
Online Algorithms teachers via webcam

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88 online algorithms teachers

Math · Algorithms · Computer programming
1. iOS App Environment 1.1. Introduction to iOS SDK 1.2. What’s new in iOS 16 1.3. SDK Tools 1.4. What’s new in Xcode 14. 1.5. Using XCode 1.6. Using Interface Builder 1.7. Using iPhone Simulator 2. Swift Fundamentals 3. Swift Language Basics 3.1. Core Data Types 3.2. String Type 3.3. Tuples & Optionals 3.4. Constants & Variables 3.5. Statements & Operators 3.6. Control Flow & Decisions 3.7. Functions 4. Basic Object Oriented Programming using Swift 4.1. Structs 4.2. Types versus instances 4.3. Member and static methods 4.4. Custom initialization & De-initialization 4.5. Classes 4.6. Initialization 4.7. Methods 4.8. Properties 5. Advanced Object Oriented Programming using Swift 5.1. Optionals 5.2. Introducing optionals 5.3. Unwrapping an optional 5.4. Optional binding 5.5. Nested Types 5.6. Generic Types 5.7. Protocol 6. Memory Management 6.1. Reference Counting Basics 6.2. Automatic Reference Count 6.3. Retain Cycles 7. iPhone Application Basics 7.1. Anatomy of an iPhone application 7.2. Application Life cycle and States 8. User Interface Programming – Basics 8.1. UIKit Framework 8.2. XIB and Interface Builder 8.3. Window & View 8.4. Basic User Controls 8.5. Labels, Text Fields, Buttons, Sliders, Picker etc. 8.6. Building application screens 8.7. Alerts and Action Sheets 9. Auto-layout and Constraints 10. View Controllers 10.1. Basics 10.2. Creating View Controllers 10.3. Content vs Container View Controllers 10.4. Orientation Management 11. User Interface – Special Views 11.1. Image View 11.2. Scroll View 11.3. Table Views 11.4. Populating and configuring Table View 11.5. Data Source and Delegate 11.6. Table View Cells 11.7. Custom Cells 11.8. Editing Table View 11.9. Collection View 12. Multiple View Controllers 12.1. Applications with Multiple Views 12.2. Presenting View Controllers 12.3. Animating View Switching 12.4. Tab based applications (Tab Bar Controller) 12.5. Configuring the Tab Bar 12.6. Navigation based applications (Navigation Controller) 12.7. Working with the Navigation Bar 13. Storyboards 13.1. Storyboard File 13.2. View Controller and Scene 13.3. Segue 13.4. Invoking a Segue 13.5. XIB and Storyboards 13.6. Table View Cell Prototype 14. Multi Touch and Gestures API 14.1. Events and Touches 14.2. Gesture Recognition 15. Data Persistence – 1 15.1. File System 15.2. SQLite 16. 16. Data Persistence – 2 16.1. Core Data 16.2. NSUserDefaults 17. Concurrency and Background Execution 17.1. GCD and Closures 17.2. NSOperation and NSOperationQueue 17.3. Background execution 18. Networking, Connectivity etc. 18.1. Making web request 18.2. Restful services 18.3. JSON 18.4. Apple Push Notification Service 19. Multimedia 19.1. Audio and Video 20. iOS App Architectures 21. MVC, MVP & Clean Architectures 22. Reactive Programming 23. Introduction to unit testing & TDD 24. Introduction to Git 25. Best Practices, Profiling and Performance Tuning
Computer programming · Computer science · Algorithms
Showing results 26 - 50 of 8826 - 50 of 88

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Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.6 out of 5 based on 10 reviews.

Programming courses in Python for beginners, intermediates and advanced. (Woluwe-Saint-Pierre - Sint-Pieters-Woluwe)
Abdelkhalek can explain everything very well so that a person with no or little programming experience could understand. He is a friendly and patient person with a lot of experience. To crown it all, I'm very happy with Abdelkhalek, my Python experience and I am look forward to booking more session with him! :)
Review by MICHELLE
Math and physics private teaching for secondary students (Beirut)
Very friendly and has an efficient method of teaching :)
Review by RANIA