
Communication skills lessons in Shanghai

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5 communication skills teachers in Shanghai

Trusted teacher: Hello, My name is Santiago and I am native Spanish speaker from Uruguay. I am offering individual and personalized virtual Spanish classes to improve both your oral and written communication. The main focus of my classes is focused on developing fluent and structured communication of the Spanish language either to prepare international exams, or to be able to communicate properly in the professional field or to reinforce and maintain prior knowledge of this language. I am a graduate, graduated from Florida Gulf Coast University in the USA. Having learned English as a child at the Ivy Thomas Memorial School in Uruguay, and lived a year and a half in Thailand, followed by 4 years in the USA I acquired great knowledge and fluency in the English language. In Thailand I spent a year and a half studying communication arts, which helped me, prepare for my studies in the US. I had several communication classes, learning techniques of how to speak better using not only our words but also our body to help us speak more naturally, calmly, and without getting nervous if we get stuck or forget what we wanted to say. During my career in the US, I was constantly writing essays for my classes, in addition to having to present projects in front of my teachers and classmates. At the same time, I was working at university and after graduation I worked for a year, mainly having long phone conversations with people from all over the country. If what you are looking for is to improve your knowledge of the Spanish language, I will help you. My methodology is simple. Each person is different and I adapt the content of my classes to the needs and interests of my students. We all learn in different ways and at different times,
Public speaking · Spanish · Communication skills
Trusted teacher: Bonjour Bonjour; You're maybe planning to travel to France for Business or for vacations...Or you just want to learn French for Academic or professional reasons! My name is Hicham (Here the French spelling of my first name make it sound "HiTChem" in English speaking countries - which i find awful to hear :) so the exact spelling to pronounce it right should be Heesham). And this is the perfect example that Pronounciation is one of the most important matter in French learning; not only for you to be able to understand French words and learn them, but also and mostly to be able to be understood when you speak them. Just like it's hard to understand a new english speaker with a strong foreign accent Imagine: "Un ver vert va vers un verre vert". Which means that a green worm is going towards a green glass. This doesn't make any sense but it illustrates what we call Homonymes. The word homonyme comes from Latin, more specifically as "Homos" (similar) and "onoma" (name). And it get more complicated when Homophones have the same pronounciation but not the same meaning nor the same spelling. Or worst; "Homographes" which are written the same spelling but complete different meaning and pronounciation. And finally the most tricky ones are the perfect Homonymes like:" un TOUR de magie" and la TOUR d'un chateau. (Magic trick and Castle Tower)... But don't worry - You don't need to understand what the Oceans are made of to be able to swim. And this is here I come. I am born in France (born in 1978 in Orleans) - studied in France, Teach French in Morocco, UK, Spain and Italy for Communication Business purposes. I used to teach Sales in French to Non-native French speaker Callcenter Agents in the Philippines lately. Been teaching in English. Yes I have been learning and practicing English since 2012 and I am now perfectly fluent with an accent which is not French :) Yay :) And my role as your French teacher will be to give you the perfect coaching to make you improve your French skills just like I did in French and other languages. Yes, I am the perfect example that anyone can learn a new language and become like a native one. I'm proud when I meet french people speaking english together when they cannot notice my accent and don't know I'm from France until I tell them. Of course, I will provide you all the Grammar, Conjugaison, Orthographe and all the basics modules from the French Academy you need to practice and have a proper French conversation. But not only, I garantee you that you will be able to sing in French.(it will develop your French ear and your pronounciation) My classes are customized for one to one classes or small group of people who want to have a real follow up on your learning evolution. From beginner to advance. It will include private sessions, customized exercises, funny home work... one to one conversations, French songs :) Yes I will sing too. I will give you all the tools and tricks that I used myself to reach my English level. So together, we will make sure to find the right path for you to learn and practice French with a purpose. Contact me if you have questions (the pricing offer is per student for maximum group of 10 people). One to one French coaching can be organized as well; Feel free to contact me A bientot Hicham
French · Grammar · Communication skills
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Trusted teacher: Hi ! I am a passionate language teacher. My goal is to help you master Spanish, both written and spoken. Here is what I propose: 1. Personalized courses: - I will adapt the lessons according to your specific needs. Whether you want to learn from scratch or improve your existing skills, I'm here to help! - We will focus on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation so you can speak with confidence. 2. Effective methodology: - I use effective teaching methods so that you can progress quickly. - We will avoid grammatical gaps and I will provide you with practical tools to communicate in everyday situations. 3. Linguistic flexibility: - I explain the lessons in French, Arabic or Spanish, depending on your preference. - I always adapt to your level and your learning style. 4. Communication and practice: - During our sessions, you will not only learn grammatical rules, but also how to apply them in real conversations. - At the end of each lesson, I will provide you with exercises so that you can continue practicing and improving. 🚀 Join me on this exciting adventure to speak Spanish fluently. Contact me for more details! 🚀 ---------------------------------------------- 🌟 Online Spanish Courses: Learn Skills with Fluidez 🌟 Hello! Be an academic professor passionate about languages. My object is to dominate Spanish, both in writing and in oral communication. This is where it is offered: 1. Personalized Classes: - Adapted to classes according to your specific requirements. You know what you'll learn from this or improve your existing skills, it's what you need to learn! - We focus on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation so that we can speak with confidence. 2. Effective methodology: - Use effective teaching so that you can progress quickly. - Avoid grammatical lags and proporcionaré herramientas prácticas para comunicarte en situaciones cotidianas. 3. Language flexibility: - Explain the classes in **French, Arabic or Spanish**, whichever you prefer. - Please adapt to your level and learning style. 4. Communication and Practice: - During our new sessions, we will not learn grammatical rules alone, but we will also apply them in real conversations. - At the end of each class, you provide exercises so that you can practice and improve. 🚀 Let me be on this exciting journey to speak Spanish with fluidity. Contact me for more details! 🚀 ---------------------------------------------- 🌟 Use the words: مرحبًا! أنا مدرس متحمس للغات. This will cause the water to dry out. إليك ما أقدمه: 1. دروس مخصصة: - سأقوم بتخصيص الدروس وفقًا لاحتياجاتك الخاصة. سواء كنت ترغب في تعلم الغة من الصفر أو تحسين مهاراتك هنا لمساعدتك! - سنركز على القواعد النحوية والمفردات والنطق حتى تتمكن من التحدث بث قة. 2. منهجية فعالة: - أستخدم منهجية فعالة لتحقيق تقدم سريع. - سنتجنب الثغرات النحوية وسأزودك بأدوات عملية للتواصل في الحياة ومية. 3. مرونة لغوية: - سأشرح الدروس باللغة الفرنسية أو العربية أو الإسبانية، حسب تفضيلك. - دائمًا ما أتكيف مع مستواك وأسلوب تعلمك. 4. التواصل والممارسة: - خلال جلساتنا، لن تتعلم فقط القواعد النحوية، بل ستتعلم أيضًا كيفية تطبيقها في المحادثات الحقيقية. - في نهاية كل درس، سأقدم لك تمارين لمواصلة الممارسة والتحسين. 🚀 Remove the water from the water. اتصل بي للحصول على مزيد من التفاصيل! 🚀
Spanish · Communication skills
Trusted teacher: Whether your goal is personal or professional, speaking is a predominantly physical activity, relying on a body, a voice, a breath, a rhythm (diction) and an emotion (the imagination and the sensations, reflecting the involvement of the speaker in his speech. How to send a clear message? How to make the difference, to make an impression? How to regain self-confidence and control the management of his emotions? Knowing how to speak in public is now a necessity for the company and in the company. From a personal point of view, this is a vector for better relationships and optimal messages. On the phone, in a meeting, in front of a client or a banker (...), your public speaking must be effective and efficient with clear, simple and powerful messages, creating a match between the message received and the message sent. Simple and pragmatic tools will be presented and then put into practice for: generating listening ● making an impression ● fostering trust ● generating need ● motivating teams by explaining a strategy ● getting messages across within groups. Controlled, the method allows: • improve self-confidence and stress management with the development of the speaker's fluency (verbal-bodily), his public speaking and his sense of repartee and improvisation • to work on his ease, leadership, his NLP, his charisma, his creativity and to go towards a certain personal development, through a set of scenarios * improve the characteristics of the spoken voice (timbre, pitch, intention, flow) Completed by basic exercises (diction, voice, presence, breathing, presentation, time management ...), role plays, improvisations and simulations will be set up. With the key words: pronunciation, rhetoric, verbal and non-verbal communication, diction / articulation, the sense of repartee, structured speech (...). The goal is not only to focus on verbal communication but also on nonverbal communication, so as to make the control of his body, his voice (...), a real and lasting strength. Depending on the interaction between the trainer - coach and the one who consults, there is no single way to operate: each type of session depends on the needs and difficulties of each. In all cases, it is very often a question, while adapting to your own needs and after having precisely diagnosed your desired objective and the blockages encountered, to combine the theory (the bases of the studied concept, for example NLP / information asymmetry / the "how to say no" / the tools of non-verbal communication or the application of kinaesthesia) and its application (through exercises and direct applications). For example, are discussed: - the fundamentals of public speaking: breathing, gaze and body language - diction and elocution: rhythm and range of your voice - management of your emotions and your emotional overflow (example: stress) - work on the body, to amplify your charisma and ensure consistency between your message and your body ... with the aim of: * Enhance your presentation and arouse interest by focusing on your strengths, your qualities ... your personality * Match the content and form of your message * Improve your charisma, your self-confidence and the benefits of your emotional intelligence Postgraduate School Training & Ivy league college in the United States, specialized and worked for over 13 years, in Europe and North America, in the field of communication and public speaking in renowned public and private international institutions, involved in forums and conferences, and focused on two areas: training and coaching, with the key words pedagogy and careful methodology. PLACES - Locations: Geneva - Lausanne - Friborg - Neuchâtel - Montreux - Basel - Sion - Sierre - Morges - Bienne. But currently and until further notice, only by videoconference in accordance with national recommendations on Covid. These sessions also seem to be perfectly unanimous since they have the advantages of live (example: quality of the interaction), without its disadvantages (example: loss of travel time) with additional advantages (example: notes that can be re-read on the chat). In this context, the videoconference sessions for which you asked me to seem to suit everyone perfectly, take place very optimally and generate a certain enthusiasm (and a certain enthusiasm). That is why, at your request, I continue to offer this option. Take good care of yourself and yours! PROGRAM A la carte program: evaluated and adapted to each need.
Communication skills · Public speaking · Language arts
English · Arabic · Communication skills
Trusted teacher: ➤ A follower of the "message beneath the message", as Roland Barthes would say, the semiologist is above all a detective of language and helps you in this sense: he sees meaning, deciphers and carefully analyzes the signs that surround him to interpret their meaning, reports on the effects of meaning, the connotations and the implicit present in the communication. He starts from the surface signs visible to all to bring out the latent meanings. His interest is most often focused on the phenomena "on the margin", at first glance not very significant, which are located behind the scenes, rather than on stage. In short, all these elements not necessarily visible at first glance. What applies to semiological analysis? Everything: Images, logos, websites, gestures, behaviors, words, speeches, symbols, spaces, in short everything that allows humanity to communicate. On the other hand, the semiological method cannot be invented since it is very specific. Like an iceberg, it is a question of going from superficial and visible signs to latent signs and meanings. ➤ A fascinating discipline, semiology and the analysis of gestures, behaviors and verbal & non-verbal language allows us to decipher the signs of our personal and professional daily lives. In a political speech, on an advertisement, or through our gestures in the professional and personal context, our words and behaviors, the narration of signs mark a certain relationship to the world. ➤ By learning to dissect the meaning of words and gestures, semiology allows us to take a particular look at the coherence of communication and its relevance (versus the opposite), to understand the details of our own speech, and then to make good use of it. ➤ Thus, from the semiological methodology (rigorous, specific, objectifying), verbal, graphic, symbolic and behavioral identities can emerge. ➤ Finally, semiology is neither a matter of philosophy (it only operates from one or more corpora, concrete materials to be analyzed) nor of psychology (it is less interested in intentions than in the signs produced). It is an analysis, a look at one's own communication and that of others which allows one to react better intuitively. ➤ This is why these sessions are intended to be above all practical: filmed exercises, analysis of images to be dissected and then implementation of techniques / tools / methodology which will help you in your daily life, to improve your verbal and non-verbal language but also to decipher and understand that of others. ➤ Among the content browsed: 1) identify and act on behaviors: -transmission of acquired knowledge on non-verbal communication in order to quickly detect intentions -immersive team-building mode to bring out helpful behaviors (despite the saboteurs) 2) Profiling - Diagnose and guide based on a written or visual corpus: -build the storytelling -bring out a type of profile -understand insights 3) Brand Strategy - Create a new brand, company or personal positioning 4) Concrete techniques & a targeted methodology for: ✓Acquire practical tools to improve your rhetoric/repartee ✓Decode and use the practical communication tools of great leaders ✓Fundamentals (practices) of eloquence but also of oratorical art (intonation, gaze, gestures, elocution, range, emotions, pronunciation, development of one's own style of charisma, etc.) to ensure consistency between content and the form ✓Fundamentals of Body Language to support and not interfere with the speech while being convinced & convincing. ✓ Highlighting their speech & promoting their speaking to arouse interest, by building on their strengths. ✓Creation of a coherence between the message emitted & the message received in order to improve its speech and in fact, its professional/personal relations. ✓Management of Q&A sessions & external reactions during an intervention or an oral exchange. ✓Practical tools to put your interlocutor at ease and appear friendly/interested. ✓To succeed in a negotiation/mediation. ✓On the one hand, learning to say 'no' simply in three steps AND on the other hand, getting people to say 'yes'. ✓To turn sentences into positive AND constructive. ✓To manage conflicts (eg 'assertive' communication techniques, eg CNV techniques - Non Violent Communication). ✓To put NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) at the service of communication. ✓To adopt effective, simple, fair and engaging language. ✓To use sentences, turns of phrase & expressions allowing to be precise, simple, effective & challenging. ✓To manage your personal & professional relationships with, for example, the preparation of your ratings. ✓Make your hypersensitivity a strength to tame your abilities. ✓Listening proactively and expressing / conveying ideas / message clearly. ✓Avoid letting your emotions show and propose a constructive solution to problems, while drawing on your own relational skills. ✓Be better equipped to recognize and immediately remedy situations that weaken their authority and affect their ability to communicate effectively. ✓Enhance their potential for expression and creativity (often underestimated until now) and 'apparent' sociability ✓Develop not necessarily self-confidence, but the 'appearance' of self-confidence, refine one's listening to respond adequately, open up to the resources of the imagination, free oneself from the rational to then structure one's speech. ✓Relate their communication objectives (project, institution, values, ideas, demands, etc.) to the form of their expression. ✓Learn and put into practice persuasive communication techniques and better understand the perception that others have of oneself. In order to improve his skills of 'self-presentation' and conveyed image. ✓Practical techniques to foster the engagement of the other party. ✓Strengthen the structure of its communication and develop a convincing argument in order to sell its ideas and projects. ✓ Optimizing internal and external relationships are professional fundamentals so that the structure of sessions, business dialogue and mastery of change communication are valuable. ✓ Decode advertisements, logos and slogans, Understand the impact of images and symbols on our emotions, Analyze cultural trends across the media, Create your own visual messages with formidable efficiency ✓ Analysis of non-verbal communication: - paralinguistic level: voice analysis, intonations, speech rate (...) - proxemic level: analysis of the distance between bodies/individuals - kinesic level: analysis of postures, gestures and facial expressions - infralinguistic level: analysis of physiological changes (dilation of pupils, blushing, sweating, etc.) - symbolic level: analysis of what adorns the body such as clothing, badges, tattoos (...) ➤ The semiologist or semiotician is led to specialize in certain universes, whether it is luxury, mass consumption or behavioral and body dynamics. His analyst side (linguist, semantician, semiologist, semiotician) and lecturer on the themes of negotiation and non-verbal communication will support your approach. ➤ So, discover the hidden secrets of signs if you are curious to understand the mechanisms behind advertisements, works of art, films or even social networks, if you want to learn to decipher hidden messages and analyze the signs that influence our thoughts and actions on a daily basis. As part of a fun and interactive learning experience, with concrete exercises for a captivating immersion. ➤ In short, in a context guided by the tools of semiology, the ability to speak in public is today an essential transversal skill to assert oneself, inform, negotiate and convince. However, to master the keys to successful public communication, it is necessary to strengthen the impact of one's own speeches: by structuring one's interventions and taking into account the circumstances and expectations of the audience; by making an impression through storytelling; by integrating the psychological and emotional factors of effective oral communication; by integrating emotions into the preparation of the message and arguments; by anticipating objections and delicate situations; by preparing and structuring an attractive and convincing presentation framework; by experimenting with the rules of improvisation; by adequately managing difficult situations (...). ➤ Whether your goal is personal or professional, speaking is a predominantly physical activity, relying on a body, a voice, a breath, a rhythm (diction), an emotion and above all techniques, tools, a method, a know-how, reflecting the involvement of the speaker in his speech, all guided by the principles of semiology and behavioral analysis. ➤ So, how do you listen and be listened to, convince and be impactful, challenge and make an impression, enhance your content, address your audience appropriately and optimize the quality and clarity of the exchange/message? It is precisely about going through, implementing and deploying practical and effective techniques of oral presentation, simple intervention or 'one to one` exchange, aimed at challenging your audience or interlocutor, taking care of the content as well as the form, all in a professional or personal setting. For this, there are verbal and non-verbal communication techniques, based on semiology. ➤ Thus, mastered, the practical method allows, through a set of simulations and scenarios based on your daily experience supporting pragmatic & concrete techniques, to improve self-confidence, assurance, ease by overcoming embarrassment and controlling emotion in public. But also to work on leadership & charisma, in a context where empathy and emotional intelligence are at the service of communication, all based on the founding principles of semiology. ➤ To master the keys to successful public communication, it is necessary to master certain practical aspects of semiology, to strengthen the impact of your speeches: by structuring your interventions and taking into account the circumstances and expectations of the audience; by making an impression through storytelling; by integrating the psychological and emotional factors of effective oral communication; by integrating emotions into the preparation of the message and arguments; by anticipating objections and delicate situations; by preparing and structuring an attractive and convincing presentation framework; by experimenting with the rules of improvisation; by adequately managing difficult situations (...). ➤ In short, each session combines techniques & practical exercises adapted to your daily situations (filmed with your agreement in order to be reviewed, commented on, decoded together live), so that you can apply them immediately, and from the 1st session. 🚀 Discover the Hidden Secrets of Signs. Dive into the fascinating world of semiology with our practical training! Are you curious to understand the mechanisms behind written or oral communication? Learn to decipher hidden messages and analyze the signs that influence our thoughts and actions on a daily basis, with fun and interactive learning: Beyond theory, you will participate in concrete exercises, case studies to master the art of communication. Join us for a captivating immersion in one of the most exciting fields of human sciences! THE TRAINER ➤ With training from Grande Ecole post-preparatory classes & Ivy League university in the United States, our teacher trainer has specialized and has worked for more than 15 years in the field, in Europe and North America, in renowned international public and private establishments, regularly speaking in forums and conferences, and also offering personalized INDIVIDUAL support, with pedagogy and careful methodology as the watchwords. ➤ PLACE, TIMETABLE, PRICES ✓ Locations: Geneva-Lausanne-Fribourg-Zurich-Neuchâtel-Lugano-Basel-Neuchâtel-Berne-Lucerne-Brussels-Luxembourg-Paris-Lyon. But currently, these sessions continue to be offered by videoconference in the current context and in accordance with general demand which is almost unanimous on this subject. ✓ Indeed, apart from the classic advantages of videoconferencing (time saving related to travel & their unforeseen events, eco-responsibility, increased schedule flexibility, etc.), the quality of the session & the interaction remain identical. In addition, the entire exchange, notes and recommendations are immediately transcribed on the dedicated chat. ✓ To support us among ourselves & to be pleasant to you in this sustainable / particular period and in a spirit of solidarity, the fees are temporarily reduced and will not increase after the start of our sessions. ✓ Languages: French/English. ✓ The progress following these private sessions is perceptible from 1 to 2 sessions (*2024 study). ✓ As other people do regularly, you can also please your loved ones by offering gift vouchers available all year round.
Communication skills · Mass communication · Public speaking
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Our students from Shanghai evaluate their Communication Skills teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Communication Skills teachers, we ask our students from Shanghai to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 198 reviews.

CTCSOL Certified Chinese Teacher Learn Chinese language & culture in a systematic and fun way (Rotterdam)
I was thinking, that learning Chinese is extremely difficult, however, thanks to Shan,  this language becomes more and more clear for me. Every lesson is very productive and I feel, that I progress fast! Today, there are numerous teachers, who can teach you Chinese. However, only a few of them can make the educational process so interesting and enjoyable. Luckily for me, Shan is one of them and I am very happy, that I found her. Shan is very precise and corrects every my mistake. She can easily explain how to properly pronounce words with different tones, how to write syllables, the grammar and many more. I like, that with her, I am not just memorising Chinese language, but I do really understand it. Overall, without a doubt, I can say, that Shan is a great teacher! 心💕
Review by DARIA
Learn and practice your Spanish with a private tutor in Medellin (Medellín)
Camilo is an excellent Spanish teacher. We’ve been working together for 2.5 months and my Spanish has advanced so much. I’ve worked with teachers in the past and have taken a lot of classes, I can confidently say from experience that Camilo really knows what he’s doing. His lessons are well planned and thorough, the homework assignments are not too time consuming and really focus on the topic we are learning and help me advance a lot. He’s a genuinely nice person and I enjoy our conversations. Class time always goes by so quickly because it’s a lot of fun (and we check out different cafes around Medellin which is also fun!). I highly highly recommend Camilo as your Spanish teacher!
Review by OLIVIA
Mathematics (Applied Math, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Geometry, IBM Exams, Entrance Exams): Primary/High School/Bachelor/Master Students (Wels)
Arianit is an exceptional tutor whose expertise and passion for teaching shine through in every session. He excels in breaking down complex concepts into understandable terms, tailoring his approach to fit individual learning styles. Arianit's dedication goes beyond the classroom, offering extra resources and support to ensure student success. His organized and professional manner makes learning both effective and enjoyable. Highly recommended for anyone looking to improve or excel in their studies, Arianit's guidance is invaluable.
Review by ALPER