
Business management lessons in Ar Rifā‘

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3 business management teachers in Ar Rifā‘

Trusted teacher: Arabisch-Muttersprachler & Lehrbeauftragter der Frankfurt University of Applied Scineces seit 1994 bietet bundesweit Arabischkurse und Arabischeinzelunterricht für alle Lernstufen: Anfänger, Fortgeschrittene und Konversation für Profis. Angeboten wird Alltags-, Hoch-, Medien- und Facharabisch wie Wirtschaftsarabisch sowie einige Dialekte: u.a. Ägyptisch, Golf-Staaten, Jordanisch, Libanesisch, Palästinensisch, und Syrisch). Weitere Dialekte auf Nachfrage. Teilnehmer an diesem Kurs beherrschen mindestens ca. 1.500 Wörter der Alltagssprache in Wort und Schrift (Level: A2-B1) und können z. B. einfache, dreisilbige Verben (sogenannte starke Verben) in der Gegenwarts-, Vergangenheits-, Futurs- und Befehlsform konjugieren bzw. nichtvokalisierte Texte lesen. Kursinhalte: Es handelt sich um Medienarabisch, d.h. die Sprache, die man im Internet ebenso in Zeitungen, Magazinen, Radio, Film, in Lehranstalten wie Schulen und Hochschulen sowie bei offiziellen Verlautbarungen allgemein verwendet. Und zwar von Mauretanien / Marokko im Westen über das östliche Mittelmeer bis zum Oman im Südosten. Der Dozent hat für die Kurse eigene Skripte erstellt, die im Kurspreis nicht inbegriffen sind. Sonstige Arbeitsmaterialien: Alla Elgibali / Nevenka Korica “Media Arabic A Coursebook for Reading Arabic News”. The American University in Cairo Press 2007 El Mustapha Lahlali “Media Arabic. Advanced” Edinburgh University Press 2010 Elisabeth Kendall “Media Arabic. The Top 1000 Words for Understanding...” Georgetown University Press 2009 Gelesen werden z.B. die Tageszeitungen Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, Al Hayat, Al Sharq Al Awsat, Al Quds Al Arabi und Al Ahram sowie u.a. die Online-Ausgaben und TV-Berichte der Fernsehstationen Al Jazeera und Al Arabiya? Nähere Informationen erhalten Sie bei Samir.
Arabic · Communication skills · Business management
Trusted teacher: Class Description: The Business and Economics class offers a comprehensive exploration into the fundamental principles and practices of both disciplines, providing students with a robust foundation for understanding the interconnectedness of the business world and economic systems. This class serves as a gateway to understanding the dynamics of markets, industries, and global economies. Key topics covered in this class include: Microeconomics: Students will delve into microeconomic theory, examining how individual consumers and firms make decisions regarding resource allocation, pricing, production, and consumption. Topics include supply and demand, market structures (perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition), elasticity, and consumer behavior. Macroeconomics: Explore the broader economic context, focusing on national and global economic indicators, such as gross domestic product (GDP), inflation, unemployment, fiscal policy, monetary policy, and international trade. Students will analyze the impact of government policies and external factors on economic performance. Business Environment: Understand the various external factors that influence business operations and decision-making, including political, legal, technological, socio-cultural, and environmental factors. Students will learn how businesses adapt to and navigate these environments to achieve their objectives. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility: Examine ethical considerations in business practices, corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability, and the impact of business decisions on stakeholders and society at large. Students will evaluate case studies and ethical dilemmas to develop a nuanced understanding of ethical decision-making in business. Market Structures and Competition: Analyze different market structures and their implications for business strategy and performance. Students will explore concepts such as competitive advantage, market positioning, pricing strategies, and barriers to entry. Financial Literacy: Develop essential financial literacy skills, including understanding financial statements, interpreting financial data, budgeting, personal finance management, and investment basics. Throughout the class, students will engage in interactive lectures, discussions, case studies, simulations, and hands-on projects to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios. Emphasis will be placed on critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to make informed decisions in business and economic contexts. Assessment will be diverse, including quizzes, exams, projects, presentations, and analytical essays, allowing students to demonstrate their understanding and proficiency in various aspects of business and economics. By the end of the class, students will emerge with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, theories, and practices that underpin business operations and economic systems, preparing them for further study or careers in fields such as business management, economics, finance, or entrepreneurship.
Business management · Economics for students · Economics for adults
Trusted teacher: Hello, I am a trainer, expert coach in supporting people, entrepreneur, and business development consultant. I have more than 6 years in business management. I have a triple American, Swiss and French university degree. I make use of all the skills and experiences acquired available to students. My support objective targets different categories of people of all ages. Children wanting to improve their language skills up to adults and other professionals. My course material consists of improving all aspects of your English, to communicate better in the workplace. The program will use up-to-date business-targeted teaching materials that will help you progress in the specific areas you want to improve, * with an adaptation of business materials. elementary learning for beginning intellectuals and small age groups. A second impulse will aim to meet other professionals, share business ideas and solutions and build your professional network. You will experience business-focused lessons, allowing you to practice English through role plays, presentations and written tasks. * with elementary learning materials for beginning intellectuals and small age groups. The third axis will help you learn in a professional and commercial environment, while developing your communication skills to better direct your professional objectives. * with elementary learning adaptation for beginning intellectuals and small age groups. (English Version) Hello I am a coach in self esteem accompaniment, entrepreneur, and business development consultant. I have more than 6 years experience in business management, monitoring, and performance analysis, I have a triple American, Swiss, and French university degrees. I implement all the enhanced skills and experiences acquired through my career orientation at the disposal of the interested students whom are willing to benefit to sharpen their knowledge and skills. The added value of the designed learning program is aimed to serve intellectuals falling within all age groups. Ranging from Children willing to improve their language skills, up to adults and other intellectuals with a more developed professional ambition. My program material is aimed to improve all aspects of your English, to better communicate, and enhance hearing and speaking communication skills in the workplace or at school for intellectuals belonging to smaller age groups. The program will be designed to use business-focused and updated teaching materials, which will help you progress in the specific areas you want to improve, plus with elementary learning materials for beginners and smaller aged groups intellectuals.
English · Communication skills · Business management
Trusted teacher: Welcome to the Artistic Self Management Online Course! If you are a freelance artist looking to master the skills necessary to jumpstart your career in the creative industry, this course is your ultimate guide. Learn to navigate the world of self-management, from promotion to strategic planning, and discover how to turn your passion into a successful and sustainable career. Duration: 8 weeks (16 video lessons) Course Modules: 1. Introduction to Artistic Self Management - Definition and benefits of self-management - Goal setting and artistic vision 2. Building Your Personal Brand - Identification of your artistic identity - Creation of a coherent image and voice 3. Marketing and Promotion Strategies - Use of social networks and digital platforms - Creative campaigns and engagement strategies 4. Audience and Fan Base Development - Building and maintaining relationships with your followers - Creation of content that connects emotionally 5. Planning Tours and Live Performances - Organization of local and regional tours - How to create memorable experiences on stage 6. Monetization and Finance in the Creative Industry - Income diversification as an independent artist - Budget and financial management 7. Collaborations and Networking - How to establish relationships with other artists and professionals - Opportunities for collaboration and joint growth 8. Maintaining Your Long-Term Career - Strategies to evolve with the industry - Maintain passion and motivation over time Each module includes: - Video lessons with practical examples - Application activities for your own career - Personalized feedback on your strategies and plans - Case study of successful artists in self-management - Access to an online community to share experiences and tips This course will provide you with the essential tools to become a successful and confident self-managed artist, capable of taking your creative career to the next level! No matter what stage you are at, this course will give you the knowledge and confidence to stand out in the industry!
Music teacher training · Project management · Business management
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Our students from Ar Rifā‘ evaluate their Business Management teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Business Management teachers, we ask our students from Ar Rifā‘ to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 74 reviews.

Accounting, Corporate Finance, advance Economics, strategy, MIM, Grand Ecole Exam Preparation (Paris)
Vishakha is a great teacher, I enjoyed the classes together! In one week she was able to explain me a whole semester program of financial accounting to get ready for my exam. She is very patient and allows you to learn from your mistakes by trying. She is ready to help and explain again what was misunderstood. Vishakha is teacher for whom it is very important when a student really understands concepts and basics of a class. So, she will be very creative to make you imagine these concepts in real life and to understand how the process functions. She chooses a personal way to each student depending on personal abilities and time. She is very flexible and always in touch with a student to answer all the questions. She is indeed to rescue you. Thus, I would definitely recommend Vishakha for everyone who really wants to understand the subject and be able to apply the knowledge to not only exams but also in real life,
Review by NATALIA
MAKING ONESELF HEARD! (For Presentations & Public Speaking) (Casablanca)
Public speaking classes with Jay were top-notch! Even though we held the classes online, he has the rare ability to make you feel at ease in a second and I felt fully engaged. Jay covered a variety of subjects regarding tone, speed, volume, pronunciation, etc. with different exercises. I've noticed continuous progress throughout the classes and I have now a better control of my public speaking skills, which will be of great use both in personal and professional contexts. I highly recommend!
Review by NORA
Learn the Arabic language at home "Children and Adult" (Namur)
Islam is always organized and prepared for class. Her lessons are clearly structured so that students can easily follow it. Patience is a virtue. The most important quality that Islam is very patient with her students and to deal with the same questions and problems over and over again. she never give up on her students and would try out new ways to help us succeed.
Review by DENIZ