
Communication skills lessons in Brussels

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44 communication skills teachers in Brussels

Trusted teacher: Whether your goal is personal or professional, speaking is a predominantly physical activity, relying on a body, a voice, a breath, a rhythm (diction) and an emotion (the imagination and the sensations, reflecting the involvement of the speaker in his speech. How to send a clear message? How to make the difference, to make an impression? How to regain self-confidence and control the management of his emotions? Knowing how to speak in public is now a necessity for the company and in the company. From a personal point of view, this is a vector for better relationships and optimal messages. On the phone, in a meeting, in front of a client or a banker (...), your public speaking must be effective and efficient with clear, simple and powerful messages, creating a match between the message received and the message sent. Simple and pragmatic tools will be presented and then put into practice for: generating listening ● making an impression ● fostering trust ● generating need ● motivating teams by explaining a strategy ● getting messages across within groups. Controlled, the method allows: • improve self-confidence and stress management with the development of the speaker's fluency (verbal-bodily), his public speaking and his sense of repartee and improvisation • to work on his ease, leadership, his NLP, his charisma, his creativity and to go towards a certain personal development, through a set of scenarios * improve the characteristics of the spoken voice (timbre, pitch, intention, flow) Completed by basic exercises (diction, voice, presence, breathing, presentation, time management ...), role plays, improvisations and simulations will be set up. With the key words: pronunciation, rhetoric, verbal and non-verbal communication, diction / articulation, the sense of repartee, structured speech (...). The goal is not only to focus on verbal communication but also on nonverbal communication, so as to make the control of his body, his voice (...), a real and lasting strength. Depending on the interaction between the trainer - coach and the one who consults, there is no single way to operate: each type of session depends on the needs and difficulties of each. In all cases, it is very often a question, while adapting to your own needs and after having precisely diagnosed your desired objective and the blockages encountered, to combine the theory (the bases of the studied concept, for example NLP / information asymmetry / the "how to say no" / the tools of non-verbal communication or the application of kinaesthesia) and its application (through exercises and direct applications). For example, are discussed: - the fundamentals of public speaking: breathing, gaze and body language - diction and elocution: rhythm and range of your voice - management of your emotions and your emotional overflow (example: stress) - work on the body, to amplify your charisma and ensure consistency between your message and your body ... with the aim of: * Enhance your presentation and arouse interest by focusing on your strengths, your qualities ... your personality * Match the content and form of your message * Improve your charisma, your self-confidence and the benefits of your emotional intelligence Postgraduate School Training & Ivy league college in the United States, specialized and worked for over 13 years, in Europe and North America, in the field of communication and public speaking in renowned public and private international institutions, involved in forums and conferences, and focused on two areas: training and coaching, with the key words pedagogy and careful methodology. PLACES - Locations: Geneva - Lausanne - Friborg - Neuchâtel - Montreux - Basel - Sion - Sierre - Morges - Bienne. But currently and until further notice, only by videoconference in accordance with national recommendations on Covid. These sessions also seem to be perfectly unanimous since they have the advantages of live (example: quality of the interaction), without its disadvantages (example: loss of travel time) with additional advantages (example: notes that can be re-read on the chat). In this context, the videoconference sessions for which you asked me to seem to suit everyone perfectly, take place very optimally and generate a certain enthusiasm (and a certain enthusiasm). That is why, at your request, I continue to offer this option. Take good care of yourself and yours! PROGRAM A la carte program: evaluated and adapted to each need.
Communication skills · Public speaking · Language arts
Trusted teacher: ✓ Improvisation is the art of composing within the framework of a role play, without being overplayed so as not to lose credibility, by taking pleasure and appearing convinced (because communication does not consist, for example, of having confidence, but of appearing confident). It helps with a wide range of skills (imagination, emotional faculties, physical expressiveness, vocal projection, clarity of speech, interpretation, improvisation, observation, emulation, stage combat...) to make public speaking, communication , the theatricalization enhanced by the stage space and the play of the actor - improviser. ✓ Your inventiveness, singularity, commitment and signature being at the center of this training, it is about giving you the techniques to improvise, create, stage, while showing confidence and conviction to your interlocutors, in the private sphere or of the professional. ✓ So how can you also confront your shyness or lack of (relative) self-confidence by surpassing yourself by moving forward? ➤ Express yourself with your body, your emotions, your ideas to mobilize your abilities and your creative energy ➤ Explore your path to personal expression in complete freedom and security by overcoming your fears of expressing yourself in public ➤ Activate flexibility of mind, particularly by practicing active listening ➤ Develop your creativity and imagination while overcoming your shyness, developing your speaking, listening and responding skills ➤ Anchor lasting resources such as letting go, leaving one's comfort zone thanks to a caring framework and personalized modules/exercises In application: For example, awareness raising and introduction to the Art of Storytelling have several objectives: Storytelling in public, Composing a repertoire of stories, Organizing a collective show, Games and bringing emotions into play (...). These theoretical training and practical training sessions (story structure, voice, memory, diction, management of stage fright, etc.). It is a question of going through the history of the tale (origin, different styles of tale, difference between tale and story), the art of telling (work on the voice, the body, the imagination), the tale and the child (importance of the story for the overall development of the child, resource of the imagination, difference between reading and telling) ...: in short, the intention of this course is to make you want even more, to better tell stories Open to all those interested in the story (parents, teachers, animators, educators ...), these sessions can also be offered to the person of your choice. With the program, for this example of storytelling art in particular: ✓ Explore and experience the art of storytelling and discover its hidden sides ✓ Express yourself with your body, your emotions, your ideas, play with situations (...) ✓ Mobilize your capacities and creative energy ✓ Open interior spaces of reverie ✓ Explore your path of personal expression in complete freedom and security ✓ Overcome your fear of public speaking ✓ Make room for your imagination, Develop your creativity ✓ Activate flexibility of mind, Practice active listening ✓ Cooperate, create, play down The art of storytelling therefore allows you to develop your creativity and imagination, because you are both a director and an actor. It also allows you to overcome shyness and develop speaking, listening and responding skills. Each person evolves at their own pace and uses their sense of creativity. Objective: to anchor sustainable resources such as letting go, creativity, presence or self-confidence. In short, this artistic discipline will accompany you in your personal development and will help you get out of your comfort zone thanks to a benevolent environment and playful exercises. THE TRAINER With training from a Grande Ecole post-European preparatory class & an Ivy League university in the United States, our teacher has specialized and has worked for more than 18 years in the field, in international establishments, speaking in forums and conferences. ➤ PLACE, TIMETABLE, PRICES ✓ Locations: Geneva-Lausanne-Fribourg-Zurich-Neuchâtel-Lugano-Montreux-Basel-Neuchâtel-Bern-Lucerne-Brussels-Luxembourg-Paris-Lyon. But currently, these sessions continue to be offered by videoconference in the current context and in accordance with general demand which is almost unanimous on this subject. ✓ Indeed, apart from the classic advantages of videoconferencing (time saving related to travel & their unforeseen events, eco-responsibility, increased schedule flexibility, etc.), the quality of the session & the interaction remain identical. In addition, the entire exchange, notes and recommendations are immediately transcribed on the dedicated chat. ✓ To support us among ourselves & to be pleasant to you in this sustainable / particular period and in a spirit of solidarity, the fees are temporarily reduced and will not increase after the start of our sessions. ✓ Languages: French/English. ✓ The progress following these private sessions is perceptible from 1 to 2 sessions (*2024 study). ✓ As other people do regularly, you can also please your loved ones by offering gift vouchers available all year round. CONTACT / PROGRAM ✓ A la carte program: evaluated and adapted to each need.
Storytelling · Acting · Communication skills
Trusted teacher: This training provides an introduction to the concepts of emotional intelligence & empathy with the aim of better recognizing and understanding one's own emotions and those of others. Being aware of emotions allows better management of behavior in human relationships, whether in the professional, private or entrepreneurial context (...). For example, as a key to management, it allows you to: • Measure the impact of emotions in team management • Analyze your own mode of operation to get the most out of it • To be able to put in place strategies to regulate his own emotions and those of his collaborators • Know how to approach delicate interviews taking into account the emotional factor • To be able to understand, recognize and name his own emotions as well as those of his collaborators • Discover the emotional process • Manage the team (the impact of emotions on communication and decision-making), the emotional quotient and the leadership styles • Motivate and mobilize its employees over the long term, and in particular in the context of interviews "to strong emotional potential "(reframing, motivation, problem solving, tense sessions, conflicts etc.) Emotional intelligence is a process of personal development over time. This training allows you to initiate the process, with concrete tools that can be applied on a daily basis. This training combines group activities, individual reflections, videos and scenarios. From theory to practice with simulations. It is a question of putting in place rational and professional tools to achieve the objectives set together and overcome the blockages initially defined. Controlled, the techniques allow: • to rely on emotional intelligence and capitalize on the empathy communicated to better ensure that his message is better received his message or being. • improve credibility, self-confidence and ease (verbal-bodily) with public speaking and a more fluid sense of repartee • defuse conflicts and enter your comfort / safety zone. In particular simple and logical techniques, which make it possible to resolve and manage violent situations in a harmonious, effective and lasting way, for example through NVC (Non Violent Communication) • better manage negotiation situations (contrary to the stereotypes conveyed, negotiation is not only financial, but it can be small everyday events) • Match the content and form of your message while improving the use of your emotional intelligence What you will get out of it: • Better control of emotions and therefore of your way of communicating • Better understanding of the feelings of others and the ability to lead them successfully • Better relationships in personal and professional life thanks to superior emotional intelligence • Less stress thanks to a better understanding of one's emotions and those of others • Greater determination and results-oriented mindset • Ways to develop and apply emotional intelligence in the workplace Statistically, the progress following these private sessions is quickly perceptible, from 2 sessions*. (*2024 study) THE TRAINER ➤ With training from Grande Ecole post-preparatory classes & Ivy League university in the United States, our teacher trainer has specialized and has worked for more than 15 years in the field, in Europe and North America, in renowned international public and private establishments, regularly speaking in forums and conferences, and also offering personalized INDIVIDUAL support, with pedagogy and careful methodology as the watchwords. ➤ PLACE, TIMETABLE, PRICES ✓ Locations: Geneva-Lausanne-Fribourg-Zurich-Neuchâtel-Lugano-Montreux-Basel-Neuchâtel-Bern-Lucerne-Brussels-Luxembourg-Paris-Lyon. But currently, these sessions continue to be offered by videoconference in the current context and in accordance with general demand which is almost unanimous on this subject. ✓ Indeed, apart from the classic advantages of videoconferencing (time saving related to travel & their unforeseen events, eco-responsibility, increased schedule flexibility, etc.), the quality of the session & the interaction remain identical. In addition, the entire exchange, notes and recommendations are immediately transcribed on the dedicated chat. ✓ To support us among ourselves & to be pleasant to you in this sustainable / particular period and in a spirit of solidarity, the fees are temporarily reduced and will not increase after the start of our sessions. ✓ Languages: French/English. ✓ The progress following these private sessions is perceptible from 1 to 2 sessions (*2024 study). ✓ As other people do regularly, you can also please your loved ones by offering gift vouchers available all year round.
Self-improvement · Communication skills
Trusted teacher: In order to enrich his emotional skills, it will be a question of making your emotion the ally of your professional efficiency and / or your personal harmony. Emotions punctuate your life, they intervene in a more or less conscious way and have a considerable influence on your well-being and your performance at work. How to recognize them, decipher them and make them your allies? How to face the emotions of others, anticipate their reaction and keep a step back? How to better manage unforeseen situations and tensions? These workshops allow you to learn to listen and tame emotions to improve your personal / professional relationships and strengthen your efficiency at work. The objectives are clear, with always practical applications: - Discover your own emotional process to understand the role and impact of emotions - Analyze its operations and implement personal strategies to channel them - Develop your emotional awareness to be in touch with your values - Strengthen one's balance / harmony, self-confidence as well as the best discovery & mastery of one's own resources / skills / potential as well as new tools - Overcome your fears and blockages to be able to move forward and serenely. - Reduce psychological (stress, anxiety, concentration ...) & psycho-somatic manifestations - Optimization of the emotional process & the concept of emotional intelligence - Make your sensitivity & possible hypersensitivity a strength Indeed, the sensitive & hypersensitive represent a small part of the population and are able to perceive what others do not feel, which is hidden but try to conform to what is expected of them and of them. '' be able to live in community. After a suitable accompaniment, a hypersensitive can learn to tame his innate capacities and to create harmony in his own existence. What happens during a session ? After having defined together one or more global objectives based on your initial problem, each session takes place in two stages. 1) Browse, analyze & dissect together the reflections, thoughts and notes taken during the week and related to your emotions: actions taken based on the suggestions of the previous week; thoughts; feelings: what worked or not / corresponded or not to your expectations. It is also an opportunity to get to know you better in order to better define / define / identify and then solve together the challenges / emotional blockages of the moment. 2) Based on the conclusions of the first part, a proposal of two to three sub-issues of the day to be dealt with during the session (sub-issues built from your initial issue): to answer them, for each of them 'between them, a series of ten to fifteen pragmatic reflections / actions will be proposed to you. Three possible answers: - "I have already tried this solution but it does not suit me" or "I do not really believe it": we go to the next suggestion - “Never tried” or “why not”, “I'll think about it”: we set ourselves the goal of trying as soon as the opportunity arises, by the next session Concretely, a session = a reflection but above all A SESSION = SOLUTIONS / proposals / concrete suggestions to put into practice for the following session in order to overcome its blockages. According to the defined objective, it is a question of identifying & resolving the impact of emotions and their bad channeling not only on his communication but especially on his daily life. Note that during the videoconference session, all the notes are transcribed in the chat so that you can access them at any time when you wish. ➤ PLACE, TIMETABLE, PRICES ✓ Locations: Geneva-Lausanne-Fribourg-Zurich-Neuchâtel-Lugano-Montreux-Basel-Neuchâtel-Bern-Lucerne-Brussels-Luxembourg-Paris-Lyon. But currently, these sessions continue to be offered by videoconference in the current context and in accordance with general demand which is almost unanimous on this subject. ✓ Indeed, apart from the classic advantages of videoconferencing (time saving related to travel & their unforeseen events, eco-responsibility, increased schedule flexibility, etc.), the quality of the session & the interaction remain identical. In addition, the entire exchange, notes and recommendations are immediately transcribed on the dedicated chat. ✓ To support us among ourselves & to be pleasant to you in this sustainable / particular period and in a spirit of solidarity, the fees are temporarily reduced and will not increase after the start of our sessions. ✓ Languages: French/English. ✓ The progress following these private sessions is perceptible from 1 to 2 sessions (*2024 study). ✓ As other people do regularly, you can also please your loved ones by offering gift vouchers available all year round. CONTACT / PROGRAM ✓ A la carte program: evaluated and adapted to each need. THE THERAPIST - COACH From a Grande Ecole post-preparatory class in France & Ivy League University in the United States, our teacher is specialized in Europe and North America, and has worked for more than 17 years in the field, in renowned international public and private establishments, intervening in forums and conferences.
Communication skills · Public speaking · Life coaching
(16 reviews)
María - Brussels£18
Trusted teacher: --- ENG Hello everyone! My name is Maria, a Venezuelan musician residing in Belgium. In the world of art, languages and cultures are a fundamental part of being able to understand each other and connect with each other in order to create something beautiful together, in my case music. Apart from being an artist, I like languages and learning them has become a passion for me, which is why I decided to take this passion to another level. During my classes I want to help you learn my native language, which is Latin American Spanish, in a personalized and dynamic way. The classes are separated by levels (A0-B2), where you will learn the grammar of the language but also vocabulary and expressions to use on a daily basis with other speakers of the language. My idea is that each student learns the language at their own pace but understanding and daring to speak it from the first day. Support material (book, exercises, audios, etc) is always included. Classes can be individual or in groups, both online and in person (Brussels, Belgium). Classes will be given in English and Spanish. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I hope to see you soon and start discovering and learning this beautiful language! Greetings, Maria. --- ESP ¡Hola a todos! Mi nombre es Maria, musico Venezolana residiendo en Bélgica. En el mundo del arte, los idiomas y las culturas son parte fundamental para poder entendernos entre cada artista y conectar para poder crear algo hermoso juntos, en mi caso la música. Aparte de ser artista me gusta los idiomas y aprenderlos se ha convertido en una pasión para mi, por eso he decidió llevar esta pasión a otro nivel. Durante mis clases quiero ayudarte a aprender de una forma personalizada y dinámica mi lengua natal, que es el español latinoamericano. Las clases están separadas por niveles (A0-B2), en donde aprenderás la gramática de la lengua pero también vocabulario y expresiones para usar en el día a día con otros hablantes de la lengua. Mi idea es que cada alumno aprenda el idioma a su ritmo pero entendiendo y atreviéndose a hablarlo desde el primer día. Material de apoyo (libro, ejercicios, audios, etc) está incluido siempre. Las clases pueden ser individuales o en grupos, tanto online como en persona (Bruselas, Bélgica). Clases se darán en Ingles y español. No dudes en contactarme si tienes alguna pregunta. ¡Espero verte pronto y comenzar a descubrir y aprender este hermoso idioma! Saludos, Maria.
English · Spanish · Communication skills
Trusted teacher: Learn to speak, communicate and write with eloquence. One of our most important calling cards in life is our ability to communicate effectively. English may be a common language, still Eloquently spoken English is distinct and something that is unmistakably recognisable. In this, Advanced English Communication Session, you will have ample opportunity to learn, practice and enhance specific writing and communication techniques. You will clarify, sharpen and enhance your spoken English while learning to make communicating an art. These techniques will help you enhance your English speaking vocabulary; your writing skills; as well as most effectively teach you techniques of “subtle persuasion” that will help you get your intended point across effectively - be it in business, socially or privately. This Advanced English Communication Session, is geared with fun activities and learning techniques geared toward helping you turn on your creative brain while speaking English. As a professional orator and communicator, I will share with you key techniques I’ve learned and mastered over the course of my career as a Self-Development Trainer, Speaker, Author and Master Communicator. As an NLP Trainer you will learn from me, subtle ways of communicating that will ultimately enhance every area of your life. What you will learn: Speaking Tools and Techniques to help improve your Diction and Dynamic Vocal abilities Conscious Use of Language that will help you achieve your desired result from any conversation The Advanced Three - Speaking, Writing and Effective Communicating How to use the written language with greater eloquence and ease. How to enhance your unconscious memory recall of language. Communication Jargon that will help you instantly improve your communication style How to enhance your ability to communicate with precision whether you are resolving conflict or negotiating. Who should take this course? Anyone, native or non-native to English speaking, seeking to enhance there professional communication skills and techniques.
English · Public speaking · Communication skills
Negotiation · Strategic planning · Communication skills
Trusted teacher: I'm a 33 years old french teacher and I've been living here in Brussels for 11 years, 8 of them as a french teacher. Before that I studied political sciences and had a couple of experiences in public communication. As a teacher, I gave classes in languages centers (such as Berlitz or Semantics), so I worked and continue working in different environments like lawyer cabinets, hospitals, companies or NGO based in Brussels or with people learing french through unemployment programs). But I also give private lessons, like the one we might do together. This brought me to work with different linguistic, cultural and professionnal backgrounds as well as with very different age classes (from 5 to 65). My class is essentially based on improving communication skills, that is to say that I give an advantage to the practice of verbal expression, through simulations (of professional situations, like doing a public presentation or conducting a meeting,...) and conversation (around documents and medias like articles, audiovisual items,...). Nevertheless, when learning or doing the revision of grammar points is needed, I organize grammar items to work on too (the use of the subjonctif, la concordance des temps, how to express hypothesis,...). For that, I use primarly the book Grammaire Progressive du Français but can also use different material (I worked with some product of the editions Alter Ego more centered on workplace oriented needs for example). So my methode is "taylor-made" as I adapt the content around the needs of each students in term of their communication objectives. Don't hesitate to ask me if I forgot to mention anything in this quick profile!
French · Communication skills · Grammar
Thanks for taking time to check out my profile. I'm an outdoor-loving Canadian, born and bred in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia. A life-long student of life and educator across multiple time zones and countries. I'm currently living and working in Europe as an educational consultant for local schools and learning institutions. Here are some of the topics I've covered: ★ Language acquisition that caters towards employment, culture, interviews, career and immigration ★ IELTS and TOEFL examination prep ★ Conversational and body language skills between natives ★ Pronunciation perfection ★ Critical thinking and development skills ★ Leadership goals & mentoring ★ English for the workplace and moving abroad ★ International relations, theory and business ★ Language acquisition for high school and middle school students ★ Information Technology (IT) English with a focus on economics, blockchain, finance and online colloquialisms ★ ★ Introducing an AI-inspired teaching curriculum where you'll learn how to use tools, learn terminologies and what the experts are saying about our future! Want to hit that dream job? Perhaps you’re an international student considering moving abroad? Or maybe you just want to brush up on your language skills to make you a more attractive person, employee and citizen of the world? If this is you, don’t hesitate to send me a message if you have any questions and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours - promise. Each lesson with me is always open to customization as I've had tremendous experience outlining step-by-step guides that outline our monthly plans, goals and ambitions. My current students are often business professionals, single moms, undergrads, transfer students and people interested in the IT sector, investment field and personal development with big dreams and ambitious goals. After a complimentary lesson where we will discuss where you are, and where you want to be - I'll be sending you a detailed outline of a plan moving forward so we can get started. All it takes is one message. I'll see you in class, Dante "Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching" ─ ✔ 2023 note: As per request from several students, I've been asked to cover the Theory of Knowledge program that I previously taught for multiple years. This program offers a high-quality and critical look into the nature of knowledge and the process of knowing. If this is something that would interest you, please let me know.
Vocabulary · English · Communication skills
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Our students from Brussels evaluate their Communication Skills teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Communication Skills teachers, we ask our students from Brussels to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 65 reviews.

Spanish Lessons, Speaking classes in Spanish, Get ready for DELE, anything you want about Spanish (Saint-Gilles)
Germán is a great teacher and also fun to work with. He first carefully diagnoses strengths and weaknesses and then designs tailored exercises around the learning needs and gives concrete feedback and shares vocabulary tips. If you search someone to better understand homework/grammar exercises or someone for stand-alone private classes, German is your guy for both. He can explain grammar or improve conversational skills. Before our private lessons, I took courses at the Cervantes institute and my professor there also respected him a lot for his teaching methods and knowledge.
Review by NILS
Cours de violoncelle pour tous! / Cello lessons for everyone! / ¡Clases de Cello para todos! / Cellolessen voor iedereen! (Woluwe-Saint-Lambert)
My daughter had a very positive and helpful first lesson as someone who has returned to playing cello after a few years break. Maria was professional, kind and constructive in her approach. Both myself and my daughter were very happy with the first 2 lessons and look forward to learning more with Maria.
Review by VICTORIA
Chinese language for daily communication practice and listening (Woluwe-Saint-Pierre - Sint-Pieters-Woluwe)
Lili is such a nice teacher who has a lot if patience. She knows how to let kid learn with interests. We will absolutely continue study with her.
Review by ULYSSE