
Cello lessons in Utrecht

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15 cello teachers in Utrecht

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15 cello teachers in Utrecht

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Trusted teacher: My goal as a music teacher is to make the students able to experience all types of emotions by playing music, understanding the musical process from its roots with a creative approach. My lessons are designed according to the specific needs of each student and the main objective is to guide them in the optimal direction to achieve their full potential in a fun way. Thereby, the instrument becomes a tool to understand what making music really means and will be a way for the student to express his emotions. My approach to the lessons can provide a lot of creativity, fun and originality. How will my lessons look like From the first lesson, the student will start making music. We will begin learning the basic concepts of music, developing listening and rhythmic skills with fun exercises. Lessons will also be focused on learning the basics of music theory, creating a solid technical base and paying special attention to having a relaxed and healthy body posture. My academic and professional experience has helped me create a teaching method where improvisation is an essential tool for the student. I enjoy working on it from the beginning since it is a perfect way to develop musicality. Playing different music genres together As a musician, another of my sources of inspiration is to get to know and to learn from different styles, playing and experimenting with music from the classical period until the most avant-garde style. During the lessons, we will play pop, jazz, classical and many other styles. I would like to explore the instrument with the student in a fun way, growing, improving, and discovering new ways of making music together. During the lessons the students and I could play together, either playing some duos with the cello or accompanying them with the piano, which is an activity that I really enjoy. Playing together with more people and with a polyphonic instrument from the beginning will give the student clues to learn how to play in ensembles and listen to all the different voices that can be part of any musical composition.
Cello · Piano · Music theory
Trusted teacher: Violoncello lessons for beginners, intermediate or advanced students, all ages (children to adults), to enjoy music on their own, or as conservatoire support lessons. Also practice lessons for entrance exams. 24-year-old Spanish teacher with a Superior Degree in cello at Royal Superior Conservatoire of Music of Madrid (RCSMM), and current Master student of HKU Utrecht. I can teach in English or Spanish, also available if you only speak Dutch. 4 years of experience in teaching at academies and private lessons to people of all ages. High-profile commitment to student and results. Lessons are to be taught either at the student's home or at mine. Héctor, cellist He was born in 1994 in Granada (Spain) and starts his musical studies with the violin when he was 7 years old. The following year he continues his musical education with the violoncello and teacher Arantza Hernáez. Later he takes lessons from Ignacio Perbech and Ignacio Navarro. At the age of 15 he enters the Conservatorio Profesional Ángel Barrios, where he takes lessons from Alberto Martos, Jeremías Sanz Ablanedo and Óscar Faus. Later he graduated from the Royal Conservatory of Music of Madrid (RCSMM) in the class of maestro Ángel García Jermann. He has been a member during several years of the Joven Orquesta Sinfónica de Granada (JOSG), Orquesta de la Universidad de Granada (OUGR), for which he received a grant, Orquesta Barroca de la Basílica de San Juan de Dios de Granada, Orquesta Sinfónica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (OSUCM), Orquesta de Cámara Joaquín Turina de Madrid (OCJT), Orquesta Filarmonía de Granada (OFG), String, Symphonic and Classic Orchestras of the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid (RCSMM), Orquesta Santa Cecilia de Madrid, Francigena Festival Orchestra, between others. In 2014-2015 he takes part in a tour of China with the Orquesta Filarmonía de AICEA Granada. In 2017 he plays with the Big Band of the RCSMM, and with the Banda Sinfónica Municipal Ciudad de Guadix. He has gone to varios refinement courses like the Course Manuel de Falla de Granada, in numerous occasions, Forum de Cellos de Madrid (Forum CelloMAD), also in numerous occasions, CelloLeón 2017, Zutphen Cello Festival Masterclass august 2017, Francigena Festival 2018, Música Antigua de Daroca y de Gijón, between others, taking classes and advice from soloists and pedagogues like Lluis Claret, María Kliegel, Christophe Coin, Wolfgang Schmidt, Troels Svane, Amit Peled, Damián Martínez, Michal Dmochowski, Sung-Won Yang, Ursula Smith, Paul Uyterlinde, Olsi Leka, Viviane Spanoghe, Karlien Bartels, Mick Stirling, Gideon Den Herder, Ran Varon, Jeroen Den Herder, Herre Jan, Timora Rosler, Larissa Groeneveld, Miguel Jiménez, Luis Ángel Quintana, Guillermo Pastrana, Paulo Gaio Lima, Pelayo Tahoces, Aage Kvalbein, Robert Nagy, Georg Baich, Christoph Stradner, María de Macedo, María Casado, Adolfo Gutiérrrez Arenas, Arnau Dupont, Gabriel Delgado, Mery Coronado, Caetano Nasillo or Sabina Colonna. In 2013 he won first prize in the III Contest of Chamber Music of the Conservatorio Ángel Barrios de Granada in duet formation with the pianist Javier Herreros, and second prize with the Nazarí Cuartet, of which he is a member, and in 2014 he wins second prize in the XIV Soloist contest of the Conservatorio Ángel Barrios de Granada. In 2016, he wins first prize in the Jesús de Monasterio contest, with Cuarteto Quiroga and Josep Colom acting as judges, playing in his string quartet, the Cuarteto Bran. This cuartet was chosen to play that same year in the Auditorio Nacional, and as prize did a tour of concerts in the Teatros el Canal in 2016. In that same year 2016, he is a founding member of the chamber group Animus iocandi, displaying intense activity. In 2017, he wins a special mention with his string quartet Cuarteto Gayarre in the contest Jesús de Monasterio. He is a founding member, together with Valentín Rejano García, of the Dúo Babylon, with which he gives various recitals in the province of Granada. Founding member of several Vionloncello ensembles, with which he gives concerts in the province of León and the city of Zutphen. He is chosen in the Zutphen Cello Festival 2017 to give a solo violoncello recital in the St. Elisabeth Chapel of Zutphen. He has been a participating member of the contemporary music festival COMA17 in Madrid. He was selected to play in an event for the Global Treaty of the UN in 2017 in Madrid. He takes part in the 2018 Francigena Festival. He participated in several occasions as a soloist with orchestra in the Auditorio Medina Elvira of Granada, in the Centro Cultural Sara Montiel of Madrid, and in various churches. He has also played in major music halls like the Auditorio Nacional de España in Madrid, Sala Mozart in Zaragoza, Teatro Cervantes in Málaga, Auditorio Fórum Evolución in Burgos, Fundación Juan March, Auditorio Manuel de Falla in Granada, Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Madrid, Music Auditorium in Zutphen and Real Colegiata de San Isidoro in León, with orchestra conductors like Enrique García Asensio, Moritz Gnann (Boston Symphony Orchestra), Ricardo Espigares, Cristóbal Soler, José Sanchís, Miguel Calderón or Gabriel Delgado. In relation to chamber music, he receives lessons from teachers like Cibrán Sierra, Aitor Hevia and Josep Puchades of the Cuarteto Quiroga, Carole Petitdemange y Yuko Hara of the Cuarteto Ardeo, Misha Amory of the Cuarteto Brentano, Thuan Do Minh, Fazil Say, Hiro Kurosaki, Ana María Valderrama, Emilio González, Mauricio Linari, José Segovia, José Luis Estellés, Miguel Franco or Paco Moya, with his actual string cuartet formation Cuarteto Bran and others. Currently, he is studying her master's degree in the interpretation of the violoncello at the HKU Utrecht Conservatory with the teacher Timora Rosler.
Cello · Music theory lessons
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To ensure the quality of our Cello teachers, we ask our students from Utrecht to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 21 reviews.

(ALSO SKYPE) Cello lessons (and baroque) in Utrecht for all the ages and levels (Violoncello music classes) (Utrecht)
As an adult, embarking in learning how to play the cello without any musical background is a daunting challenge. Hector has made the start of my journey a very pleasant and enriching one. We started with the fundamentals of music theory, have worked through the physical challenges of playing this instrument and continue to build on the right and left hand techniques. He is a passionate cellist who efortlessly welcomes you into the beauty of his art. I'm definitely happy to recommend him as a teacher.
Review by MARIA
Cello (classical and modern), entertaining oriented. (Amsterdam)
My first set of lessons were really great and I will definitely take more. I came in as a beginner and in every lesson Gala helped me make meaningful progress step by step. She is also very encouraging, motivating and playful during the lessons. Even if at times you just practice fundamental motions without using note sheets, if she's not actively giving feedback she will improvise to play along with you. Learning and playing with her always ends up being fun.
Review by JULIEN
Personalized cello lessons (cello, cello)
Renata is a genuine and warm teacher who knows the cello intimately. Renata had me believing in myself, and my journey as a cellist isntanlty. Ive learnt so much and I can't wait to keep learning!!
Review by CARLA