
Communication skills lessons in Thornton Heath

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1 communication skills teacher in Thornton Heath

Trusted teacher: I graduated from the University of Athens where I attended courses in pedagogics, psychology, and linguistics. I worked at a language center between 2009-2016 where I was a director of studies and taught mainly English as a foreign/second language. Since 2005, when I first started teaching English, I have taught children and adults on a variety of language proficiency levels and with a variety of needs (general knowledge/terminology/for specific purposes), both individually and in groups. I constantly seek progress, meaning that I study further through reading books/articles concerning didactics/methodology and learning difficulties (chiefly dyslexia), observing other teachers as well as attending seminars (online or face-to-face). I will help you learn weird English spelling and pronunciation with fun. I assign homework and after I receive it, correct it thoroughly additionally providing a lot of remarks/examples if they are necessary. During my lessons I use : - Skype/Whatsapp/Messenger to connect with you, - Google Docs to keep notes, which you can check at any time and they are yours to keep, - sketch board me to make mind maps to show connections between ideas, etc. - books, PPP, word docs, diagrams, pics, etc. - pronunciation/spelling/grammar games, - authentic materials were taken from websites. I adore my profession and desire each and every one of my students be satisfied with the lesson. That's why I make sure the atmosphere is stress-free and nice. I also want my lessons to be as effective and close to real-life needs as possible. Therefore, I make sure they are well-prepared, although they can be altered at any point, should such an opportunity arise. I like explaining things in a variety of ways as well as make use of dictionaries, diagrams, etc. When it comes to students who want to obtain certificates, I am very demanding. What can I teach? - I would love to help you improve/develop all language skills (speaking/writing-listening/reading + grammar/vocabulary/pronunciation), - I would love to help you prepare for certificates such as IELTS / TOEFL / CAE-ALCE / CPE-ECPE, - I would love to help you with homework and assignments (literature, history) from school and university (but please contact me about that IN ADVANCE).
English · Writing · Communication skills
(17 reviews)
Cemile - Fethiye, Turkey£16
Trusted teacher: Merhaba 👋🏻 Hello, I'm Cemile. As a native Turkish speaker and as a certificated teacher to teach Turkish as a foreign language, I would be glad to help you learn Turkish, be it from scratch or to help you improve. I give Turkish lessons to expats, students or Turkish lovers for several years. I love to make my students speak, write, and understand since I strongly believe that practice is the key to learning a language and improving your knowledge. I always structure my lessons according to subjects based on daily life situations (how to introduce yourself, how to make an appointment, shopping/grocery, going to the doctors, professional language, etc). We'll go through the grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. You can take classes from me at your place, at my place or online via webcam. It is possible to have offline lessons at the cafes in the city center of Fethiye / Muğla. I am looking forward to meeting you and helping you with whatever language goals you have! 📲 Feel free to contact me for questions and classes. مرحبا 👋🏻 أنا جميلة و لغتي الأم التركية وكمعلمة معتمدة لتدريس اللغة التركية كلغة أجنبية يسعدني مساعدتك على تعلم اللغة التركية سواء كان ذلك من البداية أو لمساعدتك على تحسين لغتك التركية بإمكاني تعليم اللغة التركية للناطقين باللغة العربية أوالانجليزية. ولدي خبرة في تعليم اللغة التركية لعدة سنوات، طلابي من جنسيات و أعمار مختلفة إذا كانت لديك أية أسئلة أو استفسارات، فضلًا لا تتردد في التواصل معي
Turkish · Communication skills · Grammar
(3 reviews)
Natalia - Milan, Italy£26
Trusted teacher: Do you need to learn how to speak in Italian really quickly? Do you already speak at a basic level and you want to improve? This course is for you! Every lesson, a new thematic: you will learn how to deal in the most common situation with immersive focus on everyday life & job situation. Relax and just speak! -As a qualified and experienced teacher, I ensure you make real progress, helping you successfully achieve your goals and communicate with confidence in Italian. I prefer not to use vehicular languages but don't worry, I have plurilingual and pluricultural competences so, if you need, we can speak English, French, Arabic (MSA and Tunisian) or Spanish! Together, we'll work on interaction, dialogue, oral production and comprehension, focusing on fluency, lexis and vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. I'll give you access to a range of free resources and authentical materials like videos, audios, newspapers, and books, for sure. - My method: I follow a communicative and non-frontal approach in which the student always has a leading role and is stimulated to experiment with the structures and the vocabulary learned. In general, during a lesson, I give equal space to the reinforcement of each competence (comprehension and oral production, comprehension and written production, grammatical insights), but at the request of the student, it is possible to focus on particular objectives. I offer students a wide range of Italian language books for foreigners and the choice of texts or materials to follow will be done together. Multimedia materials such as audio and video and interactive activities.
Italian · Speech · Communication skills
(2 reviews)
Rika - Paris, France£35
Trusted teacher: Le français est écrit ci-dessous. I’m a Japanese teacher from Tokyo area and have over three years of tutoring Japanese learners from various nationalities. I teach you in English, but if you prefer I can teach you in French (B1) or Chinese (C1) too. In my Japanese class, you can practice speaking Japanese with a native Japanese teacher though talking about various topics with fun. Especially if you have goals to go to Japan in the future, or if you have goals like things below, my class would be very helpful for you. - Level up your Japanese Speaking skill at any level (N5-N1) - Increase your practical vocabulary and grammar usage based on Japanese conversation (For advanced learners, I can share words that may not appear in your formal courses too.) - Learn about Japan, Japanese customs and culture more though conversations Also, I offer some helps in other styles like these below. Let me know if there’s other thing I would be able to help you with. - Starter/Beginner Japanese (basic kanji, words, grammar, conversation etc.) - Travel phrases for your next trip to Japan - Group sessions for Japanese conversation Feel free to contact me to discuss together a course well suited to your needs. I’m looking forward to seeing you! ———————- Je suis un professeur de japonais venu de la région de Tokyo et j'ai plus de trois ans de tutorat d'apprenants japonais de différentes nationalités. Je vous enseigne dans mon français (B1) et mon anglais (C2). Dans mon cours de japonais, vous pouvez vous entraîner à parler japonais avec un professeur de japonais natif tout en parlant de divers sujets avec plaisir. Surtout si vous avez des objectifs d'aller au Japon à l'avenir, ou si vous avez des objectifs comme les choses ci-dessous, ma classe vous serait très utile. - Améliorez vos compétences en japonais à n'importe quel niveau (N5-N1) - Augmentez votre vocabulaire pratique et votre utilisation de la grammaire (Pour les apprenants avancés, je peux également partager des mots qui peuvent ne pas apparaître dans votre manuel.) - En savoir plus sur le Japon, les coutumes et la culture japonaises grâce aux conversations De plus, je propose des aides dans d'autres styles comme ceux-ci ci-dessous. Faites-moi savoir s'il y a d'autres choses pour lesquelles je pourrais vous aider. - Japonais débutant (kanji de base, mots, grammaire, conversation etc.) - Phrases de voyage pour votre prochain voyage au Japon - Séances de groupe pour conversation japonaise N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour discuter ensemble d'un cours bien adapté à vos besoins. J'ai hâte de vous voir!
Japanese · Communication skills · Culture
(3 reviews)
Eric - Swords, Ireland£16
Trusted teacher: Are you ready to embark on a linguistic journey, exploring the richness of Spanish and Catalan? I'm Eric, a native speaker of both languages, and I'm here to make your language learning experience dynamic, engaging, and entirely student-centered. 🌎 What I Offer 🌍 👥 Personalized Language Learning: Whether you're a beginner, an intermediate learner, or someone looking to refine your language skills, I offer tailored Spanish and Catalan classes. Our lessons will be fully customized to your level, needs, and interests. 📖 Grammar Mastery: Let's delve into the intricacies of grammar. I'll help you grasp the rules and nuances, making complex grammar structures seem simple. 📚 Enhanced Reading Comprehension: Whether you're interested in literature, news, or everyday texts, we'll enhance your reading comprehension skills. You'll be able to navigate any text with confidence. 🗣️ Fluency and Pronunciation: Improving your pronunciation is crucial for effective communication. I'll provide guidance to ensure that you sound like a native speaker in both Spanish and Catalan. 💡 Why Choose Me? 💡 🌟 Native Proficiency: As a native speaker of both Spanish and Catalan, I offer you the unique experience of learning from someone who knows these languages inside out. 🧑‍🏫 Student-Centric Approach: Your learning style and goals matter. I focus on your individual needs, ensuring that every class is engaging and productive. 🌐 Cultural Insights: Language is deeply intertwined with culture. I provide you with insights into the rich traditions, history, and nuances of Spanish and Catalan-speaking regions. 🌍 Broaden Your Horizons: Speaking Spanish and Catalan opens doors to numerous Spanish-speaking and Catalan-speaking communities worldwide, from Barcelona to Latin America. 🤝 Let's Get Started! 🤝 Ready to immerse yourself in the beauty of Spanish and Catalan? Whether you're an enthusiast, a traveler, or looking to gain a competitive edge in your career, I'm here to guide you. Contact me today, and let's start your exciting language-learning journey. Your fluency in Spanish and Catalan awaits! 🌟🗣️🌍
Spanish · Catalan · Communication skills
Trusted teacher: Arabisch-Muttersprachler & Lehrbeauftragter der Frankfurt University of Applied Scineces seit 1994 bietet bundesweit Arabischkurse und Arabischeinzelunterricht für alle Lernstufen: Anfänger, Fortgeschrittene und Konversation für Profis. Angeboten wird Alltags-, Hoch-, Medien- und Facharabisch wie Wirtschaftsarabisch sowie einige Dialekte: u.a. Ägyptisch, Golf-Staaten, Jordanisch, Libanesisch, Palästinensisch, und Syrisch). Weitere Dialekte auf Nachfrage. Teilnehmer an diesem Kurs beherrschen mindestens ca. 1.500 Wörter der Alltagssprache in Wort und Schrift (Level: A2-B1) und können z. B. einfache, dreisilbige Verben (sogenannte starke Verben) in der Gegenwarts-, Vergangenheits-, Futurs- und Befehlsform konjugieren bzw. nichtvokalisierte Texte lesen. Kursinhalte: Es handelt sich um Medienarabisch, d.h. die Sprache, die man im Internet ebenso in Zeitungen, Magazinen, Radio, Film, in Lehranstalten wie Schulen und Hochschulen sowie bei offiziellen Verlautbarungen allgemein verwendet. Und zwar von Mauretanien / Marokko im Westen über das östliche Mittelmeer bis zum Oman im Südosten. Der Dozent hat für die Kurse eigene Skripte erstellt, die im Kurspreis nicht inbegriffen sind. Sonstige Arbeitsmaterialien: Alla Elgibali / Nevenka Korica “Media Arabic A Coursebook for Reading Arabic News”. The American University in Cairo Press 2007 El Mustapha Lahlali “Media Arabic. Advanced” Edinburgh University Press 2010 Elisabeth Kendall “Media Arabic. The Top 1000 Words for Understanding...” Georgetown University Press 2009 Gelesen werden z.B. die Tageszeitungen Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, Al Hayat, Al Sharq Al Awsat, Al Quds Al Arabi und Al Ahram sowie u.a. die Online-Ausgaben und TV-Berichte der Fernsehstationen Al Jazeera und Al Arabiya? Nähere Informationen erhalten Sie bei Samir.
Arabic · Communication skills · Business management
Trusted teacher: --- ENG Hello everyone! My name is Maria, a Venezuelan musician residing in Belgium. In the world of art, languages and cultures are a fundamental part of being able to understand each other and connect with each other in order to create something beautiful together, in my case music. Apart from being an artist, I like languages and learning them has become a passion for me, which is why I decided to take this passion to another level. During my classes I want to help you learn my native language, which is Latin American Spanish, in a personalized and dynamic way. The classes are separated by levels (A0-B2), where you will learn the grammar of the language but also vocabulary and expressions to use on a daily basis with other speakers of the language. My idea is that each student learns the language at their own pace but understanding and daring to speak it from the first day. Support material (book, exercises, audios, etc) is always included. Classes can be individual or in groups, both online and in person (Brussels, Belgium). Classes will be given in English and Spanish. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I hope to see you soon and start discovering and learning this beautiful language! Greetings, Maria. --- ESP ¡Hola a todos! Mi nombre es Maria, musico Venezolana residiendo en Bélgica. En el mundo del arte, los idiomas y las culturas son parte fundamental para poder entendernos entre cada artista y conectar para poder crear algo hermoso juntos, en mi caso la música. Aparte de ser artista me gusta los idiomas y aprenderlos se ha convertido en una pasión para mi, por eso he decidió llevar esta pasión a otro nivel. Durante mis clases quiero ayudarte a aprender de una forma personalizada y dinámica mi lengua natal, que es el español latinoamericano. Las clases están separadas por niveles (A0-B2), en donde aprenderás la gramática de la lengua pero también vocabulario y expresiones para usar en el día a día con otros hablantes de la lengua. Mi idea es que cada alumno aprenda el idioma a su ritmo pero entendiendo y atreviéndose a hablarlo desde el primer día. Material de apoyo (libro, ejercicios, audios, etc) está incluido siempre. Las clases pueden ser individuales o en grupos, tanto online como en persona (Bruselas, Bélgica). Clases se darán en Ingles y español. No dudes en contactarme si tienes alguna pregunta. ¡Espero verte pronto y comenzar a descubrir y aprender este hermoso idioma! Saludos, Maria.
English · Spanish · Communication skills
Showing results 126 - 150 of 1955126 - 150 of 1955

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Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 100 reviews.

Learn (modern) Greek for everyday use, university, tourism with FUN and passion / (ancient) Greek for school and university
Justyna is a graduate of the University of Athens and she is very much qualified to deliver Greek courses. She has great teaching skills and more than 10 years of experience in teaching the Greek language. Her communication skills are also commendable, and she can find the appropriate way to establish a very effective communication with the pupil. She is very meticulous and attentive to detail and she speaks always in a positive tone. The quality of her work is impeccable, and she has also elaborated here own teaching material (for example, PowerPoint presentations) to facilitate the on-line courses. I was very much surprised to see that even the Greek sounds of letters in her PowerPoint file were created with her own voice! With regard to the online courses, she has also the right technical skills to use the various online tools and software (e.g. Google tools), something which is not evident when working with other teachers. She is very flexible in terms of the time of the courses and she is accepting the various time constraints which may derive from the day-to-day schedule of the pupil. She is always in time for her courses and very accessible as well as reliable concerning all the necessary arrangements. In terms of attitude, she is very enthusiastic, an element which has a great impact on the pupil to actively follow up her during the whole duration of the course. She is also very dynamic in the way she delivers the courses, and she does not forget to praise the pupil when necessary. She is always assertive, independently of the learning pace of the pupil. Last but not least, I think she has the right ratio of humour in her courses in order to make the one hour passing with her as pleasant as possible. I highly recommend her from my experience so far.
Japanese Private Lesson with Native Teacher (in Paris or Online) (Paris)
Classes with Rika are great, I've been learning with her for several months now and I'm 100% satisfied. We've had both physical and online classes, I was worried online would be difficult to learn from as it's been my experience in the past but I was very pleasantly surprised and since then we stick to online! After every class, Rika sends me slides of the new grammar we learnt including some sentences for me to translates as homework using the new and previous vocabulary/grammar. During physical classes, I wouldn't receive these recaps (which is a shame) but Rika would make me write down some of our dialogues so I would also practice writing. The way classes work is purely oral practice. Rika will ask me questions in order to create dialogue that I have to express in Japanese and the learning builds up from it. She is soooo patient when I take ages to express my sentence because I'm searching for my words or structure. Very kind and friendly too, you won't feel pressured nor judged to be proficient. Communication outside of class is clear and fast, she is very attentive and flexible. I'm a French speaker but we hold the class in English/Japanese as it's best for us both so I can't attest how it goes in French or Chinese/Japanese but I'm sure it works well too! Highly recommend!
Review by MARION
Italian for business and university - prepare CILS CELI PLIDA exams - conversation in italian (Milan)
Natalia has been a wonderful tutor over the past year : she has been a great help in gaining confidence in conversation as well as grammar work, which underpins it all. It is often easier, when learning, to 'hide behind the grammar' however the drawing out and use of it in conversation has been done gently and with great understanding, assistance and humour. Not forgetting patience. And I never feel I'm being chided when I hear the words "..in italian now" - sometimes you just need a push. As a tutor, Natalia is very flexible (a great help when you work), supportive and always full of encouragement. I look forward to continuing my lessons !
Review by JOHN