehabilitation that includes topics like Cerebral palsy, Down Syndrome, Hydrocephalus, handicapped children, Milestones, etc. - Geriatric Rehabilitation that includes topics like Prevention of falls, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, dementia, etc. - Neurology - Exercise Physiology and much more. If you are looking for a committed and qualified tutor who can assist you in achieving your academic and professional objectives.... Look no further. Let's get started on your path to success!! I am an enthusiastic and dedicated teacher. If you are having trouble with your studies or understanding ideas for your tests, you can contact me. I have a variety of resources available, including medical books, videos, slides, and more. I am committed to assisting students in comprehending complicated scientific concepts and ideas in an entertaining and accessible manner. I can help students grasp difficult subjects, and I am sure that my knowledge and expertise will be a great addition to your online learning environment. Furthermore, I offer guidance on optimizing exam performance through self-study techniques. My goals are to build strength, self-confidence, and creativity in my students. The lectures I will provide will be advantageous in all aspects according to students' needs. I assign home tasks and provide periodic progress reports. I can assist you with increasing your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, understanding difficult medical ideas, and exam preparation. I will provide Notes and Helping material if needed.
Physical therapy · Physiotherapy · Neuroscience
Trusted teacher: Welcome to "Basic Spanish for Travelers in Argentina"! This course is designed for tourists who want to make the most of their trip by learning essential Spanish. Whether you’re exploring vibrant cities, enjoying the stunning landscapes, or connecting with locals, this class will equip you with the fundamental language skills you need. What You’ll Learn: Essential Vocabulary and Phrases: Master basic words and expressions for common travel situations such as dining, shopping, and asking for directions. Practical Communication Skills: Gain the ability to engage in simple conversations, introduce yourself, and make basic requests. Listening and Speaking: Improve your listening skills to understand spoken Spanish and practice speaking to build confidence. Cultural Tips: Learn cultural nuances and etiquette to enhance your interactions and avoid misunderstandings. Methodology: Conversational Approach: Focus on practical, everyday dialogues to ensure you can communicate effectively during your travels. Interactive Exercises: Participate in role-plays, listening exercises, and scenario-based activities that simulate real-life situations. Visual and Audio Resources: Utilize visual aids, audio recordings, and real-world examples to reinforce learning and understanding. Who Should Take This Class: This class is perfect for travelers who are: New to Spanish: Beginners who want to learn the basics of the language. Preparing for a Trip: Tourists planning to visit Argentina who need practical language skills. Interested in Cultural Interaction: Visitors who wish to engage more meaningfully with locals and experience Argentine culture. Expected Outcomes: By the end of this course, you will be able to: Communicate Basic Needs: Effectively ask for information, make purchases, and navigate different scenarios. Understand Common Phrases: Recognize and understand key expressions and responses in everyday interactions. Enhance Your Travel Experience: Interact confidently with locals and enrich your journey through Argentina with practical Spanish skills.
Spanish · Traveling · Teaching
Trusted teacher: Transform Your Relationships, Transform Your Life! Namaste! 🙏 I'm Dr Pooja, a Gold Medallist doctor (BHMS) turned Certified Holistic Life Coach and Author in India. My expertise are Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT),NLP, CBT, Self-Mastery Life Coaching, sound Medical Knowledge, Ashtang Yoga, Meditation, Yogic Nutrition and Mindfulness. Are you longing for deeper connections, better communication, and more harmony in your relationships? Imagine a life where you feel truly understood, valued, and loved. >>> Improve communication: Learn healthy communication skills to express needs effectively and listen with empathy. >>> Resolve conflict constructively: Develop tools to manage disagreements calmly and find win-win solutions. >>> Rebuild foundation: Reignite the spark and create a deeper emotional connection. >>> Set common goals or learn how to respect other people's perspectives: Work together towards shared aspirations and build a strong future for your relationship. >>> Navigate life's challenges: Learn to adapt to changes, overcome obstacles, and grow stronger as a couple. and more. Imagine waking up every day to relationships that bring you joy, support, and fulfillment. My coaching program is designed to help you achieve just that. We will delve into the root causes of relationship challenges, offering tailored solutions that promote growth and understanding. Through our holistic approach, you'll not only improve your interactions but also develop a deeper connection with yourself, leading to more authentic and enriching relationships both personal and professional. Ready to transform your relationship? Let's connect!
Mental health counseling · Counseling · Relationships
Trusted teacher: ⭐️ ⭐️ What my Class is like ⭐️ ⭐️ • First class I will have a conversation about what YOU need to learn better. Every class is designed differently for different students. • I take notes about our conversation: I make notes about your: +Pronunciation +Grammar 📝 +Fluency/ Speaking speed 🗣️ +Listening 👂 ++ Confidence using English 😎 +++ Accent reduction activities to sound smoother, more natural, and boost self esteem using advanced speech pathology methods. •I have a variety of books and materials FREE of charge available to my students. If you need to start from the beginning, improve your English for conversation, pass a visa interview for an English speaking country, pass IELTS or TOEIC, or learn English for business or pleasure, I can help you reach that goal! 💪 👨🏼‍🎓👨🏻‍🎓👩🏻‍🎓🧑🏻‍🎓📝📜 20 years of tutoring (1-1 and groups), an international school teacher, university instructor to teach non-native English teachers how to teach English: I have developed a very effective way to analyze and design a class based on YOUR PERSONAL NEEDS, strengths, figuring out how I can help ANYONE reach your goals! 🌟” Why choose Mr. Rhett?” I always loved learning languages! I’ve studied German, Latin, Spanish, and Vietnamese- I understand how HARD IT IS TO LEARN ANOTHER LANGUAGE! Yes, it’s hard! But I’ve been using a dynamic method to make learning FUN 🤩. •I’ve been teaching English since volunteering in high school. Teaching immigrants English as a second language helpd me realize that teaching is something I am passionate about • Every student has a different way of learning and different needs and I’ve mastered how to identify a student’s needs. • I don’t just use a book and say “repeat!” 🥱. I use proven techniques that help students in the real world- and usually add your interests to help you WANT TO STUDY 🤯 • Depending on how a student learns: I use videos and audio of real world English speaking situations. • I’ve taught in Vietnam 🇻🇳 for 8 years in English centers, international schools, visa interview preparation, and IELTS prep classes. This has showed me the importance of learning how each student learns is different. And this experience has made me a very dynamic tutor with very satisfied students 🧑🏻‍🎓 👨🏻‍🎓 👩🏻‍🎓 ** Something unique about my class is I have an optional accent reduction focus. Showing my students how to sound more like native English speakers. I realized the best way to teach is so my students feel relaxed and comfortable so it doesn’t feel like a class, the course is more like a conversation with a purpose. As an American, I have a very clear accent. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations with a minor in teaching from Pennsylvania State University as well as a TESOL (international teaching certificate) from Oxford. I have Vietnamese residency. I spend a lot of time using different materials (mock tests, pronunciation correction plans, diagrams and videos of how to effectively pronounce difficu sounds for Non-native speakers as well as quizzes to track progress). I want my students do well but have fun while doing so! 😃 If a student ever wants to do something differently about our course then it is changed immediately. I am a flexible instructor, and teaching for a long time I have seen many people are surprised how quickly they’re improving in one part of their learning plan so we move on 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️ Learning is a journey and I would love to be your guide to help improve your English- because every student that I teach, I always learn something from them as well and I feel a sense of satisfaction by helping somebody accomplish what they once thought was impossible. You can do it! No matter how many times you tried learning English before it’s not just possible but you can do it! Hope to help you learn as much as possible😁😁😁😁
English · Business writing · Communication skills
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To ensure the quality of our Education & Trainings teachers, we ask our students from Rustington to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 5.0 out of 5 based on 21 reviews.

Helping Business Administration students around the world (Sohag)
I recently had the privilege of being taught by an exceptional finance analysis instructor. Her teaching style is truly commendable. She possesses an extraordinary ability to convey complex financial concepts with utmost clarity and patience. Her dedication to ensuring i comprehend the material is truly admirable. She consistently goes above and beyond, taking the time to address individual questions and providing additional support until ei feel confident in understanding. What sets her apart is not only her excellent teaching skills, but also her profound professionalism and extensive experience in finance analysis. This is evident in every lecture and assignment. Her practical insights and real-world examples enriched our learning experience and provided valuable context to theoretical concepts.
If you're a foreigner planning a trip to Argentina, I'm your go-to Spanish teacher with a zest for life! (Bogotá)
Marcos is great! He is very friendly and makes it fun to learn. I understood his explanations and he was able to describe how to use many phrases in a way that was easy to understand. He also had great recommendations for things to do around the city! I’m looking forward to continue working with Marcos.
Review by ZACHARY
Fashion Design (Draping, Sewing, Pattern Making) and Acceptance Portfolio Preparation (Como)
I took a sewing class with him he is really experienced and good tutor. He also clarified me about patterns. The way he explains makes it easier to understand complicated stuff. I would absolutely reccomend him who has diffuculty to understand sewing and patterns.
Review by MERVE